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What's the best way to clean up a CD?

Posted: 2003-06-01 03:17pm
by Straha
I have some decently (as in two cats playing Tic-Tac-Toe) scratched up games over here which I want to play, how does one clean em up?

Posted: 2003-06-01 04:16pm
by J
Toothpaste & a paper towel or soft cloth, I'm not kidding, it really does work (don't look at me like that...I'm not crazy!). Spread a bit of toothpaste on the CD with your finger and polish it with the paper towel until the scratches go away. Don't forget to wash off the CD's with water before using them. The toothpaste polishing will leave tons of fine swirl marks on the CD but those are usually too small to mess up the CDROM unless yours is really picky. It worked for my CD's after I bumped them off my desk and stepped on them after coming home late from a party.

Posted: 2003-06-01 04:35pm
by Straha
jmac wrote:Toothpaste & a paper towel or soft cloth, I'm not kidding, it really does work (don't look at me like that...I'm not crazy!). Spread a bit of toothpaste on the CD with your finger and polish it with the paper towel until the scratches go away. Don't forget to wash off the CD's with water before using them. The toothpaste polishing will leave tons of fine swirl marks on the CD but those are usually too small to mess up the CDROM unless yours is really picky. It worked for my CD's after I bumped them off my desk and stepped on them after coming home late from a party.
:shock: :shock:

[paranoid]Mommy! She's out to get me again!!![/quote]

I'll try it and see....

Posted: 2003-06-01 05:40pm
by aerius
Straha wrote: :shock: :shock:

[paranoid]Mommy! She's out to get me again!!!
I'll try it and see....[/quote]

The reason it works is because toothpaste contains very fine abrasives which help clean all the crap off your teeth. Which is why those weirdos who brush their teeth 5 times a day sometimes end up brushing all the enamel right off their teeth which ain't good.

Posted: 2003-06-01 06:50pm
by DPDarkPrimus
None of that clear gel shit, though. Regular paste only. :P

Posted: 2003-06-02 12:37am
Strangely, another solution that works is peanut butter...

Posted: 2003-06-02 01:00am
by DPDarkPrimus
SPOOFE wrote:Strangely, another solution that works is peanut butter...
Nice try. :P

Posted: 2003-06-02 04:06am
by Stampede
just don't use one of those skip doctors. dear god. Tropen had one of those he bought from his work and i decided to try it out. the damn cd played better with all the scratches on it than it did after i ran it through that piece of shit.

Posted: 2003-06-02 03:47pm
by Straha
Alright I did it once, didn't work, going to do it again right now.

Posted: 2003-06-02 06:10pm
by Pu-239
Wipe in a radial fashion, not circular

Posted: 2003-06-02 06:13pm
by Beowulf
Pu-239 wrote:Wipe in a radial fashion, not circular
Circular is harder for the ECC to fix.