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HALO 2 screens

Posted: 2003-05-13 02:45pm
by thecreech
Man i usually go to the E3 but have to skip it this year and here is something that i am going to miss (Sniff Sniff) ... id=13-7.db

Posted: 2003-05-14 01:35am
by Companion Cube
*Drool* :shock:

Posted: 2003-05-14 02:34am
by Captain tycho :shock:
Fuck, I'm gonna go buy an X-box right now!

Posted: 2003-05-14 03:56am
by Vympel
Captain tycho wrote: Fuck, I'm gonna go buy an X-box right now!
I wouldn't if I were you, you'll be dicking around with a massive brick of a console with no good games besides Halo that you can get on other systems, and the worst controller ever made.


Posted: 2003-05-14 07:46am
by Jaris Merc
ITS THE MOFO WITH THE SWORD! I hate that basterd!!!!! hate hate hate hate hate....*on last pic*

grrrrrrr..... as for this inferior controller BS theres several different types of X box contollers out for those of you with small inferior hands :twisted: and yes all the other X box games suck except for Splinter Cell and Halo....

Posted: 2003-05-14 08:50pm
by Specialist
Vympel wrote:
Captain tycho wrote: Fuck, I'm gonna go buy an X-box right now!
I wouldn't if I were you, you'll be dicking around with a massive brick of a console with no good games besides Halo that you can get on other systems, and the worst controller ever made.
Actually I think it's one of the best controller ever made.
I've been looking for a similar controller for my pc for months now. I hope they start to make some clones.

Posted: 2003-05-14 09:03pm
by HemlockGrey
This better come out on Gamecube, like Splinter Cell did.

Posted: 2003-05-14 09:12pm
by thecreech
HemlockGrey wrote:This better come out on Gamecube, like Splinter Cell did.
What? HALO? sorry man it isn't going to happen, Microsoft owns Bungie and there not going to let there flag ship title end up on anyone elses platform.

Posted: 2003-05-14 09:16pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Looks like those screenshots take place on Earth.

I'm so glad I own an X-Box. It simply rules.No matter how much Vympel bitches about it.

Posted: 2003-05-14 09:23pm
by thecreech
Yeah it does take place on earth. I own all three systems so i never miss a game.

Posted: 2003-05-15 12:28am
by Vympel
DPDarkPrimus wrote:No matter how much Vympel bitches about it.
The POS sucks and you know it. :lol:

"We have Halo! We have Halo!"

"Well, you know the controller is retarded."

"It's good, I really like it, I wish they made it for PC!"

*tosses delusional person a mouse and keyboard*

"You were saying?"

Posted: 2003-05-15 02:16am
by DPDarkPrimus

View that, and tell me it doesn't totally kick ass. It's all IN-GAME, remember.

Posted: 2003-05-15 02:27am
by Shinova
HALO 2 is coming out as another XBox exclusive for the moment? Crud. So we have to wait another 2 years for a PC Halo 2.

Posted: 2003-05-15 02:35am
by Crayz9000
Vympel wrote:The POS sucks and you know it. :lol:

"We have Halo! We have Halo!"

"Well, you know the controller is retarded."

"It's good, I really like it, I wish they made it for PC!"

*tosses delusional person a mouse and keyboard*

"You were saying?"
LOL... Well, the hackers have already ported Linux to the Xbox... all it needs now is a runtime environment for the games, and you can use a USB keyboard and mouse on it!

Posted: 2003-05-15 03:22am
by Gandalf
How long till some git decides to go for X-Box Windows.

Posted: 2003-05-15 03:31am
by Crayz9000
Gandalf wrote:How long till some git decides to go for X-Box Windows.
What do you mean? Upgrade it to Windows XP? Because the Xbox operating system is built on the Win2K kernel...

Posted: 2003-05-15 04:03pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Vympel wrote: The POS sucks and you know it. :lol:

"We have Halo! We have Halo!"

"Well, you know the controller is retarded."

"It's good, I really like it, I wish they made it for PC!"

*tosses delusional person a mouse and keyboard*

"You were saying?"
Yes, such a POS that I bought it after debating intelligently with myself as to which console I should buy. :roll: There is more than Halo for X-Box, and whether or not you Microsoft-haters choose to admit it, the console is worth buying.

The controller is not retarded. The fact that an inanimate object cannot have mental retardation without the posession of mental capabilites aside, it is one of the best video game controllers I have ever used, and I have played almost every video game system since the Atari. Oh, and I'm talking about the 'giant' controller, which fits just fine in my rather small hands.

So what if Halo was originally slated for a PC release (pulls out old articles from 2001 he has about it), and so what if the mouse and keyboard is a superior control setup to any console controller? That doesn't make the X-Box any more a POS than any other console.

Posted: 2003-05-15 05:12pm
by HemlockGrey
Bah. I need both a Box and a Cube, and I have the money for neither...