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What's your computer glitch?
Posted: 2003-08-31 09:37pm
by Sektor31
Not really a repeating glitch since it only happened once, but one day I started my computer and my Hewlett Packard CD-RW tray just came out. At first I thought that I just accidently pressed the button, but then it seemed that the computer couldn't communicate with the drive. When I restarted, it came out again, and continued on until I shut down, then restarted manually. From then on it worked just fine and hasn't happened since. Guess this was just a mistransmitted signal...
What's the strangest computer mishap that has ever befallen you?
Posted: 2003-08-31 11:52pm
by RogueIce
The thing rebooting without any warning, whatsoever. It even worked just fine, no noticable problems, then WHAM, a reboot.
Posted: 2003-09-01 12:52am
by Dalton
Mine has an annoying tendency to not want to load Linux.
Posted: 2003-09-01 12:56am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
I scroll up and down on a website in Mozilla after the comp's been on a couple days and {+~-WHAMMO!!!-~+} Reboot! Just like RogueIce's problem but quite reproducible and narrowly defined.
Posted: 2003-09-01 12:57am
by Sea Skimmer
Posted: 2003-09-01 01:32am
by EmperorMing
The random shut down for no good reason...
Posted: 2003-09-01 01:38am
by Crayz9000
A PCMCIA ethernet card that has this really annoying tendency of rebooting my old 486 laptop whenever it gets too hot.
Posted: 2003-09-01 01:48am
by Seggybop
Computer failing to start unless someone presses the edge of the video card with their fingers while the power is turned on.
Posted: 2003-09-01 02:36am
by Howedar
Random poof shutdown. Its only happened to me once.
Posted: 2003-09-01 10:41am
by Ace Pace
hmn let me count:
1) for no reason my graphic card will lock up, force a reboot, or display green lines on the screen till I restart, quite random.
2)a network card that will decide suddenly to stop all internet traffic.
3)unknown cluprit that for seconds will freeze the computer, and randomly start working again (useally when I am dead,destoryed, blown up etc.).
any help for number 1?
Posted: 2003-09-01 11:29am
by Embracer Of Darkness
Ace Pace wrote:any help for number 1?
A new card.
Really though, check the connections and stuff first.
Posted: 2003-09-01 11:30am
by Ace Pace
Embracer Of Darkness wrote:Ace Pace wrote:any help for number 1?
A new card.
Really though, check the connections and stuff first.
its actully going to be replaced with the warrenty, but its still going to cost money.
I can't pop the box, that will blow the warrenty, but a new card is WAY out of the picture, 400$ don't lie around for under 18 teenagers.
Posted: 2003-09-01 11:45am
by Utsanomiko
The only problem my current comp has is that Win XP Pro won't go into screensaver by itself, no matter which I use or how I set them.
My last computer had quite a few problems, such as the Zip drive locking up and it persistently asking to connect to the net when started up, many of which were solved simply by the problems going away by themselves. Oh, and it also seemed to change the startup programs and scheduled tasks on its own.
Posted: 2003-09-02 04:26pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
This one (not mine) has a faulty SOMETHING in the moniter, and every few minutes or so it will just black out for ~5 seconds. It LOVES to do it while I'm playing games online, in fact. Other than that, this thing is perfect.
Now, MY computer *glances at pile of broken computer parts in the corner* had all kinds of quirks. It shuts down randomly if you don't have something plugged into the joystick port, the ethernet card thinks it's a different kind (i swear the drivers for the old one are gone, but the thing doesn't agree), the 1st few sectors of the hard drive SOMETIMES let you access them, and soemtimes they don't. I love it dearly (well, as much as one loves a (broken) inanimate object like that), but the damn thing doesn't seem to love me back. (I'm so proud of it, 550 mhz, Radeon 7200, 128 MB of ram ran the bigass temple desert map on UT2k3 with 14 bots and 35 FPS!! w00t!)
Posted: 2003-09-02 04:32pm
by Faram
Have an upnp router but if I enable the service the comp hangs.
Yes upnp support is installed on the network.
Posted: 2003-09-02 04:46pm
by Vendetta
Graphical glitching. Notably, desktop blanking and coming back corrupt, or intensive 3D applications misbehaving or crashing.
This only happens on a cold boot. Let the system run for a while, and then reboot it, and it will work forever.
Posted: 2003-09-02 04:50pm
by Batman
For some arcane reason, my CD ROM won't update CD title changes. It will always display the title of the CD in the drive during boot.
It works OK, it recognizes media changes-new CD icon, new content in explorer, I can use the CD just fine including autorun were that enabled, but the only way to get the system to update the title is a reboot.
