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[STGOD 2] Story Thread

Posted: 2003-06-22 08:56pm
by Stormbringer
The game starts now. Have fun.

Posted: 2003-06-22 09:01pm
by Darksider
The NKSE would like to announce that three Stormbringer class destroyers have been marked as obsolete, and are for sale. Price is to be negotiated.

Posted: 2003-06-22 09:44pm
by Spyder
"Citizens of the Hive, our isolation is at an end. The people that once scorned us are now scattered to the astral winds and although they are many, they are divided. The time has come for us to seek our rightful place in the cosmos. As you hear this colony ships are being distributed amongst the border worlds, soon new settlements will be erected providing new opportunities to those brave pioneers upon our frontier. Let the Hive grow and freedom reign!"

Posted: 2003-06-22 10:10pm
by Sea Skimmer
World of Angband, Azjol-Nerub city, sublevel 741

The room was relatively modest but functional. Two entrances led in and out, several vents maintained a cool temperature despite the great subterranean depth of the chamber. The walls and ceiling where mostly bear concrete with only a few hanging. A circle of padded benches filled the center. It was possibly the most important space within the Federation of the Shadow.

Brains sat on those benches, but not the typical Nerubian brains that controlled a few thousand workers or soldiers. These brains where larger, less mobile and infinitely more important. Three where military, commanding all Nerubian forces and often many Scythian. Three where industrial, controlling the workers and industry and all economics of the Nerubian hive. Finally a seventh was the executive, controlling the lesser six and all relations. Its word was finnal and its knowledge contained all that was known. They talked incessantly, never sleeping. Words where too slow, telepathy provided for there communication.
"The outsiders threaten us."
"Probes in jash sector have found a vast army and armada, it is one of many equal to our own."
"The workers can toil no faster, what of the Scythian?"
"They are increasing production and spending. But it will not be sufficient."
"Hive safety has never been at so low a level. If the Nerubian cannot work faster then we shall grow."
"Indeed the Nerubian must grow."
"The Nerubian will grow," interjected the executive. "The orders will been issued, the process will begin." The cluster of minds fell silent for a second, then started up once more on a new issue.

But a kilometer above in the hatcheries new activity took place. To maintain the Nerubian population levels tens of millions of eggs where laid and hatched each and every day. But egg production often outstripped demand and if placed in a very cool environment the rate of development within the egg could be radically reduced. Effectively allowing the eggs to be stored in reserve for years. But now workers entered these reserve egg rooms in vast numbers. The temperature rose quickly, a jolt of fifteen degrees was sufficient to return an egg to a normal and rapid rate of development. The first eggs would hatch within ten days, the last queen and brain within three months. And then the Nerubian would grow, at a rate exponential rate.

Posted: 2003-06-22 10:13pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Shots rang out in the capital today as the SCOSIX Chief Director was shot and wounded by a team of assassins. He was hit by multiple conventional projectiles containing lethal toxins and is not expected to live through the night. While on-site security personnel refuse to comment, a bystander reported to have seen one of the assailants apprehended. Local KAK officials have denied any reports that they have one of the attackers in their custody.

The Chief Director was the man behind the United Communist Space Exploration Initiative, which has been expanding the borders of the UCS for 23 years. He was also an indespensable member of the research team that gave us the technology needed to build our Stalin-class carriers.

Posted: 2003-06-22 10:28pm
by Darksider
ATTN: All interested nations and corperations
From: NKSE Foreign office
RE: Industrial technology

We are greatly interested in aquiring new industrial technology to increase our economy and industries. If you have equitment that is of high quality, we are willing to purchase it.

Posted: 2003-06-22 10:50pm
by Alyrium Denryle
Draconis Republic Broadcasting Network. Your source for galactic news

The Republic today has announced the release of Global Defense Grid Satellite.

These defensive weapons are to be deployed across all Systems within the next year, to provide protection from ships and missile strikes.

"These defenses are sorley needed. In space, the threat of attack becomes all the more serious as enemies can appear at a moments notice. We are also in the conceptual stage of a system to shield ou populace from missiles that get through, and from energy weapons. We dont know how we will do it yet, but we will try."

Posted: 2003-06-22 10:51pm
by Raxmei
Darksider wrote:ATTN: All interested nations and corperations
From: NKSE Foreign office
RE: Industrial technology

We are greatly interested in aquiring new industrial technology to increase our economy and industries. If you have equitment that is of high quality, we are willing to purchase it.
Some Several corporations (Mornward Industrial Design, Wainwright Apparatus co., etc) have expressed interest. Most notable offers are in industrial machinery and automated factory controls.

