weemadando wrote:When you make a skill test, do any additional successes count as criticals?
Or is that only when you roll multiple 6's?
Its something that was never really covered in the basic rules in either JC or HG.
The latest books for Heavy Gear and Jovian Chronicles are simply Player's Handbooks. They don't contain the rules, you need the Silhouette Core Rules book for that.
The old Main JC and HG books did contain that information, page 44 for Heavy Gear 2nd Edition and page 223 for Jovian Chronicles (1st Edition).
Criticals are dependant on the Reality Distortion level you're playing, which is assumed to be the Adventurous. Crits only happen with each additional result of 6. If you're playing Cinematic, 5's and 6's both count, and if you're playing gritty, you don't get criticals.
Oh, and if you're looking for it in the SilCore Rules Book, it's on page 11.
Of course, if you want, there's nothing stopping you from making a new cinematic rule that says any additional die which beats the original threshold gives you a +1 as if you had critted, but you'd have to be careful to make sure it didn't break the game.