Reinstall via remove/find new HW in DeviceManager didn't work, driver update didn't work, physically removing and reinstalling the drive didn't work- I decided to live with it considering it doesn't even qualify as a nuisance.
And I have finally given up on my display dying.
It's a 17" CRT I got way back when 'high end' meant P1 133Mhz, and I took the cheapest one I could get, meaning I got stuck with a 60Khz one, meaning everything beyond 72Hz in 1024x768 means I'm overclocking the damned thing.
Sure enough, two or three years ago it started that whine which means 'Dude, you're gonna need a new display soon' because...well, I was overclocking it.
OK, I thought, at least when it dies you won't have an excuse not to get a new display anymore.
It's been whining ever since...
Posted: 2003-09-02 05:34pm
by Lord Pounder
My PC shuts down when i play games. That i can handle as long as i save regularily. However it does it when i play Ultima. It crashed on me tonight. I rushed back on a woke up in the world poisoned. Mother fucking game keeps playing after i lost power.
Posted: 2003-09-02 05:42pm
by Pu-239
When using Firebird on Linux, accidently dragging one of the tabs crashes the browser, and locks the X server for about a minute or so.
Nonfunctional APM/ACPI on both Linux and Win2K
Printer excessively slow under Linux(too lazy to install omni drivers and recompile ghostscript.
Winmodem lacks 2.6 Linux driver, so I'm stuck with the slower 2.4 for normal usage. Damn conexant to the pits of hell, and damn the guy who sold it claiming it was a hardware modem.
The fact that I have a 56k winmodem, yet had a 33.6 hardware modem that I gave away. When I moved, connections speeds are limited to 26.4
. Who wants to donate their old hardware modem to me?
Bios doesn't support 40GB HDD, so I have to install a ATA-100 card. At least it's faster, despite MUCH slower startup- takes ~3 minutes to start Linux, ~2 for Win2K on the PII-450, yet less than a minute for my PI-120 for Linux. Then again, that was using a BSD style init, which is faster, but less elegant.
100Mb Ethernet on crossover cable only transfers ~ 11-12Mb/sec
The 1/8 of my HDD contaminated with my windows partition
The faster IBM java refuses to run JEdit (which was the whole point of trying to install IBM java).
Posted: 2003-09-02 08:15pm
by phongn
Pu-239 wrote:Printer excessively slow under Linux(too lazy to install omni drivers and recompile ghostscript.
It's good having a native PostScript L2 printer with a good amount of RAM
Posted: 2003-09-02 08:25pm
by 2000AD
Good god, where to start!
If any program crashes (like Kazaa or a media player) it takes the whole thing with it.
The printer says it's empty when there's a forest of paper in the it.
Certain games wont run on it and these change each time i format the harddrive. Currently it's Rogue Spear, Diablo 2, Mechwarrior 4, and a few others.
The CD icon never changes.
Auto-run on CD's takes about amminute to start up at best.
There's more but it's half one over here and i'm not thinking at my best.
Thank god i've got a new PC to take to uni with me.
Posted: 2003-09-02 08:36pm
by Sir Sirius
For some reason I can't watch short .avi files on my computer. The picture will freeze after 6 seconds of viewing, the sound track will keep on playing inspite of this. It does not matter whitch program I am using to watch the .avi, the symptoms are always the same. This is only a problem with small .avi files, not large ones, and I watch the files on my other computer just fine once I've transferred them there, so the problem is not in the files them selves.
Posted: 2003-09-02 10:40pm
by aerius
Once in a while it crashes on bootup. Windoze gets to the desktop and loads all the icons and then it just freezes dead. Reboot it and it's fine. Probably just Windoze rot but I'm too lazy to do a wipe & reinstall these days.
Re: What's your computer glitch?
Posted: 2003-09-03 02:09am
by Shrykull
Sektor31 wrote:Not really a repeating glitch since it only happened once, but one day I started my computer and my Hewlett Packard CD-RW tray just came out. At first I thought that I just accidently pressed the button, but then it seemed that the computer couldn't communicate with the drive. When I restarted, it came out again, and continued on until I shut down, then restarted manually. From then on it worked just fine and hasn't happened since. Guess this was just a mistransmitted signal...
What's the strangest computer mishap that has ever befallen you?
I remember back when I had prodigy in 93 I heard the modem making all the connection sounds but didn't connect, wonder at what point it got cut off. Right now also I have AVG telling me virus's are still present which I deleted with Macafee.
Posted: 2003-09-03 11:59am
by Shogoki
My old dvd drive is dying, sometimes it does not turn on or something, and is not loaded or recognized by the OS, when this happens i turn the pc off, pat the dvd drive a bit, and turn the pc back on, voila, the drive works again.