[STGOD-I][RFD] Restart Data.
Posted: 2003-08-05 02:19am
Now, Halite, after overruning the Vong invasion territories, launched a series of operations aimed at cutting the United Terran Republic in half. The first of these failed. The second of these, Operation Suvorov, saw a breakthrough against the Terran defenders at Skaarjin. The Sixth Imperium counterattack along the Indri front was halted after penetrating nearly halfway into former Vong held space; further advances by Atlantean forces were delayed for six months in heavy fighting with the Imperium. Overstretched, Imperium forces were defeated by Hannibal when a detachment was brought out to the defence of Terran space during the Atlantean Necroth Offensive.
Though this blow largely allowed Halite to gain the whole of the western UTR, she failed to liberate Necroth, held brutally under martial law as what was hoped would be a lure for further offensives into the defensive "fletches" now being built between her and the planet. At the advice of Hannibal, however, she instead launched Operation Alpine, the left-hook through former Imperium and Lost regions, the later being abandoned after the Zerg offensives, into less defended SKS border zones, before the SKS could fully fortify them. This was combined with a very large diversionary offensive along the main border which was repulsed with heavy casualties to Halite's forces.
As Halite's forces swept through the inner territory of the SKS, Evil Wilkins and the NRMD entered the fray, attacking Nemesis with their rested strength, flush from victory over the "False Republic". The new shielding defences here caused massive casualties to the attacking forces, however, and the Royal Navy stubbornly held the Skaarjin Line for as long as it could to give time to mobile forces fighting Halite deep in their territory, as Planetoid elements raced for Enigma, destroying defence infrastructure as they went.
It was at Enigma that Nirrti--Nefirea, Valera the Deliverer, Goddess of Destruction and Rebirth--arrived with several Vishnus and some Energy Negation Ships, supported besides two great Aryan Command Astras as well. This was the remaining strength of the two Empires, the Rama and the Aryans, who had been the first technological humans and the ones who had divided half the galaxy between them before falling to war. Lord Gurkha had been her enemy in the earlier conflicts of a storied ages, and he had returned in the form of Kynes, now protector of the sacred Earth, to fight her once more with the remaining Psi-Lords of the Two Empires, who were worshipped as Gods by the humans in later days.
In Astral Combat Nirrti defeated the thaumaturgic warriors of Halite's lead elements and annihilated the Planetoids, drawing their power down to nothing and shattering them, or blasting them open with the focused energy of several of the heaviest Astras. Vimanas swept the hordes of the enemy fighters and parasites from the sky with ease, and the combat resembled that of the legendary era. Joined by the survivors of the Sixth Imperium force and the Senshi of the Star Kingdom, Nefirea led her force, massively outnumbered, straight against Halite's lines and reversed the stalemate along the border; in seven weeks of hard fighting she pushed through to Skaarjin, leaving thousands of burned hulks of worlds in her wake. The forces at the Skaarjin Line were freed to go to the Siege of Nemesis, and Wilkins retired rather than face them, and perhaps involve himself in a war with Nefirea.
Now, Halite, knowing that the forces committed were the whole of the enemy's hopes, brought forth her reserves, and hoped to win the day in a single battle that would resolve the combat. She absorbed the populations of whole worlds for energy beforehand, and her power swelled; but Nefirea relied on the energy of the whole galaxy as her succor, attuned to it, and directed. When Nirrti and Halite fought in Astral Combat and their fleets clashed below, the battle lasted eight days, and ten thousand suns grew dim and cold from the exertions of Nirrti; fifteen thousand worlds, their populations turned to ash, grew silent at the touch of Halite's desperate mind.
When the Astral Combat had finished, there was no sign of Halite; perhaps she had escaped, or perhaps she had simply been wiped from existence by the power of the psychic energies directed against her. So Nirrti turned her attention to her fleet, which had until then had the upper hand. The forces directed against them rendered them all insensible, no matter race or strength of protection, except for a few ships with the strongest thaumaturges; these, if also bearing artificial intelligences, perhaps escaped. The rest were harvested by the weapons of the allied fleet before any recovery could be made.
Now, Kynes and his people, on seeing this destruction, were angered. Kynes appeared before Nefirea after the battle, but she dismissed him and told him to return in seven days when she'd finished the rites of mourning for the dead under her command: Especially among those whom she had raised and trained up to protect the humans in their recovery to greatness, there had been many losses, and the traditions of her two peoples were steeped in formality. For this one alone, who had freed him from possession, Kynes consented, and returned in seven days.
