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I wanna run a D6 RPG online, dammit! Who's with me?

Posted: 2003-05-04 01:05am
by Utsanomiko
Ok, as I've mentioned, I've had quite a hankerin' to get a small handful of people together online and run a good old fashioned, PnP-style roleplaying game, using West End Game's good ol' D6 engine (since I've run a few adventures with it and it's the only one I'm extremely familiar with running).

Anywho, my first idea was a Star Wars adventure, preferrably with either a party of neutrals (like outlaws or mercenaries, though pirates would be cool), or Imperial sympathizers (Rebel parties are just too typical in my book).

But then I got a great idea for applying the D6 engine to Fallout. I'd have to modify the system a bit (I was thinking of combining Mechanical and Technical attributes together, adding/removing skills, and adding perks), and do a lot of work for creating weapons, enemies, and the map (I thought of setting it in the midwest, becasue I'm familiar with the area and I'd have more freedom from continuity), but I really feel the appeal and potential of Fallout will make the effort pay-off.

I'm no pro at GMing, I'll admit, but I am a quick typist and and can think on my feet pretty well. I've got some good ideas for stories and such, so I think I can pull off something fun. Oh, and no muchkins allowed, so either Stormtroopers can kick your asses, or ammo and guns are in short supply after the Bomb. :mrgreen: :wink:

Right now, I know at least Shep, Spanky, and DPDarkPrimus are interested in Fallout, at least. I've got quite a bit of free-time to run this, so I'd mostly like to know who's interested in what, what kind of character they'd like to play (so I can plan an adventure around them), and when they'd typically be free.

I'd also like to know the general concensus of where I should run it. On the board might be too slow and cumbersome, and I don't know how everyone else feels about IRC or AIM private chatrooms, and I'd like some other suggestions, as well.

So if anyone's interested or has suggestions, comments, and such, feel free to post.

Posted: 2003-05-04 01:24am
by Anarchist Bunny
I'd be all for it if I had any fucking idea how to play.

Posted: 2003-05-04 01:31am
by DPDarkPrimus
anarchistbunny wrote:I'd be all for it if I had any fucking idea how to play.
It's easy to pick up, assuming you do a little reading first.

Posted: 2003-05-04 01:33am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
<-- only knows d20

Posted: 2003-05-04 01:53am
by SirNitram
D6 is great stuff. Even useful for MUSHes. If I could just figure out how to let my Firewall let people onto a MUSH I run, I'd offer mine.

Posted: 2003-05-04 01:59am
by StarshipTitanic
If I am to play it has to be simplistic because I can only play really early like 1 AM on weekends.

Posted: 2003-05-04 02:15am
by Utsanomiko
Learning to play D6 is sooooo fucking easy, it's not even funny.

Once you learn how the attributes and skills are set up, You only really need to know some basics about combat and skill uses and rolls and such, which I could easily go over in a 'training' adventure.

Basically, everything revolves around skill rolls, done with 6-sided dice, versus a particular difficulty number, separated into 6 categories of difficulty ranges (for easy reference and guideline). Example: If I want to throw a rock at DPDarkPrimus, standing maybe 10 meters away (GM determines the difficulty is Easy, so the number is 8 ), I'd roll my Throwing skill dice of 4D (4 dice. It's a skill based off of Dexterity, so if I didn't have the Throwing skill, I'd just roll Dex.), against the difficulty number.

*Rolls four dice, because I have them handy* My Throwing roll is 16. So I could easily whap him where he stands. :mrgreen:

But DP, being a fairly perceptive kind guy, decides that his action this round is to dodge it (or at least move around so it messes me up). His Dodge skill is 3D+1 (3 dice and an extra point).

*Rolls three dice for DP, adds a point to the total* 7. He only manages to turn his shoulder to the left, which doesn't mean jack, becasue I still hit him square in the forearm (I rolled a check to see where I'd hit him, with and w/o dodging, but that's optional at GM's disgression). If he rolled a 17 (maybe a 16, I'd have to check again), it'd have missed him.

