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Star Wars Galaxies Grouping

Posted: 2003-08-06 02:40am
by Cal Wright
Alright, listen up. This is for those who are in Star Wars Galaxies. First off, you might have noticed the link in my signature. Go ahead. Click it. [/shameless plug]. That's beside the point. The real reason for the thread is this. Anyone on the Tarquinnas Galaxy looking to beef up thier scouting and/or combat skills (Neutral or Imperial alligned) needs to show up on Naboo. The planet is almost purely Imperial or sympathisers. I have run into some player buildings that are Rebel, but I assure you, if your such scum, you won't be around long enough to talk about it. Basically, it can take a while and be very tough trying to fight on your own. However, someone last week introduced to me the Fambaa Hunt as I will call it. Basically what he did was stand outside Theed's cantina, gathered as many people as he could into a group and went hunting. If you have enough high skilled players, your along for a free ride. Just make sure to run. If anyone is interested, start posting here and we'll go from there. I know there's not a lot of Galaxies players on this board, but for those that are, join up. It's pretty fun to see a huge collection of players, droids, and pets all taking on this hulking Fambaa in the wilderness. Those that are interested, drop a line.

Posted: 2003-08-06 02:44am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
I'm on Scylla. I might consider creating another char for this server though.

Posted: 2003-08-06 02:46am
by Cal Wright
The entire Dark Guard is located on this Galaxy. I don't know how it fairs against others, because this is the only one I'm on. I did make a Wookiee on Gorath, but I've only used him the first five minutes after creation. If your looking to be Imperial, make a Human Marksman. I've got plenty of CDEF pistols and a coupld of DH-17s someone can use.

Posted: 2003-08-07 04:21am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Alright I've created Fareed Rockman, human marksman. I think I'll eventually take one of the weapon-specialist professions, though I haven't decided which. My main on Scylla has almost got Smuggler, so the Marksman path is no stranger to me.

EDIT: Has to start in Moenia. I'll get to Theed ASAP.