The Kingdom of Württemberg
Landesflagge of the Kingdom of Württemberg

Coat of Arms of the Kingdom of Württemberg

Royal Standard of the King of Württemberg
Kriegsflagge of the Kingdom of Württemberg

Naval Ensign of the Kingdom of Württemberg
The province of Württemberg was formed centuries after the breakup
of the Roman Empire, when one of the local barbarian chieftains took
the town of Ulm and proclaimed himself King of the lands. He was one
of the more competent cheiftains, and was thus able to defend and expand
upon his claims, passing the keys of the newly created Kingdom to his
Over several centuries, the Kingdom of Württemberg has grown slowly
larger, changing from a land-locked state consisting of only a few square
miles of forest to a vast state that has a coastline and an actual honest-to-god
navy, although some in the kingdom view the latest King's maritime strategy as
a dangerous indulgence of Royal Sovereignity over the opposition of the Council
of Landsraats.
Population and Demographics
Total Population
17 million
German, with a smattering of English and other foreign languages
in the seaports and primary trading centres.
60% Protestant (northern part of Kingdom)
40% Catholic (southern part of Kingdom)
Literacy Rate
The Kingdom mostly focuses on shipping lumber from it's vast forests in
the southern part of the kingdom to other States and Empires in exchange
for hard currency or other goods, with preference towards hard currency.
However, several large cities in the north are growing rapidly and producing
more and more manufactured goods each year, and this is leading to
friction between the southern landstraat representatives and the northern
landstraat representatives
Naval Forces
The Kingdom despite it's vast natural resources, does not build excessively large
ships. Most of the Navy's capital ships are 40+ gun Frigates built to help protect
the coastline against pirates, invaders, and other miscreants as well as to protect
Württemberg's oversea's ports from invasions, etc. A large number of old converted
merchantmen make up the bulk of the Navy's ships.
Third Rate Ship of the Line (1)
80 gun - 1 (under construction will finish next year)
78 guns - 1
Fifth Rate Frigates (30)
48 gun: 15
44 gun: 15
Sloops, converted Merchantmen (120)
18 gun Sloops - 30
10 gun Merchantmen - 90
Merchant Marine
Large, based on transporting timbers to other Kingdoms/Empires, etc for their ships.
3,000+ ships.
Land Forces:
The creme de la creme of Württemberg, the Army consists of a well disciplined
cadre of 60,000 troops and 120 cannon. The Army is divided into three Corps.
I Corps: Protection of the Coastline
(15,000 troops, 30 cannon)
II Corps: Protection of the Interior of the country
(35,000 troops, 70 cannon)
III Corps: Reserve Corps.
(10,000 troops, 20 cannon)
Twice Daily, during the Summer and Winter, the army is taken out of it's quarters
and enages in manuevers to insure a high quality in both the men and officers.
Backing up the Army are the small
Landstraat battalions which are raised individually
by the landstraats, for a total of 20,000 troops and 20 cannon capable of being
ready given a month's time.