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Goddamn Worthless Brother

Posted: 2003-09-06 06:29pm
by MKSheppard
In case you haven't been noticing that I've been offline since
oh, last night, it's because my brother took away the cable modem
because I restricted his account down from admin level to just restricted
user, meaning he cannot remove/install anything, or make changes
to the registry, after I got tired of removing eDonkey oh, 2 weeks ago,
and then finding eMule on the HDD just two nights ago, when my firewall
told some worthless german PoS software to fuck off when it tried to access
the internet.

So basically, as a result of this restricting him to restricted user level,
he can no longer play such games as HomeWorld 2 Demo....

What a fucking catastrophe :roll:

So he then takes away the cable modem and hides it. I say. Okay..we'll
see how long we can play this game...and I do some cleaning up on my
computer, and free up about 500+ MB of space...tonight,
when I get back onto the computer, I find that all that 500MB is gone,
filled up guess what? Fucking goddamned Anime rips that
he downloaded from Something Awful's hub and BitTorrent.

So I password the firewall and lock out all the goddamned P2P programs,
and while I'm eating dinner, my worthless brother turns off the computer
for no goddamned reason (and I was in the middle of a great Jango Fett
Comic). And I turn it back on and see:



And I go


And he tells me it's been like this since last night...How fucking
nice of him to tell me :roll:

So I run scandisk on both drives, and when I get back from taking
a good problems ALWAYS give me Dirrahea for
some reason...

Yep. The Optical Mouses on both computers are gone. And so Is
the Keyboard on the other computer.

How the FUCK am I supposed to fucking fix his fucking fuckups if he
takes away the keyboards/mouses?

Fortunately for me, he's also very stupid, and I'm running this comp with
an old Logitech roller mouse, and the other computer is running with
a very old keyboard from my dad's workplace....

Let's just say that Wong and me won't have any more problems for the
next few weeks or so, because my rage and anger has been redirected
towards a more suitable target...

Posted: 2003-09-06 06:32pm
by MKSheppard
Oh yea, this time it's goingg to fucking STICK. He's going to be running
on restricted level for a few weeks....I am not making the same mistake
I made before - of caving in to his incessant whining and coming to me
whenever he wants to install/play somesuch game that needs access
to the registry....

And this is the same goddamned genius who uses IE for ALL his browsing
needs.... :roll:

Posted: 2003-09-06 07:03pm
by MKSheppard
Ok, fixed the BOOT.INI file thanks to help from Phong... :D

Posted: 2003-09-06 07:09pm
by Vendetta
You need a LART.

Any local DIY store will sell you a traditional LART, for a modest sum.

Posted: 2003-09-06 07:17pm
by Soontir C'boath
Erm, what's a LART?~JAson
As for your story, your bro is just being pissed that his stuff is being shitted all over heh.
Advice, get a second my Bro did. :D

Posted: 2003-09-06 07:27pm
by Pablo Sanchez
What a dickhead. If he keeps pulling shit like that he should be glad he gets to use a computer at all.

Posted: 2003-09-06 07:28pm
by Crayz9000
Soontir C'boath wrote:Erm, what's a LART?~JAson
Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool

Essential to all prospective BOFHs.

Posted: 2003-09-06 07:29pm
by MKSheppard
Pablo Sanchez wrote:What a dickhead. If he keeps pulling shit like that he should be glad he gets to use a computer at all.
Yeah yeah...BTW, love your new sig, pablo

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
--Josef Stalin

In an election 2000 mood? :lol:

Posted: 2003-09-06 07:31pm
by The Yosemite Bear
He HAS a second computer, his brother just likes the Primary computer because it runs better (given as much spyware/apps as his brother likes running, I can see why)

Why does this remind me of all the times I wound up getting rented to my aunt to troubleshoot her computer before she had to grade some assignments/create a test?

(I swear I think her kids were being paid by her students....)

Posted: 2003-09-06 07:33pm
by MKSheppard
The Yosemite Bear wrote:He HAS a second computer, his brother just likes the Primary computer because it runs better
Err...big difference between a Pentium II 450 with a Voodoo Banshee
and a Pentium IV 1.4 Ghz with a GeForce FX 5200 Ultra :lol:

I've told him I want to get a new barebones kit to replace the second
comp, but he just blows me off...when I get that job, I'm getting that
comp upgraded ASAP to something not 7 years out of date

Posted: 2003-09-06 07:43pm
by HemlockGrey
450? He should consider himself lucky. I'd kill for a 450.

Posted: 2003-09-06 08:05pm
by Darth Wong
How old are you and your brother? Aren't you at about the age where the two of you can coexist peacefully yet? My brother and I buried the hatchet in our 20s, and now we're good friends.

Posted: 2003-09-06 08:07pm
by Soontir C'boath
Well then charge him a fee from his allowance and give the set of rules. :)~Jason Make him pay a penalty if he allows bad shit in *adware*

Posted: 2003-09-06 08:09pm
by Xenophobe3691
MKSheppard wrote:
Err...big difference between a Pentium II 450 with a Voodoo Banshee
and a Pentium IV 1.4 Ghz with a GeForce FX 5200 Ultra :lol:

I've told him I want to get a new barebones kit to replace the second
comp, but he just blows me off...when I get that job, I'm getting that
comp upgraded ASAP to something not 7 years out of date
Your old comp's better than the main comp at home. My dad doesn't get why we need to upgrade. Damn Brighton attitude is hard to get out of that asshat.

