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Anyone remember punters and proggies?
Posted: 2003-08-25 12:13am
by Solid Snake
Ahhh... those were the days. AOL 3.0, kicking people off the internet. Heh. Too bad the AOL Nazis put a stop to this.. I kinda miss shit like Fate Zero, Icy Hot, Pepsi, Cube...

Posted: 2003-08-25 09:34am
by TheFeniX
My buddy and I used to have contests on who could punt who first.
Ah.... damn, I needed a life.
Posted: 2003-08-25 09:54am
by The Dark
I remember my friend was working on a Shield/Reflect program. It would read for incoming punters/proggies, and if it detected any known ones, it would block it and return to sender. Don't know if he ever got it working...I think he left the 3.5" sitting on his HD one night and it got wiped.
Re: Anyone remember punters and proggies?
Posted: 2003-08-26 12:42am
by Shrykull
Solid Snake wrote:Ahhh... those were the days. AOL 3.0, kicking people off the internet. Heh. Too bad the AOL Nazis put a stop to this.. I kinda miss shit like Fate Zero, Icy Hot, Pepsi, Cube...

How did those programs work exactly, gave them an internal error by constantly flashing the same message? I never got the chance to use one, I tried in 3.0 but none of them ever worked.