[STGOD] The History of the Universe.
Posted: 2003-08-08 12:01am
In the Third Age of Mankind, Sauron was defeated in the Middle Earth and the Ring of Power cast down into Mt. Doom. After this, humanity went on to become great and powerful over the Earth, and the other races were cast aside; the very world was reformed by magic to suit humanity. Soon two peoples, distinguished by their language (and as they themselves would darkly later claim, race), competed for power--the Aryans and the Rama; the Aryans, who ruled from their gilded cities of Lemuria and Atlantis, and the power bases of the Ramans in the Indus valley of India and the island-continent of Mu. This was the fourth age of mankind, when pyramids harnessed the energy of magnetic fields and vimanas flew through the air according to understood astral principles.
Now, in the early days, combat was still ritualized from the legacy of the Third Age, and Mankind was yet relatively peaceful. Disputes were settled by a series of formal duels or "flower wars" if they came to blows--and so, as humanity spread out to the stars, there was never a really great war to settle possession of the Sol system, or of the surface of Earth. In this fashion half of the galactic territory of the Milky Way was divided up between the two nations and steadily colonized over a period of several millennia, and awesome advances in technology and psionics were made through the advanced understanding of higher integral multiversal physics that the Two Gilded States had, allowing them to pierce the veil of all time and space and indeed make "technology as magic".
Then came war. Alien powers banded together to oppose the expansion of the Gilded States; and when they checked Aryan expansion in one sector, the Aryans demanded that the Rama, also, not expand in a similiar region of space until they had defeated these usurpers of their naturally designated right of conquest. The Rama wanted the territory and proceeded. At first it was a mere ritual war; but it grew more serious, for the conflict with the alien powers was hardly ritual, but in deadly ernest--and seen as tacitly the same by the Aryan leadership in their golden palaces.
As the conflict became more and more violent, the weapons improved in capability to match it. Finally the Aryans fielded weaponry that could destroy whole planets through multiple-layered planetary shields, and the contest appeared to be their's. It was matched and overwhelmed by the Rama--who created genetically engineered beings capable of accessing certain astral fields to enhance their own powers, and to repair their own wounds. Beings, who, in time, would be remembered only as Gods, but for now were the warriors of a dark and horrible age. Now is was the Aryans who were driven back, until they too copied the advances of the Rama. Mutual slaughter was the result. Were it not for the final rest of the ritualists, that Earth should not see war, it would perhaps have ended much sooner: But for three thousand years the conflict lasted, until half the galaxy was ruined.
Of the final survivors, there was now destruction all around, and the slave races had revolted, eager for revenge against the stone-age remnants of humanity, and glorious, sole-remaining Earth. So, too, were a few mad warriors left: Gupta's men, the ones who could not stop fighting. They headed for Earth, and it was up to the Raman Nirrti, Nefirea, to stop them, with some Rama and Aryan forces that still remained. Gupta was defeated and thought killed with his men; but before he died a single salvo of shipkillers from a flight of Asvins got through and annihilated Terran civilization.
Those last technological survivors established a few remote bases, and did what they could to protect the remnants of humanity from the onrush of the various outside aliens. But on Earth arose a new power, hideous and evil, from the ashes of Aryan civilization. On the continent of Atlantis, proud, hate-filled, and using the astral knowledge of the Gilded States as never before, the Atlantean Kingdom tried to establish a grip on Earth. Nobody was quite sure how those who arose stopped them--or where they came from. Perhaps they were survivors of the moon colonies of the Rama or the Aryans themselves, who recalled those Astral powers only as a magical force.
Atlantis and her outposts were banished in the victory, the last changes to the geography of the Earth occuring then, and the reign of the Moon Kingdom began. It was to be thrown down in the due order of time, starting the latest of the ages of human history, that with which we are most familiar:
In the 20th century, the remnants of the Moon Kingdom fought a secret war with various evil Astral forces which threatened Earth, working towards the dream of a new "Silver Millennium". They, in their actions, however, attracted the attention of powerful forces which arrived from other dimensions or distant regions. The principle among these were outcasts from the overthrow Imperial regime of the Galactic Empire, or the Clarkists of Babylon 5, which had found this Milky Way as refuge when discovering long-distance transport anomalies.
