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Another Blizzard Judgement Day.
Posted: 2003-09-30 04:58pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Today blizard closed
276,000 StarCraft
86,000 Diablo II accounts, and
41,000 Warcraft III accounts.
Damn, over 400,000 accounts closed.
Re: Another Blizzard Judgement Day.
Posted: 2003-09-30 05:04pm
by MKSheppard
anarchistbunny wrote:
Damn, over 400,000 accounts closed.
And we care why? Just play games that have no damn central server
Posted: 2003-09-30 05:06pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Were they inactive or something?
If so, then who cares?
Posted: 2003-09-30 05:10pm
by lukexcom
No, they were cheaters (for using bots, or for duplicating rare and precious items as far as D2's concerned).
I'm surprised that Starcraft surpassed D2 now in terms of closings, we D2'ers used to be #1 in that.

Posted: 2003-09-30 05:30pm
by Anarchist Bunny
lukexcom wrote:No, they were cheaters (for using bots, or for duplicating rare and precious items as far as D2's concerned).
I'm surprised that Starcraft surpassed D2 now in terms of closings, we D2'ers used to be #1 in that.

Well it's probly because there hasn't been any closings in Starcraft in years, and if you add the past two closings in preperation for 1.10 their have probly been more closing this year then ever in SC.
Posted: 2003-09-30 05:42pm
by Utsanomiko
Good riddance. The only problem I can see to this would be the fact this is the only substantial way Blizzard has to deal with cheaters in these games, rather than tighter anti-cheating methods and programming. Or maybe hackers just press harder to exploit the more popular games, and that's why cheating is so prevalent in them.