Then Kynes and Nefirea made the agreement upon the Lord Krishna, that the destruction had been to great this time--worse than it had in the age of the Rama and the Aryans, when the souls of the dead had fed the spirits of the living worlds that they might know their own life--so that never again should such destruction behalf upon worlds which knew their own life. The two committed to solemn oath that throughout the universes where the spirits of worlds lived, they would ban the bombardment or destruction of those planets with living spirits--that is, worlds where life had evolved naturally, and thus gifted the world with its own thinking spirit--to the point where that life was killed upon that world.
With this oath in place, Nefirea led her fleet to make war upon Evil Wilkins, who was preparing to meet her in the two galaxies he now ruled. She crossed easily between the universal barriers with her force and wrought a great destruction on his fleet, and then against the infrastructure of construction facilities, but ever did Evil Wilkins decline to fight her, building his strength constantly instead.
Now, in the meanwhile, rebuilding had begun in the galaxies ravaged by the war; and with the Boyd Collective gone, the Eldar rose to power in the Mars Pact in their own right, and Hephaestus, though without the planet of that name, still had the industry to regain profit with the general devastate. The United Terran Republic had lost much, and with the collapse of so many systems, and the loss of life on others, the communists of Fenris succeeded in gaining territory; and Necroth succeeded in revolting, aided by barbarians and remnants of Halite's fleet. Despite these thorns in their flank, however, they re-claimed much of the galaxy that had been Halite's, and with the help of the Fenari who were opposed to the ideology of their comrades, used a worldship which might rebuild worlds to habitability, to begin restoring it.
The Star Kingdom was also in severe straits, without leadership, ravaged by War, and exhausted economically. But it stood; however, with general devastation all about, it also languished, and some wondered if someone could ever lead them to their former glory. The NOFR had defeated the Zerg invasions and occupied the remnants of the AYC, but many say that Zerg still lurk among the remnants of the Boyd Collective; the Eldar send out ships to hunt these.
Now, in the galaxies of the NRMD, Nefirea was checked when a nominal ally--the Second Galactic Empire--entered on her side, taking advantage of the ravaged state of the NRMD to occupy the old New (or "False") Republic. Knowing them to be Daemon-led and allied with the Draka, she could not tolerate their designs, and, after launching a final series of strikes to cripple the NRMD, withdrew, never challenged by Evil Wilkins. Still, her massive successes have led to a popular resurgence of quasi-Hinduism in the multiverse, those thankful for being saved from Halite, and one can be accosted by militant Hare Krishnas on many planets.
The Second Galactic Empire continued in their occupation efforts, but were severely defeated by the few remaining ships with MDD weaponry. They appealed to the Draka for aide, who launched against the NRMD's home universe a series of attacks at the remaining industrial centres believed to manufacture it. The NRMD retaliated; several Draka worlds were outright destroyed with MDD weaponry, but the inability of the NRMD to continue production was believed a sign of success. The USSSR smelt weakness and attacked with the support of the Samothracians. The result of this conflict is unknown, but during the course of it, the Draka managed to collapse the anomaly leading from the USSSR's universe to the prime line of the Milky Way, and dark rumours suggest the Draka have since again been seen in the court of the Second Galactic Empire have surfaced. The cut-off Communist States of the Milky Way have tightened their allegiance with each other.
One result of the conflict and the events surrounding it have been the spread of intrauniversal drives, now relatively common. A total of eight universes are known. These include the universe in which Nirrti's home Earth is located, about which little else is known, and to which she is believed to have left for after fighting Wilkins, a series of four universes with parallel Earths and Andromedas which are colonized or controlled to some extent by the Great Powers; and the two universes of the NRMD and the "False" New Republic, about which little is known of their Milky Ways and Andromedas.
Recently, however, with the spread of intrauniversal drive--which is believed to operate on the theory of common "superclusters" of universes of comparable traits, explaining why similiar universes are linked together--these galaxies have begun to attract attention. So, to, have the galaxies equivlant to those of the NRMD and the "false" New Republic within the various universes of the Great Powers, as faster drives become available; and some even propose hunting for the Vong's home galaxy.
One of the most recent developments, however, has been the need to tie several universes together by the discovery of new ones: As one proceeds down the string through an inter-universal drive, trips become longer if one "skips" a universe; so a stopover point at a universe along the way for resupply is reasonable, as such a downstring or upstring journey, without the awesome technology of MDD or the brilliant and mysterious astral knowledge of the Rama and the Aryans, can often take weeks. So several new universes with new histories are intentionally being explored and facilities in them established to facilitate easy shipping--the SKS, despite its ravaged state, first among these, for it fears further economic loss should it lose the monopoly of the Nemesis Gate.
Four years have passed since the beginning of Halite's invasion.