The various Imperial factions and Republican groups sent to hunt for them, cut off from home, soon set themselves up over the local governments, though the paucity of resources and their own disorganization allowed such groups as the Klingon Empire to make alliances with them, becoming essentially the "manpower" behind these small forces. Earth was ravaged by war, and some terran groups fled with the new technology, establishing distant colonies. Others, however, stood firm under the leadership of the Senshi, who held out against the onslaught of the various factioons with their Astral powers.
Eventually the Senshi and their people--the Youma--themselves migrated from Earth towards the central regions of the galaxy, where a Star Kingdom under Queen Serenity was established, using the primitive ships of the region, but enhanced with thaumaturgical equipment that allowed them to stand up to the GE-equipment roaming the galaxy. Earth fell under the control of the United States of America, which with a patched together spacefleet managed to control local territory until it was subsumed into the United Terran Republic centuries later.
Transdimensional mercenaries roamed the galaxy, selling their services to whomever could pay for them, and war and destruction became completely commonplace. Then came the Boyd. The Boyd were founded by a South American Dictator, El Boydo, who fled from Earth during the "Time of Troubles" when the Imperial invaders were often having their way with sections of the planet, followed by a small band of followers. Somewhere in the Milky Way he discovered an Astral Intelligence and merged with it. This drove him completely insane, but allowed him to utilize the technology of the long-dead race that the Intelligence was from...And begin mass-cloning himself. Soon, the Boyd Collective was an unholy horde of force-linked hive-mind Clones that began to dominate large regions of the Delta Quadrant. The Borg wouldn't stand for it; but when they fought the Boyd Collective, they fought and lost.
The Boyd were now one of the most powerful nations in the Milky Way, and began allying with minor powers to further increase their strength.
Now, back in the Star Wars galaxy, a sinister occurance had happened. Daemons from the Warhammer universe had arrived in the remnants of the Galactic Empire, and begun to gather power there. They were Slaaneshi, and led by Lord Rog, they revitalized the Galactic Empire as the Second Galactic Empire, and with a thin overlay of Slaaneshi control to the still largely Imperial system, succeeded in conquering half of the New Republic's territory before the introduction of new technologies halted them. The people of the Second Galactic Empire were brought more and more under the control of the Cult of Slaanesh... Which, before long, followed up on now long-distant events to send ships through to the Milky Way and secure a region around one of the anomalies.
Unfortunately for the New Republic, its troubles were not over, for it was soon to become the target of another New Republic--one that, during the Vong Invasion, had fallen prey to the promise of Order over Democracy. The New Republic Military Dictatorship. In that sinister alternate universe, the New Republic had discovered MDD technology and, under the Dictator Wilkins, who's alternate was a General in the New Republic, had the will to use it. This hideous technology ignored any sort of energy defenses and was completely capable of turning any sort of material into slag iron; defences against it, however, would eventually be found, if limited.
In the Mainline, events great and horrific had occured. During one of the conflicts over Earth, a very old war had been renewed. The discovery that Gurkha was still alive, at least in the possessed body of Kynes, the declared Spirt of the Earth, prompted the arrival of Nefirea with a detachment of her hoarded forces. Her involvement against Gurkha in the Sol system led to his final destruction, and the freeing of Kynes to his destiny--the protection of Earth, which was ultimately done with the creation of a Universe Shield around it. Also during that conflict, the Sixth Imperium became involved; and it would later play a vital role in one of the greatest conflicts in history.
First, however, the alternate universe would intervene. Here, Imperial warlords--mostly the alternate versions of their selves who had interferred in the Mainline, except driven out of the universe where the NRMD had seized power--had built up power-bases in another Milky Way, and soon, as in our own history, Earth was torn with war. This galaxy was frought with civil war and vicious tension, and saw the first intervention of the Robotech Masters from their own universe into affairs, which was brief. Eventually, however, the instability of this universe attracted attention, and the powers of the Mainline intervened here to establish order, conquering most of the various regions as colonial holdings.
The Sixth Imperium's great moment came during the Transcend War, when the mad chaos god Trascend took over the Culture and led them on an interdimensional war of total destruction. The Sixth Imperium led various powers of the multiverse on the defence, and after defeating the Culture forces, counterattacked and destroyed the entire galaxy of the Culture, with Transcend being killed by Greater Gods who were annoyed with his behaviour.
