Looking for the name of a certain Playstation fighting game.
Posted: 2003-08-13 05:20pm
Could anyone help me? Years ago, I played a fighter on my friend's PS. I remember very little about it, so I doubt anyone will know what the hell I'm talking about....but if smoeone does, I would be much obliged 
Here's all I remember...
* Four characters. One barbarian-ish dude with a huge club, one with a medeival broadsword-ish sword, one with what appears to be a rapier, and some 'old guy' who IIRC hopped on one foot and carried a stick.
Yeah, I know there's a huge dearth of info, but if for some reason anybody understands what I'm babbling about, please reply

Here's all I remember...
* Four characters. One barbarian-ish dude with a huge club, one with a medeival broadsword-ish sword, one with what appears to be a rapier, and some 'old guy' who IIRC hopped on one foot and carried a stick.
Yeah, I know there's a huge dearth of info, but if for some reason anybody understands what I'm babbling about, please reply