What is the most popular browser?
Posted: 2003-08-21 05:02am
And I don't mean on the board. What's the most popularly used browser?
Get your fill of sci-fi, science, and mockery of stupid ideas
Ok thanks. Now I know which browser to check for color uniformity.Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:Micro$oft Idiot Exploiter, hands down. Which it certainly does NOT deserve.
Mozilla, Opera, and the Linux brosers need to be in a three-way tie for Number 1 tho. The Internet would be far better for it.
Hasn't Netscape been bought by AOL now? Doesn't even exist anymore.Simon H.Johansen wrote:I think it's a tie between Netscape and Microsoft IE.
Dammit, Ein, you should've said Mozilla.verilon wrote:Ok thanks. Now I know which browser to check for color uniformity.Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:Micro$oft Idiot Exploiter, hands down. Which it certainly does NOT deserve.
Mozilla, Opera, and the Linux brosers need to be in a three-way tie for Number 1 tho. The Internet would be far better for it.
Hasnt been that way for a looong time (in computer years).Simon H.Johansen wrote:I think it's a tie between Netscape and Microsoft IE.
Code: Select all
//html a bit rusty, adjust appropriately. Read w3c docs at w3c.org
* insert <script type="text/javascript" src="[location of this file]"></script> in the head
function getObj(objID){ //parambeter is tag id, in quotes
return document.getElementById(objID);
return document.all[objID];
function createCookie(name,value,days){ //parameter is cookie name, value, and days till expiration
var cookieDate = new Date();
document.cookie=name+'='+value+'; '+'expires='+cookieDate.toGMTString()+'; path=/';
function cookieParse(name){ //parameter is cookie name, returns value
var cookie = document.cookie;
var reParseCookie = new RegExp(name+'=\\w*\\w');
var pair = reParseCookie.exec(cookie)[0];
return pair.split('=')[1];
function styleLoadAddCookie(style,styleDir){
* Parameter is the stylesheet file name, without
* ".css" under the styles folder. To be called
* when user clicks link to change style, sets cookie
* to remember style.
* Call before styleLoadCookie. One
* should call this, feeding in parameters for the default
* stylesheet, then create links for the user to select others
* Mainly to support IE users and Firebird users, since they don't
* support alternative stylesheets. Even mozilla does not remember
* alternative stylesheets. One should insert
* <link type="text/css" id="style" href="[insert file of your default stylesheet] />
* in the head. Backslash before the > is for XHTML compatiblity, should you use it.
var styleDir='./styles';
getObj('style').href = styleDir+'/'+style+'.css';
function styleLoadCookie(styleDir){ //Optional parameter is stylesheet directory. Function
//loads stylesheet after reading cookie.
//Run right after the function above
var styleDir='./styles';
var style = cookieParse('style');
function flip(imgOn,imgOff,idImage,idSensor,imgDir){ //For flipping images on mouseover.
//Parameters are the "on" image,
//the "off" image, the id of the img tag you
//want to change, the id of the link or
//whatever you want to activate the flip,
//and the last optional parameter is the
//directory where images are placed.
//By default, it's under "images"
var imgDir='./images';
var images = new Array();
images['on'] = new Image();
images['off'] = new Image();
images['on'].src = imgDir+'/'+imgOn;
images['off'].src = imgDir+'/'+imgOff;
getObj(idSensor).onmouseover = function(){getObj(idImage).src = images['on'].src;};
getObj(idSensor).onmouseout = function(){getObj(idImage).src = images['off'].src;};
* The two methods below return the window height and width for IE. Is compatible with IE 1-4.
* The mozilla methods are missing, since the version with them got nuked when I reformatted
* the windows computer upstairs
function getWinHeight(){
if((document.all && (document.compatMode == 'BackCompat'))||(!document.all)){//M$ Sucks!!!!!!
return document.body.clientHeight;
return document.documentElement.clientHeight;
function getWinWidth(){
if((document.all && (document.compatMode == 'BackCompat'))||(!document.all)){//M$ Sucks!!!!!!
return document.body.clientWidth;
return document.documentElement.clientWidth;
Not since Netscape 4, which was a piece of crap. NS3 will render pages that NS4's idiotic engine won't.ggs wrote:Hasnt been that way for a looong time (in computer years).Simon H.Johansen wrote:I think it's a tie between Netscape and Microsoft IE.
Ahh yes NS4 the footbullet project.phongn wrote:Not since Netscape 4, which was a piece of crap. NS3 will render pages that NS4's idiotic engine won't.
I did bash M$IE a good amount tho. I didn't know he'd say that.Durandal wrote:Dammit, Ein, you should've said Mozilla.verilon wrote:Ok thanks. Now I know which browser to check for color uniformity.Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:Micro$oft Idiot Exploiter, hands down. Which it certainly does NOT deserve.
Mozilla, Opera, and the Linux brosers need to be in a three-way tie for Number 1 tho. The Internet would be far better for it.
No, don't code for Mozilla or Opera. Code for the W3C standards.Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:Ver, please code for Moz and Opera. As for IE, see my sig
Not the point. I don't have a choice in the matter. I'd code for the other browsers, but the color comformity needs to be about the same as what most people use. [shrugs] I really hate doing web design.. have i ever mentioned that?Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:I did bash M$IE a good amount tho. I didn't know he'd say that.Durandal wrote:Dammit, Ein, you should've said Mozilla.verilon wrote: Ok thanks. Now I know which browser to check for color uniformity.
Ver, please code for Moz and Opera. As for IE, see my sig
Can't always do that, since some features people take for granted, like javascript alert boxes, aren't in the standards. Of course, for those, everyone supports them anyway.phongn wrote:No, don't code for Mozilla or Opera. Code for the W3C standards.Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:Ver, please code for Moz and Opera. As for IE, see my sig
Actually, what happened was that I was setting the table colors to the colors of the images, and everything got fucked from there. I use Paint Shop Pro 7.04 cos my computer won't run PhotoShop because of the other software I use on it. And the problem with using gifs is that they wouldn't stay the right color when I tried to upload them (my comp sucks in general).Slartibartfast wrote:Exactly what problems do you have with color coding? Feel free to contact me if you want help about that... I've done a lot of websites, and I usually have installed both IE and Moz, so I can check it with both.
Are you using Photoshop 5? If so, do you have that awful "color profiles" option activated?
Also, depending on the content, you could avoid using table colors entirely and using single-pixel gifs. Just PM me and maybe send me a sample of what you're doing.
Been there, tried that. My comp won't let me keep transparent gifs.Pu-239 wrote:Why don't you use transparent GIFs? (BTW the patent on LZW compression in GIFs expired sometime this year for the US, so it is legal to create gifs using GIMP and the like).
I have multiple browsers, but each one it look sslightly different. the web address for the page I am designing is at http://www.bigads4less.com/kwikdyme.html for the time being.The color on an image and rendered on an element (table,cell, whatever) should look the same if their RGB values are identical though. Can you post a screenshot of what you want to do?
As an option of last resort, use serverside or client side scripting. You'll have to ask DW for anything involving serverside scripting, since I don't know perl.
If you are a web page developer, you should have multiple browsers installed anyway.
(and too busy to do it, since I'm spending time figuring out how to work blender, povray, and other 3d stuff, then help dalton on web page standards compliance.)