Following this the NRMD grew increasingly paranoid over the ability of powers with interuniversal technology to attack them, and started a series of wars to defeat those powers and seize interuniversal gates, many focusing around the Nemesis Gate, with awesome casualties taken and inflicted in efforts to seize it from the SKS. During these times, the Vengeful Hegemony of Romulan Wrath, near Nemesis but always a traditionally poor state, ruled by one of the old Sith Warlords from the early "Time of Troubles" days who used his powers to extend his life, embarked on massive and ridiculous construction programmes that destroyed their economy but built up a sizeable (if outdated) military. Coupled with lunatic announcements of how they would use it, they soon attracted negative sentiment from nearly everyone in the multiverse.
Also around this time the Robotech Merchantile Empire arrived and began to gobble up minor systems in unclaimed space, fighting a brief war with the Galactic Protection Force over control of the alternate-Optera. They allied with the Boyd and participated in the final destruction of the VHRW, as did the latest arrivals of the Lost, a biological/nanite possession race.
The RME, however, was displaced through their anomaly by another power after only a short time: The USSSR. These space Soviets were Trotskyists who had defeated the Domination of Draka in their home universe only to discover that in another it had been victorious, and were fighting an interuniversal war with the Domination of Draka. The Domination itself responded by seeking out and making an alliance with the Second Galactic Empire. Other things also happened.
Then came the Halite invasion. Halite was the Grand Inquisitor of Queen Beryl of the Dark Kingdom of Atlantis, the traditional foe of the Moon Kingdom. She had made extensive preparations for the invasion and recruited huge hordes of space barbarians from several dimensions with offers of rich plunder in the Milky Way, and reactivated many old Fourth Empire Planetoids in the dimension which had held that nation, crewing them with a mix of Drow, unscrupulous psychics, trolls (of the lesser kind), and all sorts of vicious creatures.
Her invasion was at first successful, if costly--though she won one of the greatest victories in history in a single battle when she defeated the Raian Fleet at Third Yarmuk--but she was later repulsed as detailed in the prior document.
Other details of note should be the Vong invasion, finally eliminated by Halite; and also the reoccuring Troll invasions, of the Greater Variety. These emanate Bozon fields and are of an exceptionally dangerous type, as they cannot be engaged at close range. However, various methods have been developed for defeating them. Several other barbarian hordes that invaded the Milky Way included the Kzin and the Zerg, though the later are technically a hive intelligence.
Now, in the early days, combat was still ritualized from the legacy of the Third Age, and Mankind was yet relatively peaceful. Disputes were settled by a series of formal duels or "flower wars" if they came to blows--and so, as humanity spread out to the stars, there was never a really great war to settle possession of the Sol system, or of the surface of Earth. In this fashion half of the galactic territory of the Milky Way was divided up between the two nations and steadily colonized over a period of several millennia, and awesome advances in technology and psionics were made through the advanced understanding of higher integral multiversal physics that the Two Gilded States had, allowing them to pierce the veil of all time and space and indeed make "technology as magic".
Then came war. Alien powers banded together to oppose the expansion of the Gilded States; and when they checked Aryan expansion in one sector, the Aryans demanded that the Rama, also, not expand in a similiar region of space until they had defeated these usurpers of their naturally designated right of conquest. The Rama wanted the territory and proceeded. At first it was a mere ritual war; but it grew more serious, for the conflict with the alien powers was hardly ritual, but in deadly ernest--and seen as tacitly the same by the Aryan leadership in their golden palaces.
As the conflict became more and more violent, the weapons improved in capability to match it. Finally the Aryans fielded weaponry that could destroy whole planets through multiple-layered planetary shields, and the contest appeared to be their's. It was matched and overwhelmed by the Rama--who created genetically engineered beings capable of accessing certain astral fields to enhance their own powers, and to repair their own wounds. Beings, who, in time, would be remembered only as Gods, but for now were the warriors of a dark and horrible age. Now is was the Aryans who were driven back, until they too copied the advances of the Rama. Mutual slaughter was the result. Were it not for the final rest of the ritualists, that Earth should not see war, it would perhaps have ended much sooner: But for three thousand years the conflict lasted, until half the galaxy was ruined.
