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Yep oddball gaming law in Washington State

Posted: 2003-05-24 02:45am
by Ghost Rider

Posted: 2003-05-24 02:54am
by Captain tycho
"Violence against law enforcement officers?"
:wtf: How is that worse than games that depict, say, the slaughtering of an entire city?

Posted: 2003-05-24 03:58am
by Gandalf
Now games smuggling can be a serious insustry, though I just had this pic in my head of a darkened alley with a little nerd-guy and a tough looking smuggler.

"You got the merchandise?"
"All here"
Nods are exchanged.

Posted: 2003-05-24 10:59am
by Straha
Captain tycho wrote:"Violence against law enforcement officers?"
:wtf: How is that worse than games that depict, say, the slaughtering of an entire city?
I think you'd be killing a couple police men there, but what happens to the RPGs where you have to kill town watchmen?

Re: Yep oddball gaming law in Washington State

Posted: 2003-05-24 11:01am
by Straha
Ghost Rider wrote:behold
the power of moldy cheese.

Posted: 2003-05-24 05:37pm
by Stormbringer
Stupid law that I doubt will ever be enforced. I mean that's just not going to happen and I doubt it'd even stand up to a legal challenge.

Posted: 2003-05-24 05:56pm
by RogueIce
Gandalf wrote:Now games smuggling can be a serious insustry, though I just had this pic in my head of a darkened alley with a little nerd-guy and a tough looking smuggler.

"You got the merchandise?"
"All here"
Nods are exchanged.

Gotta love it...

Posted: 2003-05-25 05:31am
Usually, a game that depicts violence against law enforcement officers would have a mature rating anyway. What does this law change? Not a goddamned thing. Will retailers give a damn about who buys the games? Nope. Will anybody get punishment for this? Uh-uh.

Just another example of neutered legislation that looks "good" on paper (to some small-minded people, anyway) but here in reality, has absolutely no effect.

Posted: 2003-05-25 10:46am
by Sir Sirius
The purpose of legislation such as this is not to actualy achief something, it is simply intended as a way of sucking up to the soccer moms in order to gain some votes in the next elections.