So, how about damage? Let's say the rock is a pretty big, kinda pointy one, and does STR+2 damage, meaning it's my Strength attribute plus 2 points (since it's momentum is a factor of my both my Strength and its size). So I've got 3D+1 strength, and he's got 4D for some reason.

*roll rock's damage* 12.
*rolls DP's Strength attibute to resist rock's damage* 15. No damage to him. If he rolled a bit under, he'd get some kind of status like Wounded or Stunned, making him lose turns or get penalties to his rolls. But he's fine, though it probably pissed him off. But what eaxctly he'd do next is for another round. :wink:

Posted: 2003-05-04 02:17am
by StarshipTitanic
I can get that without Vanilla Coke, I'm good! :)

Posted: 2003-05-04 02:19am
by Sr.mal
<------ Grew up on D6 hell yeah I'm interested. I'm tired of DND bring on Star Wars or Fallout.

Posted: 2003-05-04 05:08am
by namdoolb
yes, D6 is good. :)

If it's Star Wars, I'm in.

But what times in the week were you thinking of running it?
(being in the UK, timezone difference could quite easily K.O. my involvement.)

Posted: 2003-05-04 05:18am
by Slartibartfast
I'd love to, if we do that training adventure thing.
I do have the "text" of the D6 SW, read bits of it but still can't figure out the D6 system.

Posted: 2003-05-04 10:54am
by Anarchist Bunny
I'm all up for it, if we do a training mission first, and it's starwars.

Posted: 2003-05-04 10:57am
by NecronLord
I'll need to pick up the system, other than that, fire away. SW first, then fallout later.

Posted: 2003-05-04 11:49am
by Enforcer Talen
spose I should dig up my d6 system again. 2nd edition? 3rd?

Posted: 2003-05-04 12:52pm
by Sr.mal
I have the D6 Star Wars book for reference. D6 is easier to learn than d20

Posted: 2003-05-04 01:00pm
by Straha
D6 system is better then anyother system, EVA!!!

Problem is that it's a dieing breed, and that the last great D6 system, WEG SWRPG, was bought out by ::sniff sniff:: WoTC and they turned it into a D20 system!!

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Posted: 2003-05-04 01:10pm
by Utsanomiko
I was only aware of WEG's 2nd edition (revised and expanded); didn't ever hear of a third.

Anywho, though I really wanted to run Fallout, I guess SW will be good to start with and refresh my skills, and figure out if more than just available skills need to be changed to run Fallout.

Like Sr.mal said, it's really easy to learn. Just have an idea of what attributes are used for what, and a print-out of your character sheet would also help (I have a template scanned, which I could add text to and send as a low-size format). Some things concerning free-actions, called shots, taking longer/shorter time to do an action, and round sequence is about everything else you need to know, but that's easy to pick up on (and I'll give hints as we start off as to some of your options; just ask for a Knowledge check and I'll dispence some info).

So other than what I wrote about smacking DP with a rock, there's not a whole lot to worry about. The rest is pretty straight-forward.

Posted: 2003-05-04 01:15pm
by SirNitram
Darn. :( I liked Perks.

If this is gonna be SWRPG, what's the policy on starships/Jedi starting out and further into the game?

Posted: 2003-05-04 01:42pm
by Utsanomiko
SirNitram wrote:Darn. :( I liked Perks.
I know, I liked that feature of the GRUPS system so I was going to add it to Fallout to capture the same feel (and to balance the fact that everyone would be the same species)
If this is gonna be SWRPG, what's the policy on starships/Jedi starting out and further into the game?
Most likely, if anyone's got a starship, it's not going to be new, have more than one or two guns, and don't expect it to run flawlessly every time. I'm not going to stick you with a total junkheap, but I'm not giving each character one, either, unless the adventure centers around ships (I had an idea for a mercenary fighter group that recieved 4 Y-wings and a transport for their use, but most of hteir salary went into payments). So I don't have a set-rule on ships, but in general you won't get anything really notable unless it's part of the adventure.

