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CSS Rocks.
Posted: 2003-10-05 02:29am
by kojikun
Just felt like saying that.
Check this shit out, then open the sourcecode. then try to figure out wtf is making it work. If youre in IE, the mouseovers wont work for some reason.
Posted: 2003-10-05 10:49am
by Pu-239
It's the :hover pseudo-class. IE sucks, since it does not support this on anything but links. IE also sucks because it does not support position:fixed.
That is why IE and MS is evil, and IE MUST DIE!@!!!!!
Posted: 2003-10-05 01:08pm
by kojikun
Well, yeah, IE sucks and everyone should move over to Opera or Mozilla, both are W3C compliant while IE is not.
But CSS is very cool because I can place data in a page in an HTML document in any order I want, then the CSS will position it entirely differently based on the items properties in the CSS file. It's dreadfully useful for precision placement and stuff. And no need for tables in simple designs!