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Gaming-related dream
Posted: 2003-10-03 02:35am
by Darth Wong
You know you've been playing too many games when you have a computer game-related dream.
In my dream, I was Master Chief from Halo. I was being pursued by a huge Covenant army, when I suddenly came upon a large clearing with some buildings in it. But they were all buildings from Command and Conquer Generals! Suddenly, waves of Paladin tanks come pouring out of the base (they're literally streaming out of the war factory bumper to bumper, which would be nice when playing the game), accompanied by Humvees and swarms of Comanche attack helicopters. The ground vehicles passed right by me on all sides as they drove to attack the Covenant. But just as they began to utterly annihilate the enemy, I woke up.
Why is it that dreams always end just before the coolest part?
Posted: 2003-10-03 02:42am
by Hotfoot
You know...this is just begging for a photoshop job...

Posted: 2003-10-03 02:44am
by Kuja
I've had that style of dream several times, mostly from overplaying Doom and Kingdom Hearts.
I still remember that nightmare I had where Ansem and Sephiroth slit my throat...brrrr...
Posted: 2003-10-03 02:45am
by phongn
Did the Paladin Tanks have their antimissile laser working?
Oh, and Mike, are you getting the Zero Hour expansion?
Re: Gaming-related dream
Posted: 2003-10-03 02:49am
by Sea Skimmer
Darth Wong wrote:
Why is it that dreams always end just before the coolest part?
Mine generally don't, though I also remember very very few of the good ones. In one case after a very prolonged period of gaming during the summer I had a dream of shooting up tanks which actually ended with a voice saying "Mission Accomplished", then I woke up as I rolled out of bed. I also have a reoccurring dream about fighting giant ants, it probably stems from playing the Red Alert giant ant missions years ago.
I suppose it's my mind rewarding me for tolerating the constant dreams about sitting in classes so boring I'd normally fall asleep in them.
Posted: 2003-10-03 03:06am
by SirNitram
That's about on-par with me running around like Havoc from Renegade and stopping to chat with a santa-outfit-wearing Yoda(Darth Wong's Christmas Avatar), and BlackArachnia.
Posted: 2003-10-03 03:15am
by Johonebesus
Alright, let's see if it posts this time.
I went through a phase in college where I dreamed about Doom. Sometimes I was playing it, sometimes I was in it, and sometimes I was doing both, as if I had two bodies. Once I dreamed I was running from imps, and as I started laughing at them because I was outrunning them, I was ambushed by a cacodemon.
But the worst part was the time my brain froze for several seconds outside my door because I wanted to press the space bar to open it.
Posted: 2003-10-03 04:42am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Moi? Quake 3+Belle Chasse High School+Railgun+Quad Damage=A Ton of Dead KKKlowns, Nazis, and Fascists. It was me and my six-man squad of goth friends (The Black Team) Vs Everyone Else. We won handily.
Next map was Belle Chasse Middle School, and everyone was Strogg class (it was a Generations server apparently). Hyperblaster+Chaingun+Quad=Evil Sadistic Phun...
Posted: 2003-10-03 07:04am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Back when Uts and I were little, he used to play Super Mario Bros. for the NES a LOT (we didn't have that many games). Like today, I wasn't much of an actual player, and like today, I would watch him play a lot.
The result was that on about two occasions, I had odd semi-nightmare dreams that focused on SMB...
Re: Gaming-related dream
Posted: 2003-10-03 08:23am
by Lagmonster
Darth Wong wrote:Why is it that dreams always end just before the coolest part?
Bizarre as it is, I know the answer to that. We always wake up at the 'climax' of a dream - just before the monster grabs us, or just as things are getting into heart-pumping coolness mode. Simply put, your body is producing adrenaline, and you wake up with a jolt.
Re: Gaming-related dream
Posted: 2003-10-03 10:14am
by Ghost Rider
Lagmonster wrote:Darth Wong wrote:Why is it that dreams always end just before the coolest part?
Bizarre as it is, I know the answer to that. We always wake up at the 'climax' of a dream - just before the monster grabs us, or just as things are getting into heart-pumping coolness mode. Simply put, your body is producing adrenaline, and you wake up with a jolt.
Then there's the few it doesn't.
Never fun waking up from a falling out of sky dream to actually hitting the ground THEN waking up.
Still of gaming dreams...Me and Diablo 2....quite a few times, damn that game for having voices.
Posted: 2003-10-03 10:37am
by Dark Primus
Never played it but I dreamt about it.
In Alien vs Predator type game, I and three other marines were investigating a large but strange looking facility that have been contaminated by the Xenomorphs. We comes in heavily armed, heavily protected by body armour and kicked their ass. The Xenomorphs were hiding in the dark shadows, so used flashlights to find them and kill them.
Normally when I dream about Xenomorphs I'm always unarmed and unable to defend myself, but this dream was totally different, and I liked it a lot because I could kill them, revenge for all those nightmares they had giving me.

