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UFO Aftermatch
Posted: 2003-09-04 03:11pm
by Faram
Comming soon can't wait really.
Squad based games are my favs. I still play Jagged Alliance 2 now and then (no not the horrible expansion...)
And X-Com is up there among my favs ever, hell I keep my PSOne just to play it

Posted: 2003-09-04 03:19pm
by Companion Cube
Looks good. Kind of like an updated X-Com, like you mentioned.
Posted: 2003-09-04 06:28pm
by PeZook
Does it still have base management? I remember reading something about it a few months back, and the article mentioned that it didn't
Oh, how much I'd give for X-Com with graphics that would show your men acting like REAL SOLDIERS, not buttplug-treated dorks!
Even if they were only on par with, say, JA2, I'd be happy.
EDIT: Forgot a word
Posted: 2003-09-05 01:40am
by EmperorMing
Posted: 2003-09-05 04:02am
by Vympel
I have my doubts, personally. The graphics look bland, the base management/interception part is stripped down to a shadow of what UFO was. The only hope is the combat system. It better be enough to save it, but I hear the game's already been reviewed by a few of the lesser known sites and hasn't received excellent grades, IIRC.
Re: UFO Aftermatch
Posted: 2003-09-05 07:24am
by Eleas
This looks pretty bad, to be honest. And if the resource management has been marginalized, then the point of it being called X-Com in the first place is debatable.