Note: Essentially, the universes being integrated are those which are being charted to support "upstring/downstring" IU Drive Use. I can handle as many as have been used which are not in the STGOD history mentioned above--I think there have been two? Then we can put them both in. They should, however, have more developed histories and more advanced technology from what I understand, or else they would be seriously disadvantaged--even after the massive destruction I outlined above. Millennia, even. They'll still be on the low-end technologically, but hardly to the point where they can't compete, especially with the massive amount of war-tech laying around and for sell by everyone.
Minor title edit - Phong
Though this blow largely allowed Halite to gain the whole of the western UTR, she failed to liberate Necroth, held brutally under martial law as what was hoped would be a lure for further offensives into the defensive "fletches" now being built between her and the planet. At the advice of Hannibal, however, she instead launched Operation Alpine, the left-hook through former Imperium and Lost regions, the later being abandoned after the Zerg offensives, into less defended SKS border zones, before the SKS could fully fortify them. This was combined with a very large diversionary offensive along the main border which was repulsed with heavy casualties to Halite's forces.
As Halite's forces swept through the inner territory of the SKS, Evil Wilkins and the NRMD entered the fray, attacking Nemesis with their rested strength, flush from victory over the "False Republic". The new shielding defences here caused massive casualties to the attacking forces, however, and the Royal Navy stubbornly held the Skaarjin Line for as long as it could to give time to mobile forces fighting Halite deep in their territory, as Planetoid elements raced for Enigma, destroying defence infrastructure as they went.
It was at Enigma that Nirrti--Nefirea, Valera the Deliverer, Goddess of Destruction and Rebirth--arrived with several Vishnus and some Energy Negation Ships, supported besides two great Aryan Command Astras as well. This was the remaining strength of the two Empires, the Rama and the Aryans, who had been the first technological humans and the ones who had divided half the galaxy between them before falling to war. Lord Gurkha had been her enemy in the earlier conflicts of a storied ages, and he had returned in the form of Kynes, now protector of the sacred Earth, to fight her once more with the remaining Psi-Lords of the Two Empires, who were worshipped as Gods by the humans in later days.
In Astral Combat Nirrti defeated the thaumaturgic warriors of Halite's lead elements and annihilated the Planetoids, drawing their power down to nothing and shattering them, or blasting them open with the focused energy of several of the heaviest Astras. Vimanas swept the hordes of the enemy fighters and parasites from the sky with ease, and the combat resembled that of the legendary era. Joined by the survivors of the Sixth Imperium force and the Senshi of the Star Kingdom, Nefirea led her force, massively outnumbered, straight against Halite's lines and reversed the stalemate along the border; in seven weeks of hard fighting she pushed through to Skaarjin, leaving thousands of burned hulks of worlds in her wake. The forces at the Skaarjin Line were freed to go to the Siege of Nemesis, and Wilkins retired rather than face them, and perhaps involve himself in a war with Nefirea.
Now, Halite, knowing that the forces committed were the whole of the enemy's hopes, brought forth her reserves, and hoped to win the day in a single battle that would resolve the combat. She absorbed the populations of whole worlds for energy beforehand, and her power swelled; but Nefirea relied on the energy of the whole galaxy as her succor, attuned to it, and directed. When Nirrti and Halite fought in Astral Combat and their fleets clashed below, the battle lasted eight days, and ten thousand suns grew dim and cold from the exertions of Nirrti; fifteen thousand worlds, their populations turned to ash, grew silent at the touch of Halite's desperate mind.
When the Astral Combat had finished, there was no sign of Halite; perhaps she had escaped, or perhaps she had simply been wiped from existence by the power of the psychic energies directed against her. So Nirrti turned her attention to her fleet, which had until then had the upper hand. The forces directed against them rendered them all insensible, no matter race or strength of protection, except for a few ships with the strongest thaumaturges; these, if also bearing artificial intelligences, perhaps escaped. The rest were harvested by the weapons of the allied fleet before any recovery could be made.
Now, Kynes and his people, on seeing this destruction, were angered. Kynes appeared before Nefirea after the battle, but she dismissed him and told him to return in seven days when she'd finished the rites of mourning for the dead under her command: Especially among those whom she had raised and trained up to protect the humans in their recovery to greatness, there had been many losses, and the traditions of her two peoples were steeped in formality. For this one alone, who had freed him from possession, Kynes consented, and returned in seven days.
Then Kynes and Nefirea made the agreement upon the Lord Krishna, that the destruction had been to great this time--worse than it had in the age of the Rama and the Aryans, when the souls of the dead had fed the spirits of the living worlds that they might know their own life--so that never again should such destruction behalf upon worlds which knew their own life. The two committed to solemn oath that throughout the universes where the spirits of worlds lived, they would ban the bombardment or destruction of those planets with living spirits--that is, worlds where life had evolved naturally, and thus gifted the world with its own thinking spirit--to the point where that life was killed upon that world.
