TheFeniX wrote:The J-O single-player campaign was extremely weak IMO. It just didn't have the plot-line JK1 did. Kyle came off as very effeminate as did Luke. He wasn't the same badass he was in JK1 sadly. me, nothing will top his scene after the duel with Maw. That was badass, and pretty good, general game-quality-acting considered.
TheFeniX wrote:J-O really didn't have anything do do with Quake (besides using the engine) or Half-Life.
Yeah, that's what I meant. Using the engine, instead of something else to use to better effect. There was nothing wrong, IMO, with what JK1 had, except maybe for better graphics, but the whole server junk and everything, well, I hear too many bad things about those and admins being dicks, as opposed to, say, the Zone (MSN and those damn freeze-ups notwithstanding). Plus, it reeks to me of just copying the fad.
TheFeniX wrote:The storyline was about him returning to the Jedi order and almost falling to the Dark Side because of his anger about Jan getting killed (supposedly). Anyways, the game doesn't reflect this because you can throw lightning and grip around like there's no tomorrow.
"Almost" you say? So he
won't actually fall? Well, FUCK THAT! Most of what made JK1 SP great was the whole choice between the Light and Dark Side, and the descisions you had to make!
TheFeniX wrote:If you haven't already played J-O, don't bother now. The SP campiagn was lame, and the MP is just annoying now since 1.04. Every FFA server just has people chatting and having the occasional duel. If you attack anyone without their saber on, you get kicked.
Actually, the "no saber (putting up fists or whatever the equivalent is in JKO)" rule (better known, when I was around, as "fists=peace") was there in JK1 on the IGZ (now MSN Gaming Zone) as well. And hosts would generally kick people for intentionally violating it (if it was an accident, you allowed the victim a free hit on you, as well, or were supposed to; and if that hit killed, too damn bad).
TheFeniX wrote:And most the server admins are dicks.
that sounds familiar...
The saber combat has been completely destroyed. No longer does skill rule the day, only whoever whores red stance the best. And just getting lucky that when your attack hits, you actually do damage.[/quote]
Having never played, don't know about "red-whores" but I do remember you had to have skill in JK1.
Ah, I remember the good ol' days when I played a few in could get training from the more skilled players, and they were by and large friendly games, without a lot of the "1337" bull shit that came later (God damn cess-pit that Nar turned into), and even clan members would train you, with
no obligation to join their clan (at least the couple I played on occasion).
Of course, I found myself doing other things in the "early" JK1 days mostly (pre-BSC and WoW) than playing, but that's what made it fun.