Posted: 2003-06-22 10:55pm
by Stravo
The conclave sat quietly in the massive pulsing chamber deep in the bowels of the living capital city of Vrix Prime. The city itself was an enormous organism designed to filter the ambient atmosphere of the planet and provide simple heating and sustinance to the inhabitants.

Only Genegineers and not their subjects were allowed to live in the massive living cities, the Genegineers did it for the simple reason that the most sensitive operations took place within the cool pulsing walls, but secretly there was also the simple fact that the current human population could not stomach living within an organism. Psychological tests had been run for decades that indicated a pronounced negative response from human subjects. It was a sure sign that humanity needed to ascend before it could fully embrace the blessings of biotechnology.

"What are the assesments?" #1 asked. He was a tall slim human male, blonde hair and intense lumiscent blue eyes, all Genegineers shared this trait, nearly glowing blue eyes.

"The various powers all show signs of standard internecine conflict. We read a wide range from 4 to 11 on the Kompski scale of development. This should prove challenging." #6 a beuatiful woman with flowing black hair and a perpetual furrowed brow.

"We need to have a care. It is not the human powers which concern me, we have dealy with our brothers in the past and our mission has only been affirmed by their abberant behavior. It is these alien powers which we must watch closely." #7 interjected. An elderly Asian human, with long white hair, his usual glowing eyes were dim, a sure sign that his current incarnation was failing and soon he would return to the body banks, his new body grown and ready, his cuurent memory stores would be uploaded to the new clone body and the chain of immortality would continue.

"And our treaty with the Draconis Republic?" #3 asked. #3 was a young male child, no more than 16 he had recently emerged from the body banks and was the youngest of the Conclave physically. Like all the others he had lived through dozens of incarnations.

"A way to keep tabs on the only other major power that utilizes biotechnology. The treaty could prove fruitful in the end, but we must be cautious." #4 replied, a dark skinned human.

"It matters not, we must soon turn our attention to military matters as we must assure that our mission is not frustrated by powers looking to expand." #10 sneered. He was a muscular dark haired male, by far the most militaristic of the conclave who fully embraced his immortality, leading many of teh major assaults in their history, he had gone through the most incarnations of any of the Conclave.

"Yes, let us speak of weapons of war. In the end, whether they want to or not, our fellow man will ascend."

Posted: 2003-06-22 11:01pm
by Darksider
Raxmei wrote:
Darksider wrote:ATTN: All interested nations and corperations
From: NKSE Foreign office
RE: Industrial technology

We are greatly interested in aquiring new industrial technology to increase our economy and industries. If you have equitment that is of high quality, we are willing to purchase it.
Some Several corporations (Mornward Industrial Design, Wainwright Apparatus co., etc) have expressed interest. Most notable offers are in industrial machinery and automated factory controls.
We wish to purchase a few test units, to see if they are advanced enough to meet the growing needs of our empire. If they are, we will award you the contract for many more.

Posted: 2003-06-22 11:59pm
by Alyrium Denryle
The Drraonis homeworld was a site to behold. Trees as far as the eye could see. Massive trees, of many species each with its own flowers and fruits, rainbows foating in a sea of green. This was not the site of an uninhabited forest, or a nuture reserve. This was the Republics capital city. The High Forest. Fel' Theth went about their daily business, gliding from tree to tree. Cimbing into their homes, trees genemoded to form apartments in their trunks and branches. The city was literally shaped and grown from the land itself.

And in the center of the forest, rose a HUGE living building. Rising over 300 stories over the frest canopy, this giant senate building was made of living trees, and vines. It pulsed with life, and its leaves changed position with the wind, and the position of the local star.

Inside the building wasa mass of vines and these formed cooridors and hallways for the climbing Fel' Theth, within them rooms and offices branched out...this was the capitol building, the center of Fel' Theth society. Within its center, a massive room..or was it a clearing? Opened up, dappeled sunlight sneaking through the walls. Withing sat the congress. Currently the senate was in session. Moving up, far above on a giant platform composed of living plants, Chancillor Nazerene sat with his cabinet.

"What of our treaty with the Protectorate?"

"It iss needed, I know they are probably trying to ssimply keep tabs on uss. But the benifits of such a treaty are tempting. Besides, we can keep an eye on them ass well."

"But couldnt they be a danger?"

"They could be, they believe that the human race is sssuperior to the other races in sspace, and that coud lead to some expansionist tendencies...hence my request for the defense sssystems"

Posted: 2003-06-23 12:40am
by Thirdfain
Desjardins- Capital World, Three Suns Commonwealth

Desjardins means "The Gardens," in the french-english Creole spoken by thos who had first landed on her lovely, forested surface seven hundred years ago. She had once been a lovely world of green, massive forests, and the ever-present scent of the xenoflowers, which bloomed spectacularly foor the arriving colonists.