Posted: 2003-10-03 06:10pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
I have had a few dreams like that...
There was one where I was moving around as a Navy SEAL (from Command & Conquer Red Alert 2) blowing up stuff when suddenly a big message flashes in front of my eyes.... "The bomb has been planted". Suddenly, I move from a random CnC map to de_dust2, holding a Colt m4a1 and a defuse kit. (in other words, it went from C&C to CS). I made my way to the bomb, and started defusing it. I was almost done, but then a Terrorist popped out and hosed me with an AK-47... it felt just like I imagine bullets would (which is, HURTS LIKE HELL) I shortly passed out and woke up in the cockpit of an X-Wing (seriously) making the Death Star Trench run. Right before I was about to press the little button and release the torpedos, I heard a blaring "BEEP BEEP BEEP" in my cockpit speakers (oddly enough, there was a full surround sound system embedded in this cockpit), and quickly woke up.
Fun, huh?
Posted: 2003-10-03 06:51pm
by SecondStorm
Mitth`raw`nuruodo wrote:I have had a few dreams like that...
There was one where I was moving around as a Navy SEAL (from Command & Conquer Red Alert 2) blowing up stuff when suddenly a big message flashes in front of my eyes.... "The bomb has been planted". Suddenly, I move from a random CnC map to de_dust2, holding a Colt m4a1 and a defuse kit. (in other words, it went from C&C to CS). I made my way to the bomb, and started defusing it. I was almost done, but then a Terrorist popped out and hosed me with an AK-47... it felt just like I imagine bullets would (which is, HURTS LIKE HELL) I shortly passed out and woke up in the cockpit of an X-Wing (seriously) making the Death Star Trench run. Right before I was about to press the little button and release the torpedos, I heard a blaring "BEEP BEEP BEEP" in my cockpit speakers (oddly enough, there was a full surround sound system embedded in this cockpit), and quickly woke up.
Fun, huh?
That sounds like a kick-arse dream

I have lots of gaming dreams but they usually leave my memory within a day or two. Such a shame..
Posted: 2003-10-03 07:04pm
by Raxmei
I had a similar dream a few years back. I was in a strange city being attacked by endless hordes of orcs. So I ran around the city trying to get away, every once in awhile turning around and thinking "pcb" at the lead group of orcs. Doing this hurt and killed lots of orcs, so it was a big running battle that I might eventually have won had I finished the dream.
Posted: 2003-10-03 07:11pm
by Embracer Of Darkness
ARG! Computer-related dreams! I have these quite often, which attests to my need to get out more.
Usually, in my dream, I can see a computer monitor and I'm typing words onto it. I wake up, and I'm holding my duvet in a touch-type fashion and wondering where my keyboard is.

I only realise it was a dream
after looking accross the room and seeing my computer powered-down.
As for Command & Conquer: Generals, NOOO!!! I once had a dream with C&C:G where I was clicking around the map moving apaches and other units but not actually accomplishing
anything. Just clicking around, moving units, no enemies in sight.

Oh, and it was accompanied by the chorus from 'Zombie Inc.' by In Flames playing OVER AND OVER AND OVER like having a song stuck in my head while I'm awake. I couldn't wake up either, it was actually frustrating.