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Support Video Game Geriatrics
Posted: 2003-07-11 09:38am
by Lagmonster
So, okay. I'm old. I love classic video games, like Asteroids, Defender, Pac-Man, and Lode Runner. I own a working Commodore 64 with games packed three to a 5 1/4 disk.
I know what 'The Castles of Doctor Creep' is, and I have played the official sequel (hell, I know Ed Hobbs).
What *I* want to know is, does ANYONE know of any 'tribute' games to some of the old greats? Particularly I am thinking of new release updates to my all-time favourites, Asteroids and Boulderdash. I was just hoping that someone, somewhere, would have taken these great basic formulas for game making and turned out a TOP QUALITY, simple, graphically and stylistically updated game for all us 9-to-5 jockeys to play at our desks during our coffee breaks.
Support Video Game Geriatrics. Cue me in to some great remake titles. Your local C64 Enthusiast chapter thanks you.

Posted: 2003-07-11 12:19pm
by Dalton
I know there's a pretty nifty version of Asteroids called KAsteroids...comes with Mandrake Linux.
Posted: 2003-07-12 02:51am
by The Yosemite Bear
Give me a bit I have the whole source code for ACII trek, Warmus, and Rogue/Nethack lying around in hard copy in storage......
Oh, no those aren't telephone books........
Posted: 2003-07-12 03:10am
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
Someone made a PacMan 3d game and tried to sell it. It didn't do well, and it ended up packaged with my old ATI Radeon 7200...
Boulderdash... I remember the name, but never played the game.. hrm.
Asteroids has been made and remade hundreds of times, just
Google it. Same with most old games. Look around, you will find something.
If you want old games, search for Abandonware. you might not find the games you mentioned, but all kinds of old games have been "abandoned", and are freely (and legally) available on the 'net.
Posted: 2003-07-12 04:18am
by Peregrin Toker
I play "Detroit", an almost-forgotten computer game where you manage a car company.
Posted: 2003-07-13 08:26pm
by Drooling Iguana
I'm currently writing an Asteroids clone myself. It's for Linux, but I'm using SDL so it should be reasonably easy to port to whatever you happen to be running.
It's nowhere close to being finished yet, though. Just managed to get the ship sprite to rotate and move according to newtonian physics. Haven't added in any of the asteroids yet.
Re: Support Video Game Geriatrics
Posted: 2003-07-14 05:36pm
by Slartibartfast
Lagmonster wrote:What *I* want to know is, does ANYONE know of any 'tribute' games to some of the old greats? Particularly I am thinking of new release updates to my all-time favourites, Asteroids and Boulderdash.
There are several Asteroids clones, one of my all-time favorites is Ambrosia's "Maelstrom". Originally for the Macintosh, I think there's a PC version also.
Not sure about Boulder Dash, I think most of the clones are pretty crappy. I'd rather just play the original.
If you want a site filled with classics, check (but you probably already know that) or
Then there's which maintains a list of projects to remake old games.
EDIT: Damn, I meant clones are pretty crappy, not pretty happy. Clones are never happy.
Posted: 2003-07-14 11:39pm
by Drooling Iguana
They've ported Maelstrom to Linux. It was one of the first games I managed to get working the first time I installed Debian. I got frustrated with it fairly quickly, though, and went back to OS/2. Took me a couple of years after that to switch over to Linux permanently.