Like 1/4 of all NS servers are clan pub servers
1) Clanners almost always stack to one team
1a) 99% of them have voice comms
1b) They have weekly scrims, so there is a coordination advantage
2) Clanners cover their fellow members' asses when something goes down
2a) Over half of all pubbers and clanners use ex_interp exploit as marine, and play dumb when you call them out on it
2a1)Complain, and they deny deny deny
2b) If you have a cheating clan member on the server, don't dare accuse him or you'll be permabanned on the spot
2c)The clan that plays together, hacks together
3) Reserved slots
3a) 1 slot is fine for admin, more are never necessary
3b) If you want to reserve 6 fucking slots THEN PUT A PASSWORD ON YOUR SERVER YOU SCAT FETISHISTS
3c) New trend is offering reserved slots to pubbers and regulars for a monthly fee
3c1) This only encourages brats to waste their allowance money on a fucking FREE MOD
3c2) Those that cough up the fee are usually given admin rights, such as banning, ejecting from comm chair, and llama/slap
3cpenis) And you fucking guessed it, they do nothing but abuse those rights
3cvagina) And they're always fucking assholes. ALWAYS
4) Clanner attitudes
4a) Remember, you are just a newb compared to these 1337 clanners

4b) Most act either like 12 yr olds or late teen wiggers
4c) Always blame you if they fuck it up
4d) Most of the time, the top clanners aimbot it up, and use their ill-gained wins to keep their nose up in the air
4d1) Syn is the top NS clan right now. I watched a match of them vs STD ~ blatant fucking aimbot with shotties. Demo was posted on official forums and the entire community sucks their dicks. Don't mention their aimbot or you'll be excommunicated from the forums and community
I am banned from probably 1/3 of all ns servers because of retarded admins and clanners