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Fisher, We Need You Again

Posted: 2003-05-23 11:31am
by Admiral Valdemar

Posted: 2003-05-23 11:36am
by Ghost Rider
Cool...let's see how the online thing pans out as well.

Posted: 2003-05-23 11:44am
by Admiral Valdemar
Ghost Rider wrote:Cool...let's see how the online thing pans out as well.
I was thinking of such a feature but dismissed it last night given how most people want to just go around and shoot shit a la Quake.

But then I remembered Counterstrike and how tactical that can get and I feel they could just pull this off.

All the same, I'm practically at the end of Splinter Cell on the PC now after playing it straight all week (was still on mission 1 about 6 weeks ago but never got around to playing properly).

Posted: 2003-05-23 04:19pm
by phongn
For a second, I thought you meant the Lord of the Battlecruiser :P

Posted: 2003-05-23 04:32pm
by Sea Skimmer
Excellent news. Now I just need to get a PC that can run the thing so I dont have to go over to a friends house to play.

Posted: 2003-05-23 05:06pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Sea Skimmer wrote:Excellent news. Now I just need to get a PC that can run the thing so I dont have to go over to a friends house to play.
Mine runs it quite smoothly on 256MB RAM, a GeForce 2 and 1.7GHz Pentium 4.

I'm upgrading in September for HL2 like, but Splinter Cell 2 should be brilliant.

I love the whole concept of one guy meaning so much and it being realistic unlike your average FPS etc.

Posted: 2003-05-23 08:24pm
by Bob McDob
Bobby Fisher sucks.

Posted: 2003-05-23 08:40pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Bob McDob wrote:Bobby Fisher sucks.

Posted: 2003-05-23 09:19pm
by Agent Fisher
yes another Splinter Cell :D :D :D :D :D