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3D on GBA

Posted: 2003-09-13 02:10am
by phongn
Apparently a team has written a rather powerful 3D engine for the GameBoy Advance. It will also be released on Nokia's NGage platform (the GBA and the NG sharing processor designs - ARM - only that one is 16 MHz and the other is 50 or 100 MHz)

The lead guy is the same person who led the Bleem and BleemCast PSX emulators (the later having antialiasing, texture filtering and better performance than PSX itself) and is writing this engine entirely in assembly.


Posted: 2003-09-13 02:48am
Looks neat, considering it runs on GBA, but 3d shooter with the pad and 2.9 inch screen is stupidest idea I've heard awhile. And sprite graphics looks infinitely more pleasant than poor 3d.

Posted: 2003-09-13 10:12pm
by YT300000
SHODAN wrote:Looks neat, considering it runs on GBA, but 3d shooter with the pad and 2.9 inch screen is stupidest idea I've heard awhile. And sprite graphics looks infinitely more pleasant than poor 3d.
The portability is pretty good, and some games don't lose all that much. Ecks vs. Sever is just as fun on a GBA as on a PS2. Nightfire is awesome. It takes getting used to, but if you are away from your PC/console for long periods of time, it might be a fun investment.