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Posted: 2003-09-27 02:13pm
by Embracer Of Darkness
You know, the game involving a pseudo-hacking lifestyle/career in the future. Anyone played it? Anyone addicted?
I sure am.
Just got a solid game over, was caught emptying a large number of bank accounts into a back-up account of my own after getting round voice-prints, cyphers, and passwords.
Posted: 2003-09-27 03:25pm
by Vendetta
Yeah, I've had it since about when it came out.
It can be horribly, scarily addictive.
(There's apparently a lot of info waiting there in the game files, if you hack into them)
I had a stupidly high level agent taken out once trying to hack the Uplink computers to get the agent list. I've lost lesser ones to botched bank jobs.
Never been through the whole campaign though (either one)
Posted: 2003-09-27 09:03pm
by Embracer Of Darkness
I just got game-overed because Uplink "were informed" that I'd broken into the criminal database and erased my record. I don't know how though, because I even deleted the administrator logs of my session.
Posted: 2003-09-27 09:40pm
by Crayz9000
Looking at the screenshots, their designers could have used a little help. The current IP version 4 range is from to ( is reserved for the netmask).
I saw an IP address starting with 710, which is logically impossible...
Posted: 2003-09-27 10:27pm
by Keevan_Colton
Actually that range is part of the secret section of the internet where only members of....wait...I've said too much....
Posted: 2003-09-27 10:37pm
by Crayz9000
It's not a matter of being a secret part of the 'Net, it's a matter of numbers. Silly Keevan. You should know that 8-bit unsigned integers have an upper limit of 256 (in decimal)
[Hah, still using only 8bits.... ]
Posted: 2003-09-28 02:44am
by Stark
Its worse than that - the game becomes remarkably less fun when you realise that stealing the 120k from one mission gets your everything you need to do pretty much anything. Cracking systems isn't that much fun, even in cartoon-hacker land, when you don't need the money for kewler stuff anymore.
Posted: 2003-09-28 07:51am
by Embracer Of Darkness
Crayz9000 wrote:It's not a matter of being a secret part of the 'Net, it's a matter of numbers. Silly Keevan. You should know that 8-bit unsigned integers have an upper limit of 256 (in decimal)
[Hah, still using only 8bits.... ]
Keep in mind, 'Uplink' is set in the future. And is fictional.
Posted: 2003-09-28 03:27pm
by Slartibartfast
Bleh, this game is boring. Stealing millions from a bank is too damn easy once you have enough money for the bypassers.
Get "Decker" instead. Has a more "roguelike" feeling to it