One thing I pretty much always worry about is getting mana screwed, even with this deck, but once I get a out a sanctuary I don't have to worry about land or not, I had a slightly modified version of this deck with more elves and wirewood lodges, it wooped ass when you could have 3 wellwishers out and uptap one of them twice, then do it AGAIN during your opponents turn when your seedborn muse untaps them, anyway here it is, I haven't play tested it yet, I think I'm gonna make it then, shuffle and draw a few times to see what kind of draws I get
19 forests
3 Kamahl fist of krosa
3 Llanowar elves
3 quirion elves
2 seedborn muse
3 seeker of skybreak
3 skyshroud elves
3 timberwatch elves
3 wellwisher
3 wirewood channeler
3 aggravated assault
3 elfhame sanctuary
3 life/death
3 dragon roost
3 Mana echoes
Can you see the 3 broken combo's here? I was thinking I might try this out in a 1.5 or extended sometime, I've never played in a tourney before.
my broken MTG elf/red deck.
Moderator: Thanas