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Damn you, MS!! You make my job impossible!!! (

Posted: 2003-10-26 11:25pm
by lukexcom
Ok, so it's common knowledge around here that IE is a piece of crap that should be burned to a crisp and disposed by a Hazmat team. But with the monopoly that MS has, IE is everywhere. So what, you ask?

Well, I'll tell you what...I'm working on redesigning a website. Problem is, most users are using IE 5.0 and 6.0 . Now, I'm trying (trying, mind you) to incorporate some decent CSS 2 code into the site, get some interactive menus going, and such things like that. But IE REFUESES TO COOPERATE!! Why does MS purposely ignore set standards like CSS 2?! The site works beautifully on Opera and Mozilla! :evil:

Sure, if they tried to put in another simple language to compete with CSS 2, then I'd understand. But noooo. MS just ignores CSS and does NOTHING in that field! How can IE NOT support :hover on anything but url tags?! It boggles my mind as to the sheer stupidity of the IE coders! How can they do a piss-poor, half-assed job on such an important code language?! What are they smoking?! There is NO browser on Earth that displays CSS effects worse than IE! :evil:

Ugh, looks like I'll just have to go and plaster in some simple and unfulfilling javascript on the site. *grumble* :evil:

Does anyone know how to get around the IE flaws with CSS and force it to properly render :hover tags with various properties on them? Or am I forced to stick with Javascript? :(

Posted: 2003-10-26 11:28pm
by Crayz9000
Just be thankful that the majority of people aren't still using Netscape 4.

Posted: 2003-10-27 12:44am
by Pu-239
You could just insert some basic functionality in the site for the IE version, and the fancy stuff for the Mozilla users. Then stick a note at the bottom, like Durandal does. May be unacceptable, depending on target audience though.

After all, we have 3 years for people to abandon IE before Longhorn, 3 years without browser upgrades.

Re: Damn you, MS!! You make my job impossible!!! (

Posted: 2003-10-27 01:36am
by Slartibartfast
lukexcom wrote:Sure, if they tried to put in another simple language to compete with CSS 2, then I'd understand. But noooo. MS just ignores CSS and does NOTHING in that field! How can IE NOT support :hover on anything but url tags?! It boggles my mind as to the sheer stupidity of the IE coders! How can they do a piss-poor, half-assed job on such an important code language?! What are they smoking?! There is NO browser on Earth that displays CSS effects worse than IE! :evil:
Well, if I had to guess, they decided to support hover on their links, because at the moment they only cared that their homepage (m$.com) would display correctly. Since they didn't use hover for anything else, they didn't find it necessary to make it easy for other people to make cooler pages than theirs. Same goes for autohide SPAN or DIVs, they only work a certain, exact way (the one they used in their own website).