She had changed drastically since then- her surface was covered in a sheath of steel and stone, massive arcologies spread across a full third of her surface. The laws forced the congolomerates to set aside one square mile in a hundred for the native trees, and they did- tiny isles of soil, tended by quiet volunteer gardeners, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of one of the Known Space's largest cities.

This mighty city, named for the planet, was touted in the tourist ad holos as "The City of One Thousand Gardens."

In the center of this city lay the largest garden of them all- five square miles, a circle of green native flora, with the bulk of the crashlanded Ark proturding from the center- The Chamber, the mighty structure made from the hollowed out ark, where the Congress of the Three Suns Commonwealth met. Around the Ark, outside it's attending gardens, lay the massive military training facility- miles upon miles of barracks, university buildings, and the great Forming facilities, were the soldiers were bulked up with primitive genemod techniques, and inplanted with the basic combat package- the socket in their neck for the squad communications devices.

Beneath the Chamber, in a small, dark room, with two slim gentlemen in the austere uniforms of Internal Security at the door, four men and three women met to talk. The chamber they at in was the most secure location on the plant- hardened, deep underground, and in a facility wich few knew existed.

They discussed the Co-Prosperity Sphere. One of the women, head of the largest shipping corporation outside of the Caliphate, discussed the prospect of admitting aliens into the CPS-
"The money is there for the taking. We need to open new markets to our goods, or else we'll be sunk by the Caliphate's competition."

"That's out of the question!" Said one gentleman, his Commonwealth uniorm devoid of all insignia- a sure sign that he was at the highest level of command- "The security risks are too great. The nonhuman empires are frighteningly powerful- look at the Federation. We need to maintain the CPS as an all-human organization, and use it to forge military ties with the Krytos, the Commies, and the Caliphate."

"General, you don't seem to understand." Said on woman, her slim, black form bearing the destinctive signs of the extensive genemodding used by those who inhabited the vast zero-g cities orbiting Desjardins.
"The CPS is as the Void- outside the control of any one power, open to all to use. It is a resource, not a tool. The more who become associated with the CPS, the greater a resource it is- for ALL combined, not just us."

"Easy for you to say." snorted the first woman.
"You don't know shit about the way we do business through the CPS. You and your Mother Void worshippers spend to much time praying and too little time engaged in real business. My organization has used CPS channels to ensure huge revenues with some of the corporations of the alien powers by telling them that I will use my influence to try to help them get in."

"I served my hitch in the Navy as you did, Claire. I understand the necessities of the material world. The teachings of the mother Void are of use even to you. They ae pragmatic for the spirit AND the body."

The second gentleman in the room, a slim fellow with the crescent and three stars of the Les Coloniste d'Islam tattooed on the back of his hand, grinned broadly.
"you waste your time bickering, but Emile is right. We here do not have the influence, yet, to control the CPS, and we perhaps never will. We must allow it to take it's course, and do what we can to expand it in power- but at the same time, we must realise it will nver be anything more then what it is today. I say we forge a close alliance with the Communists and the Caliph (may his name be never forgotten.) They will be strong allies, and they will provide us with a power base to assure our safety from potential external threats."

"Wise, Mister Huq, wise indeed." spoke the third man present, a stocky blond man in formal civilian clothing. "Reports tell us that the Federation is expanding, but I am more worried about the Hive. They are despicable monsters, and their... practices... go against every lesson the Ancestor's struggle taught us- they seek to destroy independent Human tought, and turn all mankind into their drones. They are an abomination in the eyes of the Ancestors! We must forge alliances, and curb their power."

The final man, also in civilian formal wear, nodded. "The Hive- they represent two things. An enemy, to unite the other Human powers behind us, and a source of resources. Imagine, our great military forces, doing in the monsters of the Hive, freeing their genetically engineered Serf classes, and stepping in to begin reconstrution. It would give us credibility, and with Hive worlds under our control, perhaps some more room to expand the Commonwealth."

"This is no time to launch invasion plans." Spoke the final woman, this supported by the thin rails of an exoskeleton- a Commonwealth naval officer, modded for the decades in zero-g expected of career spacers.

"We must continue watching, making pofits, and expanding our power as we always have- Everyone buys TSC goods, everyone does business with us, and we always benefit. It mut continue that way. Tsang, your chance to shine will come eventually- but now is not that time."

"This meeting is over."

Seven men and women went on their way.

Posted: 2003-06-23 12:47am
by Seggybop
Darksider wrote:ATTN: All interested nations and corperations
From: NKSE Foreign office
RE: Industrial technology

We are greatly interested in aquiring new industrial technology to increase our economy and industries. If you have equitment that is of high quality, we are willing to purchase it.
As the guu are entirely based on manufacturing and constructing various things, our technology is very advanced at it. If you would like a demonstration, please send a representative to the Procyon system at your convenience, and you may inspect the modular factories that we are willing to sell.

