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Stupid virus makers, grrrrrrrrrrr!
Posted: 2003-08-22 07:14pm
by Sothis
Twice is as many days, I have found viruses on my machine. Luckily anti-virus stopped them from doing whatever they were designed to do, and I was able to remove them.
Still, what is the mentality behind people who write viruses???? They're not stupid- not if they can write programs like sobig and msblast, so why are they directing all their skills into something so malicious and destructive? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, is it politics, is it for kicks, is it because they want to have 'power'???
Posted: 2003-08-22 07:17pm
by Pu-239
All of the above.
Posted: 2003-08-22 07:19pm
by Wicked Pilot
They're stupid kids who get highs off stupid shit like this to make up for the lack of women out there who will sleep with them. Nonetheless, depending on their success, they may find themselves in a prison where there are quite a few people who would want to sleep with them.
Posted: 2003-08-22 07:21pm
by kojikun
For some people its sheer boredom. For others, like the dumbfuck who wrote the Blaster worm, it was apparently out of disdain for MS products. I believe he writes "MS" with s $.
Posted: 2003-08-22 07:26pm
by Sothis
Just remembered, this probably belongs in the computing forum, can a mod please please pretty please with a cherry on top move it?

Posted: 2003-08-22 07:33pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
SoBig is motivated by money. It's designed to turn home computers into something called an 'Open Relay', the Holy Grail for spammers. Hit an Open Relay with a single spam email CCed and BCCed with a million email addresses, and it'll send the spam to all the addresses. The recipients will see it come from the relay, not the stupid fucktard spammer who used it. It keeps getting rereleased to keep infection rates high so the spammers have endless supplies of open relays, therefore keeping themselves in business. Death to Spammers!
EDIT: Death to Typodemons too!