Of the final survivors, there was now destruction all around, and the slave races had revolted, eager for revenge against the stone-age remnants of humanity, and glorious, sole-remaining Earth. So, too, were a few mad warriors left: Gupta's men, the ones who could not stop fighting. They headed for Earth, and it was up to the Raman Nirrti, Nefirea, to stop them, with some Rama and Aryan forces that still remained. Gupta was defeated and thought killed with his men; but before he died a single salvo of shipkillers from a flight of Asvins got through and annihilated Terran civilization.
Those last technological survivors established a few remote bases, and did what they could to protect the remnants of humanity from the onrush of the various outside aliens. But on Earth arose a new power, hideous and evil, from the ashes of Aryan civilization. On the continent of Atlantis, proud, hate-filled, and using the astral knowledge of the Gilded States as never before, the Atlantean Kingdom tried to establish a grip on Earth. Nobody was quite sure how those who arose stopped them--or where they came from. Perhaps they were survivors of the moon colonies of the Rama or the Aryans themselves, who recalled those Astral powers only as a magical force.
Atlantis and her outposts were banished in the victory, the last changes to the geography of the Earth occuring then, and the reign of the Moon Kingdom began. It was to be thrown down in the due order of time, starting the latest of the ages of human history, that with which we are most familiar:
In the 20th century, the remnants of the Moon Kingdom fought a secret war with various evil Astral forces which threatened Earth, working towards the dream of a new "Silver Millennium". They, in their actions, however, attracted the attention of powerful forces which arrived from other dimensions or distant regions. The principle among these were outcasts from the overthrow Imperial regime of the Galactic Empire, or the Clarkists of Babylon 5, which had found this Milky Way as refuge when discovering long-distance transport anomalies.
The various Imperial factions and Republican groups sent to hunt for them, cut off from home, soon set themselves up over the local governments, though the paucity of resources and their own disorganization allowed such groups as the Klingon Empire to make alliances with them, becoming essentially the "manpower" behind these small forces. Earth was ravaged by war, and some terran groups fled with the new technology, establishing distant colonies. Others, however, stood firm under the leadership of the Senshi, who held out against the onslaught of the various factioons with their Astral powers.
Eventually the Senshi and their people--the Youma--themselves migrated from Earth towards the central regions of the galaxy, where a Star Kingdom under Queen Serenity was established, using the primitive ships of the region, but enhanced with thaumaturgical equipment that allowed them to stand up to the GE-equipment roaming the galaxy. Earth fell under the control of the United States of America, which with a patched together spacefleet managed to control local territory until it was subsumed into the United Terran Republic centuries later.
Transdimensional mercenaries roamed the galaxy, selling their services to whomever could pay for them, and war and destruction became completely commonplace. Then came the Boyd. The Boyd were founded by a South American Dictator, El Boydo, who fled from Earth during the "Time of Troubles" when the Imperial invaders were often having their way with sections of the planet, followed by a small band of followers. Somewhere in the Milky Way he discovered an Astral Intelligence and merged with it. This drove him completely insane, but allowed him to utilize the technology of the long-dead race that the Intelligence was from...And begin mass-cloning himself. Soon, the Boyd Collective was an unholy horde of force-linked hive-mind Clones that began to dominate large regions of the Delta Quadrant. The Borg wouldn't stand for it; but when they fought the Boyd Collective, they fought and lost.
The Boyd were now one of the most powerful nations in the Milky Way, and began allying with minor powers to further increase their strength.
Now, back in the Star Wars galaxy, a sinister occurance had happened. Daemons from the Warhammer universe had arrived in the remnants of the Galactic Empire, and begun to gather power there. They were Slaaneshi, and led by Lord Rog, they revitalized the Galactic Empire as the Second Galactic Empire, and with a thin overlay of Slaaneshi control to the still largely Imperial system, succeeded in conquering half of the New Republic's territory before the introduction of new technologies halted them. The people of the Second Galactic Empire were brought more and more under the control of the Cult of Slaanesh... Which, before long, followed up on now long-distant events to send ships through to the Milky Way and secure a region around one of the anomalies.
