Star Wars Galaxies Grouping
Posted: 2003-08-06 02:40am
Alright, listen up. This is for those who are in Star Wars Galaxies. First off, you might have noticed the link in my signature. Go ahead. Click it. [/shameless plug]. That's beside the point. The real reason for the thread is this. Anyone on the Tarquinnas Galaxy looking to beef up thier scouting and/or combat skills (Neutral or Imperial alligned) needs to show up on Naboo. The planet is almost purely Imperial or sympathisers. I have run into some player buildings that are Rebel, but I assure you, if your such scum, you won't be around long enough to talk about it. Basically, it can take a while and be very tough trying to fight on your own. However, someone last week introduced to me the Fambaa Hunt as I will call it. Basically what he did was stand outside Theed's cantina, gathered as many people as he could into a group and went hunting. If you have enough high skilled players, your along for a free ride. Just make sure to run. If anyone is interested, start posting here and we'll go from there. I know there's not a lot of Galaxies players on this board, but for those that are, join up. It's pretty fun to see a huge collection of players, droids, and pets all taking on this hulking Fambaa in the wilderness. Those that are interested, drop a line.