BlkbrryTheGreat wrote:Goliaths, with range upgrade, absolutly rape Battlecrusiers. Just make sure you focus your fire on one at a time (n squared rule).
What he said. Goliaths with range kick the crap out of battlecruisers. Just make sure you keep upgrading their armor and weapons.
Here's some tips...I seem to remember the mission, although I'm a melee player. As such, there are several things you tend to not see in melee all that much (like the enemy having such a huge, sprawling base covering near the entire map), but there are things it seems you're doing wrong
First off: do you know how to clone off ghosts? It's tricky to do, but it pays off in the long run. What you do is, when you see the battlecruisers begin attacking your base, move your ghosts away from the BCs. Then, select all the ghosts, and tell them all to lockdown 1 of the battlecruisers. As soon as you give that command, shift-click to deselect one of them. Now tell your ghosts to lock down another battlecruiser. Now, shift-deselect another ghost and repeat the process. This is REALLY hard until you practice such, you need to practice. Fire up a melee game with the comp on Lost Temple and try to clone off your 4 starting scvs to the mineral patches at the start. Got it?
A few more tips: in starcraft, money is everything. You can't cut off the enemy's money supply in this mission, considering how huge their base is. However, you CAN maximize your own. Make SURE that scvs are being produced constantly, all the time. Anything more than 3 pre mineral patch is a waste. however keep making them, you'll want them later. That way, when you expand to a new resource patch, you already have some scvs to send over and start mining/gas harvesting right away. Oh yeah, and 4 scvs on gas. You NEED gas if you're going factory units.
Next: Macromanagment. If you notice that, for example, you have 2 bases working at peak performance and only one factory, what do you do? You build more! At your first base, if its mining at peak performance, you can easily support 2 factories churning out goliaths. Add more as you take more resource locations. Make SURE that your factories (you'll want to go goliaths and tanks, with a heavy preference toward goliaths. But you need tanks too) are working as constantly as you can make them. If you start running into supply trouble, make sure than an scv or two are ALWAYS making depots.
Next: Lockdown. Its EXCEEDINGLY rare to see both battlecruisers, science vessels, and ghosts with lockdown on the enemy's side in normal melee games with a human player. Why? It costs so much to research/explore different tech trees and keep macro up! As such, an opponent in melee who as all that either sacrificed unit prodcuction for more varied tech (usually not a good move) or already has so much money that he can do whatever the hell he wants ( In other words, he won and you might as well give up now). However, in the missions this is not the case and it is exceedingly common to see all of those arrayed against you. Some things you can do:
1) Build a science vessel or two and keep them around your main forces.
The Prevention.
2) Medics with Restoration. The Cure.
You'll want to do both. Oh, and if you notice you're getting too rich (not macromanaging well) feel free to get ghosts with lockdown yourself. Locking down his battlecruisers is practically a kill right there, as I don't think the comp uses many medics if at all.
Next: Scouting. You'll need to scout to determine enemy base locations. Don't cheat with the code...that teaches you that against real opponents you can do that, which you can't

So, to scout, there's a few things you can do:
1) Scv. Cheap, easy, fast moving. Best scout choice, all around. You won't want to do this until you have at least around 10 or so scvs at your base, as otherwise you lose too much money you could have harvested with the scv to make it worthwhile.
2) Comsat. You NEED this...if your science vessel is locked down/destroyied/ too far away, scan to locate the ghosts. Hotkey this its so damn important. Also useful to keep tabs on what the enemy is doing. As in, you already know where a base is because you scouted 2 minutes earlier, now you want to know what the enemy has built in that time before you commit to attacks.
Next: Attacking. Remember how I said that money was so important? It will be smart to wipe out enemy bases close to your territory ASAP. Partly because they tend to have very small defense, partly because the comp tends to not help out with their bcs when a border settlement comes under attack, but mainly becuase they have cash. And you don't want them mining all that cash before you reach there.
Is that it? Did I cover anything? Tell me how you're doing. Oh, and another thing: Do you/want to play online? I knoew a few peoples from this board who do.
EDIT: Typos.