Multiple attacks in 2E and 3E
Posted: 2003-08-08 12:25am
I remember in second edition fighters got a second attack every other round (it said 2/3, what exactly does that mean, how are you supposed to know it means 1 in the first and 2 in the second without it telling you) if the had weapon specialization with that weapon, and all warriors (paladins, rangers and fighters) got multiple attacks just for being warriors after a certain level, that's one thing I don't like about 3E, that you eventually do get more attacks, but not at the same bonus like you would in 2E, not that 3E isn't jam packed with stuff I like, feats,etc.
So, why the difference, maybe I can understand it if you are using a heavy weapon, but what about a light weapon like a dagger or short sword?
So, why the difference, maybe I can understand it if you are using a heavy weapon, but what about a light weapon like a dagger or short sword?