Who else talks at the screen?

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Who else talks at the screen?

Post by Darth Wong »

When you're playing a game, do you talk at the screen? Do you crow in triumph when you score a good kill in a shooter? Do you bark out "attack" when you order your men to blow something up in a real-time strategy game?

Just wondering.
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Post by Hamel »

If some nanocock snipes me repeatedly in TFC, I scream at my monitor in rage

Few things are more annoying than some coward using an overpowered class to one-hit-kill you and not be in any danger in the process. Get within a reasonable distance to RPG him to the air, and he'll prime +gren1 and splatter you

And if I'm the only one on my team making an effort, I totally lose control and wack my belt across the bed
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Post by Archaic` »

I might yell at the screen a bit when I'm getting frustrated at something, or cry out in joy at overcoming a tough level or game, but I don't usually find I'm that vocal when playing.
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Post by Uraniun235 »


If it's an RTS, sometimes I'll start saying "Go here, now."
Or if there's a battle and I need air support yesterday, I'll be saying "get there, come on... go, go, go..."

If it's an FPS, sometimes I will quietly say "Owned" when I nail someone good.
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Post by haas mark »

I cuss at the screen regardless of whether I'm gaming.. If it pisses me off, I cuss at it. However, when I triumph, it's a gratuitous "thank you."

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Post by SHODAN »

I ejaculate obscenities and profanities when I lose. Happens often.
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Post by Lord of the Farce »

I might throw out a few words now and then, a matter of tension release, but that's about it.
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Re: Who else talks at the screen?

Post by Kamakazie Sith »

Darth Wong wrote:When you're playing a game, do you talk at the screen? Do you crow in triumph when you score a good kill in a shooter? Do you bark out "attack" when you order your men to blow something up in a real-time strategy game?

Just wondering.
All the time.

Just today I was playing Battlefield 1942, and I was commanding the sub. I caught myself barking out things like "Hard to starboard!" "torpedoes away"

Or if I'm flying a plane I always love saying "Stay in attack formation" if I'm flying with others.....

It adds characters to the games, and make them that much funner.
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

We all need real-time internet radio thingies. I wonder if id Software plans on doing that for DooM3 and Quake 4. Just IMAGINE a well-coordinated CTF run with that!! *drool*
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Post by Robert Treder »

I do, but not very loudly. When playing an RTS, I say all sorts of crazy crap, just depending on what's happening.

In a FPS, I usually just voice my consternation upon crappy stuff happening. It sounds a lot like this:


Not that I get killed all the time (at least, not in Day of Defeat, where I'm pretty kickass), but when it does happen, I let it be known. Especially when I'm trying to back up, but a dumbass teammate is standing behind me, and won't move, and I get naded or shot because of his retarded ass.
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Post by Faram »

I occationaly curse when I see stuff like this:

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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

I tend to read things out loud, does that count?
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Post by dworkin »

RTS games allow me to control fucktards (slow infantry), goobers (missile infantry), pratlets (cavalry) as well as and entire litany of verbal abuse that can peel paint in other units.
And bastards frequently populate the enemy ranks.

A number of years ago my girlfriend's mother paid a suprise visit as I was playing AOE online. Being a tricky battle I was moderately 'sulphurous' and she left before finding out why I was threatening unholy violations to some poor unfortunate.

And they say gaming doesn't help in real life...
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Post by Batman »

Screw gaming, I talk at the screen all the time. Anyone who is around me and a PC for any length of time will become intimately familiar with the talks-into-mouse routine from STIV...
I also have a tendency to yell at my RPG characters when they do something stupid.Same goes for my units in strategy games.
Mind you, I yell at computers all the time, so that's no big surprise.
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Post by Chardok »

I talk to myself, giving directions, especially in RPG's....
"Geez, NO WAY! Wait a tic, I wonder if I should try to... FUCK! AHA!"
My brother is always like WHAT?! WHAT MAN?! DID YOU FIGURE IT OUT?! FUCK!
Then I get all quiet again like it's a big secret. Then if he keeps pestering me, I get reaaaalll close to his ear and say

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Post by 2000AD »

I do it all the time.

"JUST DIE BITCH!" - just about anything

"Fry you Imperial bastards!" - Jedi knight series

"Your kung fu is weak evil one" - FIghting games

"AAAAAAAHHH!!!" - Silent Hill 2 when playing in the dark and one of my cat jumps on my lap!
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Post by Warspite »

Yeah, sometimes.
I also dodge, cringe and lean... All in all, a virtual experience in 2D, with the screen a foot away, instead of being glued to your eyes.
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Post by Psycho Smiley »

More than my family seems to consider "normal". Mainly, I'm cursing out stupid friendly AI; I tend to just mutter threats at the enemy.
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Post by Sarevok »

No I do not. I occasionaly do scream at the computer if I am losing in a RTS game but I consider it as a bad habit and try my best to remain calm.
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Re: Who else talks at the screen?

Post by Hethrir »

Darth Wong wrote:When you're playing a game, do you talk at the screen? Do you crow in triumph when you score a good kill in a shooter? Do you bark out "attack" when you order your men to blow something up in a real-time strategy game?

Just wondering.
I'm sorry..do some people not talk to their screens?
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Post by Ghost Rider »

I scream at the stupid thing a lot.

Stress reliever.

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Post by Hotfoot »

I went one step further...I used my voice for my Baldur's Game. Not only do I talk to the screen, I talk in the screen, and I even hold conversations with myself. :D
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Post by 2000AD »

Warspite wrote:Yeah, sometimes.
I also dodge, cringe and lean... All in all, a virtual experience in 2D, with the screen a foot away, instead of being glued to your eyes.
I occasionally duck and stuff when i play Time Crisis games in an arcade. That normally draws some looks.
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Post by Lagmonster »

2000AD wrote:I occasionally duck and stuff when i play Time Crisis games in an arcade. That normally draws some looks.
I tend to yell at the game only when playing arcade games. At home, I'm more dignified.

As an added thing to the above, if you want to feel like a total badass, go to one of those arcade machines where you can hold pistol-sized guns up on the long cords, put a coin in each side, and play both the 1st AND the 2nd player by yourself, guns akimbo. It works especially well on House of the Dead, and people will flock around to watch you do it, especially if you can target multiple things simultaneously and make it look good.
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Post by 2000AD »

Lagmonster wrote: As an added thing to the above, if you want to feel like a total badass, go to one of those arcade machines where you can hold pistol-sized guns up on the long cords, put a coin in each side, and play both the 1st AND the 2nd player by yourself, guns akimbo. It works especially well on House of the Dead, and people will flock around to watch you do it, especially if you can target multiple things simultaneously and make it look good.
I tried that once, but it knocked my aim off a bit trying to concentrate on two different things. Since i go for the head mostly i missed with quite a few shots which i would have normally hit as well as meaning that i hit "civilians" more often. Also reloading was a bugger as i kept on mixing up which gun to reload. It was useful against bosses though, where you only have one target.
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