Posted: 2003-06-23 01:03am
by Alyrium Denryle
FROM: Draconis Republic
RE: Admission

*Nazarene's scaly snouted face appeared in the visual portion of the message*

The Draconiss Republic wishes to join the CPS. Our particle acceleration is second to none, and our GeneModded agricultural products are ssuperior in quality to everything else on the market. It would be benificial to all if we were to join in thiss organization.

Thank you for your consideration.

Posted: 2003-06-23 08:10am
by Thirdfain
The Three Systems Commonwealth votes Aye to admission of the Draconis Republic into the co-prosperity sphere.

Posted: 2003-06-23 10:35am
by Darksider
Seggybop wrote:
Darksider wrote:ATTN: All interested nations and corperations
From: NKSE Foreign office
RE: Industrial technology

We are greatly interested in aquiring new industrial technology to increase our economy and industries. If you have equitment that is of high quality, we are willing to purchase it.
As the guu are entirely based on manufacturing and constructing various things, our technology is very advanced at it. If you would like a demonstration, please send a representative to the Procyon system at your convenience, and you may inspect the modular factories that we are willing to sell.
We will send a diplomatic envoy to view your technology.

Posted: 2003-06-23 12:54pm
by Stravo
The Genegineer Protectorate votes aye to the the admission of our valued allies the Draconis Republic.

Posted: 2003-06-23 02:32pm
by Alyrium Denryle
We thank our allies in the Commonwealth, and the Protectorate for their support.

Posted: 2003-06-23 02:39pm
by Thirdfain
The Draconis Republic needs one more vote to gain entrence into the CPS.

Posted: 2003-06-23 02:50pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
The UCS will provide that vote by voting in favor of the Draconis Republic's admission.

Posted: 2003-06-23 03:20pm
by Alyrium Denryle
Thank you. Thiss heralds in a new age of economic prosperity between all our worldss.

Posted: 2003-06-23 03:25pm
by Stormbringer
The Supreme Prophet sat meditating with the Inner Sanctum. His body was a still as a statue even as blue witch-fire curled around his body. They curled and wrapped around his lean form, the tendrils of fire caressing his body as he communed with his gods.

So long as he remained focused he was in no danger from the un-earthly fire. Falter but a second and he risked everything. It had happened to others. But ecstacy, the rapture and the power of the Transcendant Ones was too great and compelling to allow him to ignore their call.

They spoke in whispers. Their voices softly echoing inside his head. The Supreme Prophet had heard these words before but now they carried a greater sense of urgency. They could not be ignored.

As the fires slowly withdrew and the room returned to normal the Prophets retainers rushed to him.

"Youngs ones, there is much to do. They command, we obey. Hurray, we have little time to waste."

Posted: 2003-06-23 03:29pm
by Stormbringer
To: Three Suns Commonwealth
From: Sota' Rhi High Preist of the Missionary Ministry
Sub: CPS

We wish to know under what terms we might be allowed to join your group.


To: Genegineers
From: Sota' Rhi High Preist of the Missionary Ministry
Sub: Treaty

Our nations had begun the negotiations for a treaty. We wish to know if you are still interested in continuing those.

Posted: 2003-06-23 03:38pm
by Pablo Sanchez
The Caliph votes aye to the admission of the Draconis Republic to the CPS.

Posted: 2003-06-23 03:52pm
by Darksider
[Emperor's meeting room, New Krytos]

Emperor Charred sat in a meeting with his advisors

"Jack,What does the senate think of the proposed planetary defense platforms?"

The emperor's advisor, Jack connor turned and answered him.

"The senate is debating the issue fiercely, it could go either way."

"And what of the new industrial technology offers from the Guu?"

"Our inspectors have found the technology to be quite effective."

"Good, tell them we wish to use their technology to industrialize the Cronos system."

"Yes emperor."

[Senate hall, New Krytos]

The representatives from the various planets and moons of the NKSE argued with one another.

"Why do we need the new battle platforms? We are not at war with anyone. Is the emperor too stupid to see that?"

The emperor walked into the senate chambers and took his seat

"Senator Charrag, i am no fool. The New Krytos Star Navy has defended our people for over nine hundred years. But it is no longer enough, other nations have powerful militaries. Many of them are much larger than our own. Those platforms will greatly assist in our defense."

"But building the platforms will provoke other nations."

"How will the construction of a defensive network provoke other nations? This matter must be put to rest, i call the final vote on proposal 12235532."