EDIT: Post 1776

Posted: 2003-09-06 08:11pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Shep's brother just graduated from High School, you know, 17-18 brainless, knows everything, loves playing petty games.

I hear about Shep's brother and I am reminded of my sister/me conflicts after I left for High School, *Why the fuck did she have to use my C disk to store that virus she uploadeed onto the school computer?*

Posted: 2003-09-06 08:15pm
by darthdavid
Lock him out if he pulls any more crap.

Posted: 2003-09-06 08:25pm
by MKSheppard
Darth Wong wrote:How old are you and your brother
Me 22, he's uhm...uh...fuck, I THINK he's 19 or's hard living
in the same house with an anime fanwhore who keeps eating up
hard drive space with rips of worthless anime least with
Spanky, he's oh, 2000miles away from me, but with my brother, arrrgh

Posted: 2003-09-06 08:26pm
by MKSheppard
darthdavid wrote:Lock him out if he pulls any more crap.
I did, he can't edit the registry, change hardware specs, or install/uninstall
anything now.

As a side effect, some games just wont' run no more...what kind of idiot makes the game dependent on EDITING the registry to run?

Posted: 2003-09-06 08:28pm
by Darth Wong
MKSheppard wrote:
Darth Wong wrote:How old are you and your brother
Me 22, he's uhm...uh...fuck, I THINK he's 19 or's hard living in the same house with an anime fanwhore who keeps eating up hard drive space with rips of worthless anime least with Spanky, he's oh, 2000miles away from me, but with my brother, arrrgh
Unfortunate. I'd tell you that in a few years you might be able to get along, but I doubt that's much consolation right now (and it's not guaranteed by any means, although most people mature significantly once they get out of the house and live as a single adult for a while).

In the meantime, you should try upgrading the second rig (didn't you say you have one good computer and one crappy one?) Spare parts aren't hard to find; hell, I have a 1.3GHz Celeron sitting around collecting dust.

Posted: 2003-09-06 08:29pm
by Darth Wong
MKSheppard wrote:As a side effect, some games just wont' run no more...what kind of idiot makes the game dependent on EDITING the registry to run?
It's quite common, unfortunately. The racing game 1nsane is a lot of fun, but it doesn't work properly unless you have admin rights (I'm not kidding; it's fucked up and it won't save your progress or preferences unless you have admin rights).

Posted: 2003-09-06 08:34pm
by Hamel
Well Shep, at least your brother isn't a bonafide criminal that gets away with assaulting your parents. Thankfully he's only an anime junkie, not some twisted fucker that gets his kicks from breaking in to Korean DSlams and changing their MOTDs.

Posted: 2003-09-06 08:36pm
by Darth Wong
Hamel wrote:Well Shep, at least your brother isn't a bonafide criminal that gets away with assaulting your parents. Thankfully he's only an anime junkie, not some twisted fucker that gets his kicks from breaking in to Korean DSlams and changing their MOTDs.
No, Shep would be the one who got away with assaulting his parents. One must only hope he's changed some.

Posted: 2003-09-06 08:36pm
by MKSheppard
Darth Wong wrote: Unfortunate. I'd tell you that in a few years you might be able to get along
We DO get along fine really. It's just that he can be dumbfuck stupid when
it comes to computers. I'm just fed up with his crap. Can't he learn not to
endlessly download shit?
In the meantime, you should try upgrading the second rig (didn't you say you have one good computer and one crappy one?) Spare parts aren't hard to find; hell, I have a 1.3GHz Celeron sitting around collecting dust.
Computer Parts cost $$$....Me have job interview on Tuesday, thankfully...

Posted: 2003-09-06 08:37pm
by MKSheppard
Darth Wong wrote: No, Shep would be the one who got away with assaulting his parents. One must only hope he's changed some.
Uhm 9 months in jail, and a criminal record is "getting away" :roll: Oh yeah,
monthly probation officer visits, and I can't go out of the state for more
than 24 hours without notifying them first.

Posted: 2003-09-06 08:37pm
by Darth Wong
MKSheppard wrote:
Darth Wong wrote:Unfortunate. I'd tell you that in a few years you might be able to get along
We DO get along fine really. It's just that he can be dumbfuck stupid when it comes to computers. I'm just fed up with his crap. Can't he learn not to endlessly download shit?
Ah, it's a computer illiteracy problem? Well, those are simply intractable; you might as well just put thermite on any computer where he has useful access.
In the meantime, you should try upgrading the second rig (didn't you say you have one good computer and one crappy one?) Spare parts aren't hard to find; hell, I have a 1.3GHz Celeron sitting around collecting dust.
Computer Parts cost $$$....Me have job interview on Tuesday, thankfully...
Good luck.