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Just what the hell is Alienware?
Posted: 2003-09-25 06:30pm
by 2000AD
I keep on hearing about how people have got Alienware PCs and shit. Just what's so special about them?
Re: Just what the hell is Alienware?
Posted: 2003-09-25 06:53pm
by The Kernel
2000AD wrote:I keep on hearing about how people have got Alienware PCs and shit. Just what's so special about them?
They are the biggest and best known Gaming PC factory. In other words, they design their PC's almost exclusively for gaming, and they have been very successful at it.
Posted: 2003-09-25 07:13pm
by Vendetta
Basically, they take top-spec off the shelf parts, and charge you an arm and a leg to put them together and paint the case green.
Posted: 2003-09-25 07:24pm
by Durandal
You see, there's this thing called the internet. It has these things called search engines. You can type a term in (say ... "alienware") and find websites related to this term. A very popular search engine, known as
Google gave a lot of
results for a search on "alienware." The first result is a link to Amazingly enough, this is a link to AlienWare's website. All you have to do is click ... and you're there!
So join us next week for tutorial number 2, "Uncovering The Secrets of The 'Back' Button."
Posted: 2003-09-25 07:33pm
by phongn
Vendetta wrote:Basically, they take top-spec off the shelf parts, and charge you an arm and a leg to put them together and paint the case green.
The cases aren't even that attractive IMHO. I'd rather splurge on something from Falcon NW if I'm going to waste cash on one of those boutique computers.
Posted: 2003-09-25 09:46pm
by Anarchist Bunny
phongn wrote:Vendetta wrote:Basically, they take top-spec off the shelf parts, and charge you an arm and a leg to put them together and paint the case green.
The cases aren't even that attractive IMHO. I'd rather splurge on something from Falcon NW if I'm going to waste cash on one of those boutique computers.
You know what is a beautiful PC? ... rial.shtml
Posted: 2003-09-25 10:41pm
by Axis Kast
If Dell is the Nissan of the computer world, Alienware makes Bentleys.
Posted: 2003-09-25 10:56pm
by phongn
Axis Kast wrote:If Dell is the Nissan of the computer world, Alienware makes Bentleys.
Gah, car analogies.
Alienware certainly does not make Bentleys.
Posted: 2003-09-26 08:03am
by Ypoknons
Big differance between the two worlds. In cars, you can design your own mechcanicals - your engine can use more cylinders, a turbo, more overhead cams and displacement. Everyone basically designs their own engines, chassis, and suspension setups - there is a lot of varitation between brands. Few off the shelf parts are used.
In the computer world, everyone is just taking everything from a few sources. A P4 3.0C CPU is always that, a P4 3.0C CPU - and it's not like highly performance memory or a fan on your 9800 is going to mean a lot of differance the way say, a WRX turbo engine separates it from well subcompacts (and I don't think Alienware tweaks your memory timings either, but I could be mistaken). As Vendetta said, off-the-shelf parts are off-the-shelf parts.
Well, I don't really mind that case

But then again, I prefer non-door cases. Of course, that Voodoo PC paint...
Posted: 2003-09-26 08:36am
by Eleas
Durandal wrote:So join us next week for tutorial number 2, "Uncovering The Secrets of The 'Back' Button."
Next question. If I should go visit these people, am I in danger of being anally probed?
Posted: 2003-09-26 12:29pm
by phongn
No. We guaruntee it. 100% or your money-back.
Posted: 2003-09-26 12:30pm
by Shadowhawk
phongn wrote:Axis Kast wrote:If Dell is the Nissan of the computer world, Alienware makes Bentleys.
Gah, car analogies.
Alienware certainly does not make Bentleys.
No, they certainly don't. It's more like a ready-made tricked-out ricer. That costs about 30% more than the parts, labor, and warranty would account for.
Posted: 2003-09-27 02:08pm
by Eleas
phongn wrote:No. We guaruntee it. 100% or your money-back.
No, I just wanted to know. I actually wouldn't mind.
Posted: 2003-09-27 03:18pm
by desertjedi
Seems overpriced for the fancy case. Although the laptops do intrigue me, I found out they ar more or less Seger Notebooks, without the fancy paint job....
Posted: 2003-09-28 08:43am
by Soulman
My new Alienware is arriving next week. The price isn't actually that much higher than the other PCs I looked at with an equivalent spec especially as most of those PCs would have been built with cheap motherboards and suchlike just so they can jam in a processor with a big number. Another thing is that they fully support you if you want to upgrade unlike most manufacturers and they have excellent tech support.