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Counter Strike Skins
Posted: 2003-08-23 09:24pm
by Alyeska
Once upon a time I had some really nice weapon skins for Counter Strike. Well that was many reformats ago. Anyone know of any websites I can check out?
Posted: 2003-08-23 10:07pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
CSNation has some good ones in their SOTD archives, beyond that, I don't know...
Posted: 2003-08-24 12:20am
by DeadM
I used to love CS skins, even made my own skinpack(but its formated away now

), but now I like the original skins better, they seem to fit the weapons better.
Lets see, counter strike skins....
Counter-Strike Weapons
Counter-Strike Players
Counter-Strike Skinpacks
CS Extreme
Sprites(in german)
CSNations SotD Archive
Somehow, it seems to be harder to find skins now than it used to be
Posted: 2003-08-24 02:53pm
by The Dark
My favorite skin of all time is the Castor Troy gold-plated twin semi-auto pistols. They were well done and just look cool. My roommate and I never played with standard skins (there was one match where it was Gundams against Clonetroopers).
Posted: 2003-08-24 05:36pm
by Alyeska
I love having the new skins in the game. I am using all new chacater models. The CTs have very good SWAT type uniforms while the Terrorists are a variety of high quality mods. The weapons are also changed for the most part. I try and stick with the guns already used, but I altered some for realism. The MAC-10 is now a MP5K. SIG-552 became a SIG-551. The SIG-550 sniper rifle became a modified M4 silenced sniper.
One problem though. When I installed the M4 sniper, it has some strange ass scope with no crosshairs in the middle. I can't figure out how to remove the damned thing. I changed the other sniper rifles, but now the M4 sniper (former SIG-550) has its own that I just can't fix.
Posted: 2003-08-24 06:31pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
Posted: 2003-08-25 12:22am
by Solid Snake
Mitth`raw`nuruodo wrote:my skins:
*snip, snip, snip*
You're such a blockhead, Charlie Brown!
Posted: 2003-08-25 12:47pm
by DeadM
YAY! The Low-FPS Models
My favorite model was a AK replacement, the model itself was not that different from the original, in fact, I think it was just a reskin, but anyway, it had its own custom sounds, which, IMO, fitted the AK better.
I think it was called the Taliban AK, because it made it look older and more used.