With this oath in place, Nefirea led her fleet to make war upon Evil Wilkins, who was preparing to meet her in the two galaxies he now ruled. She crossed easily between the universal barriers with her force and wrought a great destruction on his fleet, and then against the infrastructure of construction facilities, but ever did Evil Wilkins decline to fight her, building his strength constantly instead.
Now, in the meanwhile, rebuilding had begun in the galaxies ravaged by the war; and with the Boyd Collective gone, the Eldar rose to power in the Mars Pact in their own right, and Hephaestus, though without the planet of that name, still had the industry to regain profit with the general devastate. The United Terran Republic had lost much, and with the collapse of so many systems, and the loss of life on others, the communists of Fenris succeeded in gaining territory; and Necroth succeeded in revolting, aided by barbarians and remnants of Halite's fleet. Despite these thorns in their flank, however, they re-claimed much of the galaxy that had been Halite's, and with the help of the Fenari who were opposed to the ideology of their comrades, used a worldship which might rebuild worlds to habitability, to begin restoring it.
The Star Kingdom was also in severe straits, without leadership, ravaged by War, and exhausted economically. But it stood; however, with general devastation all about, it also languished, and some wondered if someone could ever lead them to their former glory. The NOFR had defeated the Zerg invasions and occupied the remnants of the AYC, but many say that Zerg still lurk among the remnants of the Boyd Collective; the Eldar send out ships to hunt these.
Now, in the galaxies of the NRMD, Nefirea was checked when a nominal ally--the Second Galactic Empire--entered on her side, taking advantage of the ravaged state of the NRMD to occupy the old New (or "False") Republic. Knowing them to be Daemon-led and allied with the Draka, she could not tolerate their designs, and, after launching a final series of strikes to cripple the NRMD, withdrew, never challenged by Evil Wilkins. Still, her massive successes have led to a popular resurgence of quasi-Hinduism in the multiverse, those thankful for being saved from Halite, and one can be accosted by militant Hare Krishnas on many planets.
The Second Galactic Empire continued in their occupation efforts, but were severely defeated by the few remaining ships with MDD weaponry. They appealed to the Draka for aide, who launched against the NRMD's home universe a series of attacks at the remaining industrial centres believed to manufacture it. The NRMD retaliated; several Draka worlds were outright destroyed with MDD weaponry, but the inability of the NRMD to continue production was believed a sign of success. The USSSR smelt weakness and attacked with the support of the Samothracians. The result of this conflict is unknown, but during the course of it, the Draka managed to collapse the anomaly leading from the USSSR's universe to the prime line of the Milky Way, and dark rumours suggest the Draka have since again been seen in the court of the Second Galactic Empire have surfaced. The cut-off Communist States of the Milky Way have tightened their allegiance with each other.
One result of the conflict and the events surrounding it have been the spread of intrauniversal drives, now relatively common. A total of eight universes are known. These include the universe in which Nirrti's home Earth is located, about which little else is known, and to which she is believed to have left for after fighting Wilkins, a series of four universes with parallel Earths and Andromedas which are colonized or controlled to some extent by the Great Powers; and the two universes of the NRMD and the "False" New Republic, about which little is known of their Milky Ways and Andromedas.
Recently, however, with the spread of intrauniversal drive--which is believed to operate on the theory of common "superclusters" of universes of comparable traits, explaining why similiar universes are linked together--these galaxies have begun to attract attention. So, to, have the galaxies equivlant to those of the NRMD and the "false" New Republic within the various universes of the Great Powers, as faster drives become available; and some even propose hunting for the Vong's home galaxy.
One of the most recent developments, however, has been the need to tie several universes together by the discovery of new ones: As one proceeds down the string through an inter-universal drive, trips become longer if one "skips" a universe; so a stopover point at a universe along the way for resupply is reasonable, as such a downstring or upstring journey, without the awesome technology of MDD or the brilliant and mysterious astral knowledge of the Rama and the Aryans, can often take weeks. So several new universes with new histories are intentionally being explored and facilities in them established to facilitate easy shipping--the SKS, despite its ravaged state, first among these, for it fears further economic loss should it lose the monopoly of the Nemesis Gate.
Four years have passed since the beginning of Halite's invasion.
Note: Essentially, the universes being integrated are those which are being charted to support "upstring/downstring" IU Drive Use. I can handle as many as have been used which are not in the STGOD history mentioned above--I think there have been two? Then we can put them both in. They should, however, have more developed histories and more advanced technology from what I understand, or else they would be seriously disadvantaged--even after the massive destruction I outlined above. Millennia, even. They'll still be on the low-end technologically, but hardly to the point where they can't compete, especially with the massive amount of war-tech laying around and for sell by everyone.
Minor title edit - Phong