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Did they ever fix "Superpower"?

Posted: 2003-06-23 11:35pm
by BlkbrryTheGreat
Last time I "played" this game it was an unitelligable mess; upgrades in infrastructure did next to nothing for 1st World Nations, among other things.

Posted: 2003-06-24 03:04am
by LordShaithis
As an avid SP player, I can tell you...

Sort of.

There are still several idiotic bugs in the game, but nothing truly game-breaking. Just save every couple turns. I've started up my Brazilian Empire again, and have annexed large chunks of South America, the Middle East, and India. Southeast Asia is up next.

I've adopted the tactic of mass-producing upgraded versions of old low-generation hardware. For example, another ten thousand brand new Sherman tanks have rolled off my assembly lines. Even after being upgraded to level six in all tech areas, they still won't stand up to a real first-rate battle tank... But that's why I build them by the tens of thousands. :twisted:

Posted: 2003-06-24 03:10am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Just get Rise of Nations, it has everything worth doing in Superpower (nuking stuff... and... that's about it) plus some awesome RTS action.

Posted: 2003-06-24 07:20am
by LordShaithis
RTS sucks, for the most part. Build units, rush enemy, bla bla