Unfortunately for the New Republic, its troubles were not over, for it was soon to become the target of another New Republic--one that, during the Vong Invasion, had fallen prey to the promise of Order over Democracy. The New Republic Military Dictatorship. In that sinister alternate universe, the New Republic had discovered MDD technology and, under the Dictator Wilkins, who's alternate was a General in the New Republic, had the will to use it. This hideous technology ignored any sort of energy defenses and was completely capable of turning any sort of material into slag iron; defences against it, however, would eventually be found, if limited.
In the Mainline, events great and horrific had occured. During one of the conflicts over Earth, a very old war had been renewed. The discovery that Gurkha was still alive, at least in the possessed body of Kynes, the declared Spirt of the Earth, prompted the arrival of Nefirea with a detachment of her hoarded forces. Her involvement against Gurkha in the Sol system led to his final destruction, and the freeing of Kynes to his destiny--the protection of Earth, which was ultimately done with the creation of a Universe Shield around it. Also during that conflict, the Sixth Imperium became involved; and it would later play a vital role in one of the greatest conflicts in history.
First, however, the alternate universe would intervene. Here, Imperial warlords--mostly the alternate versions of their selves who had interferred in the Mainline, except driven out of the universe where the NRMD had seized power--had built up power-bases in another Milky Way, and soon, as in our own history, Earth was torn with war. This galaxy was frought with civil war and vicious tension, and saw the first intervention of the Robotech Masters from their own universe into affairs, which was brief. Eventually, however, the instability of this universe attracted attention, and the powers of the Mainline intervened here to establish order, conquering most of the various regions as colonial holdings.
The Sixth Imperium's great moment came during the Transcend War, when the mad chaos god Trascend took over the Culture and led them on an interdimensional war of total destruction. The Sixth Imperium led various powers of the multiverse on the defence, and after defeating the Culture forces, counterattacked and destroyed the entire galaxy of the Culture, with Transcend being killed by Greater Gods who were annoyed with his behaviour.
Following this the NRMD grew increasingly paranoid over the ability of powers with interuniversal technology to attack them, and started a series of wars to defeat those powers and seize interuniversal gates, many focusing around the Nemesis Gate, with awesome casualties taken and inflicted in efforts to seize it from the SKS. During these times, the Vengeful Hegemony of Romulan Wrath, near Nemesis but always a traditionally poor state, ruled by one of the old Sith Warlords from the early "Time of Troubles" days who used his powers to extend his life, embarked on massive and ridiculous construction programmes that destroyed their economy but built up a sizeable (if outdated) military. Coupled with lunatic announcements of how they would use it, they soon attracted negative sentiment from nearly everyone in the multiverse.
Also around this time the Robotech Merchantile Empire arrived and began to gobble up minor systems in unclaimed space, fighting a brief war with the Galactic Protection Force over control of the alternate-Optera. They allied with the Boyd and participated in the final destruction of the VHRW, as did the latest arrivals of the Lost, a biological/nanite possession race.
The RME, however, was displaced through their anomaly by another power after only a short time: The USSSR. These space Soviets were Trotskyists who had defeated the Domination of Draka in their home universe only to discover that in another it had been victorious, and were fighting an interuniversal war with the Domination of Draka. The Domination itself responded by seeking out and making an alliance with the Second Galactic Empire. Other things also happened.
Then came the Halite invasion. Halite was the Grand Inquisitor of Queen Beryl of the Dark Kingdom of Atlantis, the traditional foe of the Moon Kingdom. She had made extensive preparations for the invasion and recruited huge hordes of space barbarians from several dimensions with offers of rich plunder in the Milky Way, and reactivated many old Fourth Empire Planetoids in the dimension which had held that nation, crewing them with a mix of Drow, unscrupulous psychics, trolls (of the lesser kind), and all sorts of vicious creatures.
Her invasion was at first successful, if costly--though she won one of the greatest victories in history in a single battle when she defeated the Raian Fleet at Third Yarmuk--but she was later repulsed as detailed in the prior document.
Other details of note should be the Vong invasion, finally eliminated by Halite; and also the reoccuring Troll invasions, of the Greater Variety. These emanate Bozon fields and are of an exceptionally dangerous type, as they cannot be engaged at close range. However, various methods have been developed for defeating them. Several other barbarian hordes that invaded the Milky Way included the Kzin and the Zerg, though the later are technically a hive intelligence.