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Web Host
Posted: 2003-10-04 06:10pm
by darthdavid
Can anyone recomend a web server that i won't have to pay a bloody penny to use? I'm looking for a place to load a few images and put some html crap into use. Is geocities free package good? I don't care about ads (as long as they're not pornographic, i wan't to be able to view my own web page with out my mom blowing a gasket). Thx in advance.
Posted: 2003-10-04 06:32pm
by haas mark
There are some other ones.
I wouldn't reccommend Geocities if you're looking to do HTML. However, the other three are ok. Downside to Angelfire is all the popups and long URL. It's been a while since I've used 20m, so I'd reccommend Topcities.
Posted: 2003-10-04 06:53pm
by Shinova
verilon wrote:Topcities
There are some other ones.
I wouldn't reccommend Geocities if you're looking to do HTML. However, the other three are ok. Downside to Angelfire is all the popups and long URL. It's been a while since I've used 20m, so I'd reccommend Topcities.
Do you know if topcities allows remote-linking?
Posted: 2003-10-04 06:57pm
by haas mark
Shinova wrote:verilon wrote:Topcities
There are some other ones.
I wouldn't reccommend Geocities if you're looking to do HTML. However, the other three are ok. Downside to Angelfire is all the popups and long URL. It's been a while since I've used 20m, so I'd reccommend Topcities.
Do you know if topcities allows remote-linking?
I don't think they do. I know of a few imagehosts, as well, though.
Free Host
Frailart (although I'm not sure if this one still does free hosting)
Posted: 2003-10-04 09:10pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
Roadfly gives you 3m of webspace, an E-Mail address, and no bandwidth limits (or at least none that I've ever broken, and all the gnomish sig pics are hosted there). Oh, and yeah, remote linking allowed (read previous sentence)[/url]
Posted: 2003-10-04 10:48pm
by YT300000
250free says you must have actual content, or they hose you. And they just added in a few ads earlier this morning. Argh.

Posted: 2003-10-05 12:41am
by haas mark
YT300000 wrote:250free says you must have actual content, or they hose you. And they just added in a few ads earlier this morning. Argh.
That would be why I didn't add horrorseek.
Posted: 2003-10-05 01:16pm
by darthdavid
Posted: 2003-10-05 01:17pm
by darthdavid