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What to do with my old box?
Posted: 2003-10-15 01:45am
by Laird
With the comming of my new laptop what to do with my aging desktop?
Specs are as follows.
Cpu:800mhz Duron
ram:256mb SDram
HD: C: 20 gig,D:10 gig.
CD-roms:12 X burner/52 X cd rom
Monitor:Some generic mircroscan 15 inch monitor.
Video:Geforce 2 MX.
OS:Win 98 SE
Ok my thoughts were turn it into a FTP/Jukebox/Seti Machine?
Anyone else got any ideas?(Anyone who says "Install linux" shall not post in this thread; I do not know enough about linux atm.)
Anything else will be taken under advisement.
Posted: 2003-10-15 02:39am
by Hamel
Render box? Make something in Terragen or other 3d/modeling app and let it calc for half a day.
Posted: 2003-10-15 03:48am
by Gandalf
You can mail it to me, that's better than what I've got.
Posted: 2003-10-15 05:04am
by Ace Pace
Donate it to your old school, most schools dont have computers you can use during brake, give them one
Posted: 2003-10-15 05:11am
by EmperorMing
Do as you suggested. I would never get rid of an old box; too many usefull things to do with it.
Besides, it makes a nice secondary gaming machine for a guest.
Posted: 2003-10-15 07:18am
by Chardok
Turn it into a dedicated <Insert game here (Eg. BF1942, Quake, UT2k, SC)> Server. Hell, that's what i'd do...being an admin on a popular server is tha shee-eye-ott.
Posted: 2003-10-15 07:43am
by Silver Paladin
File Server. Me and my roommates turned one of his old computers into a 400 GB file server.
Posted: 2003-10-15 01:13pm
by Embracer Of Darkness
Make it a server. Files, internet, gaming, etc. It's a winner.
Posted: 2003-10-15 05:22pm
by phongn
Put Linux on it and make it into a server. Plus, you can learn a new OS while you're at it

Posted: 2003-10-15 05:28pm
by aerius
Donate it to a poor starving me!
Posted: 2003-10-15 05:35pm
by phongn
aerius wrote:Donate it to a poor starving me!
Says the man with the Gilmore amps and Sennheiser headphones

Posted: 2003-10-16 05:17am
by Ace Pace
aerius wrote:Donate it to a poor starving me!
why to one poor student, donate to charity
Posted: 2003-10-16 05:55am
by Hamel
Chardok wrote:Turn it into a dedicated <Insert game here (Eg. BF1942, Quake, UT2k, SC)> Server. Hell, that's what i'd do...being an admin on a popular server is tha shee-eye-ott.
UT2k3 and BF1942 have beefy requirements for a decent server. It would run them, but not well.
I suppose he could run a small Quake/HL server, but if he doesn't have enough upload, you can't do much better than that and expect good pings.