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Stupid Mac quote again...
Posted: 2003-10-23 04:32pm
by Pu-239
Ok, does anyone here have MacWorld magazine 2003-02 to 2003-07 (probably in 2003-03 or 04)? If so, can they look through the feedback section and either scan or quote the reader who said that MacOS classic was superior to MacOSX or Windows or Linux because it had no command line?
Re: Stupid Mac quote again...
Posted: 2003-10-23 04:38pm
by Durandal
Pu-239 wrote:Ok, does anyone here have MacWorld magazine 2003-02 to 2003-07 (probably in 2003-03 or 04)? If so, can they look through the feedback section and either scan or quote the reader who said that MacOS classic was superior to MacOSX or Windows or Linux because it had no command line?
No ... why is this so important to you, exactly? I'm sure you could find a similar comment from some dumb-ass Classic lover on any given Mac BBS.
Posted: 2003-10-23 06:24pm
by Pu-239
I find it extremely amusing, and would like to show it off to other command line junkies. Would make an amusing sig.
[EDIT]30 minutes of searching turns up nothing except yet more morons who think OSX is based on Linux. [/EDIT]
Posted: 2003-10-23 09:57pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Linux is teh cool. I've been using it in Computer Science, and I don't see how programming could be done (as efficiently) without an OS like it.