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Look what they did to Max Payne! (warning: PIC)

Posted: 2003-08-27 01:27am
by Slartibartfast
Why oh why... now Payne is some old dude! :evil:


Re: Look what they did to Max Payne! (warning: PIC)

Posted: 2003-08-27 03:46am
by Lord of the Farce
Slartibartfast wrote:Why oh why... now Payne is some old dude! :evil: ... en_s11.jpg
Max Payne 2 is suppose to be (AFAIK) set a good few years after the original. Also, the time that Sam Lake isn't using for being the model for Max Payne is just that much more time for him to work on the storyline. And the new model doesn't look that unlike Sam in other screen shots...

Posted: 2003-08-27 05:39am
by Spanky The Dolphin
That is a very ugly tie...

Posted: 2003-08-27 07:47am
by Crazy_Vasey
If it means he's not gonna look like he desperately needs a shit all the time then I'm all for it.

Posted: 2003-08-27 09:17am
by weemadando
Hey, I thought the original Max Payne skin looked pretty damn cool.

And I have loved EVERYTHING I've seen about the new one.

Posted: 2003-08-27 10:18am
by Drooling Iguana
Looks like he ate a bran muffin at some point between the original game and the sequel.

Posted: 2003-08-27 01:08pm
by DPDarkPrimus
It takes place ten years later, and considering that Max probably did do jail time (he pled guilty to the charge, I'm wondering how he got off so easy), all that combined with the fact that his family was brutally murdered would probably add a few years to your face.

Posted: 2003-08-27 01:31pm
by Montcalm
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:That is a very ugly tie...
He would look much better with a Garfield tie. :lol:

Posted: 2003-08-27 01:45pm
DPDarkPrimus wrote:I'm wondering how he got off so easy
What do you mean, he killed only few thousands?

Posted: 2003-08-27 03:16pm
by Oberleutnant
For the sequel Remedy had a much bigger budget and could afford to use real New Yorker actors as their characters' models, instead of just photographing their friends in Helsinki.

Posted: 2003-08-28 02:23am
by weemadando
SHODAN wrote:
DPDarkPrimus wrote:I'm wondering how he got off so easy
What do you mean, he killed only few thousands?
Actually I believe it was good ole One Eye Alfred Woden who cleaned him up.

After all, he was alive at the end and had to make good on his promises...

And you just KNOW you're going to be seeing him again.

Posted: 2003-08-28 05:30am
by Slartibartfast
It still doesn't feel right to play some arsefaced grandpa in a first person shooter!

They could have found a less ugly face. The original skin had a pretty bad frown (the "what's that smell" face) but at least he looked cool in the cutscenes. This guy doesn't even seem the same but aged, he doesn't even look like an older distant relative.

What's the point in making a sequel if the main character is so panfully obviously different? Why not call the game "Harry McPayne" and be about the adventures of his dad.

Posted: 2003-08-28 07:35am
by Vympel
This fucking screenshot refuses to work for me.

Posted: 2003-08-28 11:58pm
by Lord of the Farce
Slartibartfast wrote:It still doesn't feel right to play some arsefaced grandpa in a first person shooter!


What's the point in making a sequel if the main character is so panfully obviously different? Why not call the game "Harry McPayne" and be about the adventures of his dad.
Judging from these couple of screenshots... ... ots/07.jpg ... en_s01.jpg
... The models aren't THAT radically different.

And as I already pointed out, you can't really blame them for not tying up Sam Lake to be the model.

Posted: 2003-08-29 01:44am
by Slartibartfast
They can change him, but at least find someone whose face doesn't look like the dérrière of a camel. (and don't start with the "trying to shit" face, that's just that, a frown. Some people can look both ugly *and* relaxed)

Posted: 2003-08-29 07:04am
by Lord of the Farce
Slartibartfast wrote:It still doesn't feel right to play some arsefaced grandpa in a first person shooter!
Nitpick: It's a third-person shooter.
What's the point in making a sequel if the main character is so panfully obviously different? Why not call the game "Harry McPayne" and be about the adventures of his dad.
Because they wanted to run with the "Max & Mona" storyline, duh. :D
They can change him, but at least find someone whose face doesn't look like the dérrière of a camel. (and don't start with the "trying to shit" face, that's just that, a frown. Some people can look both ugly *and* relaxed)
*Shrug* If it really bothers you that much, get someone to make you a mod (or make it yourself) for Max Payne 2 which has a more Sam Lake-like facial model. I wouldn't be surprised if there are a quite few competent CG modellers who agree with you.

Posted: 2003-08-30 12:09am
by Enigma
Well according to PC Gamer MP2 takes place a year after the original and He's with the NYPD and in the beginning of the game he says that he's been blamed for killing his partner and that he agreed.

Posted: 2003-08-30 03:01pm
by Slartibartfast
Enigma wrote:Well according to PC Gamer MP2 takes place a year after the original and He's with the NYPD and in the beginning of the game he says that he's been blamed for killing his partner and that he agreed.
So there goes the Aged Payne theory, out the window.