The house rules on Jedi: Starting characters start off with just force sensitivity, and not any Force Skills. Unless you come up with something in-depth for their background and not just "Um, my dad was a Jedi, so I start off with all three Force skills". The rulebook seems to have starting characters use their Attibute Dice to buy Force skills starting off, which really sucks. I'd rather GM the chracters starting off their skills than loosing 1-3 dice to begin with. The only exception to this would be if all the chracters were some group of Jedi, then I'd be willing to grant them 2-3 of the skills in addition to their normal Attribute Dice (Dark Jedi are still going to be on your asses, though).

As for further into the game, Force Skill levels are probably not oging to go over 2D-3D, and finding teachers is going to be difficult, especially for Force Powers and for training (time and character points spent to improve is double without teachers, so going from 1D to 3D would cost 18 points and take almost 3 weeks). Anyone with decent skills and powers will be the target of Imperial forces and Dark Jedi (The low-level ones will be bad enough, being manaical black-robe wearing sadists with just 1-2 skills. You do not want to know what kind of twisted Sith powers the higher-level ones will have and use, and hope you don't actually see them; I'll make you kids squeal like roped piglets. :twisted: )

I don't let players play droids, either. I simply feel their abilities are too quirky to use, plus it throws off the feel that droids are chiefly hardware, not characters.

Posted: 2003-05-04 01:55pm
by Straha
Darth Utsanomiko wrote: The house rules on Jedi: Starting characters start off with just force sensitivity, and not any Force Skills. Unless you come up with something in-depth for their background and not just "Um, my dad was a Jedi, so I start off with all three Force skills". The rulebook seems to have starting characters use their Attibute Dice to buy Force skills starting off, which really sucks. I'd rather GM the chracters starting off their skills than loosing 1-3 dice to begin with. The only exception to this would be if all the chracters were some group of Jedi, then I'd be willing to grant them 2-3 of the skills in addition to their normal Attribute Dice (Dark Jedi are still going to be on your asses, though).

I don't let players play droids, either. I simply feel their abilities are too quirky to use, plus it throws off the feel that droids are chiefly hardware, not characters.
ON Jedi: What I usually do is let some people have force skills in one of the three attributes, but it only manifests in some occasions, and even they don't know when it manifests.

But on droids why did you get rid of them? One of my best charecters was a Protocal Droid that had some R2 attachments, it was so Fun sometimes! I played with him for quite a bit of time. :)

Posted: 2003-05-04 03:10pm
by Enforcer Talen
I think I like d20 more.

what date is this game set in?

Posted: 2003-05-04 03:18pm
by Utsanomiko
Enforcer Talen wrote:I think I like d20 more.
Oh well, can't say I agree with you.
what date is this game set in?
If Fallout, probably 2173.

If Star Wars, either not long after ANH or ROTJ, or in whatever timeframe people are interested in the most that I'd be willing to GM. I don't have any idea at the moment for a SW adventure.

Posted: 2003-05-04 03:35pm
by namdoolb
Yeah, best to keep it grounded near the Original Trilogy. As well versed in SW history as the majority of the board is, not everyone knows the EU all that well, whereas there is no excuse for not knowing the movies. :)

You could go for the prequel rilogy, but I for one just don't find that era quite as.... immersive. plus there's a lot more jedi knocking around in that era.

Posted: 2003-05-04 03:50pm
by SirNitram
If it's an OT romp, I have a wicked-ass background written for a forceuser. 8)

And if I did ask for a ship, it would be the horror known only as the R-Wing: An Ugly whose firepower output is actually pretty good, except it never manages a flight without one or more guns coming loose.

Posted: 2003-05-04 03:57pm
by Anarchist Bunny
I'm going to have to look through my collections of Inquest, I think they had a guide of adding Borg, Klingons, S8472, Feds, Betazeds to SWRPG, dont' know which system it was based off, but still, could have the game match the theme of the site.