2000AD wrote:Yes, but it can be a surprise.
The only surprise involved in the "Termies in a Can Raider" is on the part of the newb Marine player as 1/3-1/2 of his total force is wiped out by concentrated anti-tank fire. Imperial Guard can do it pretty nicely, just get a command platoon with two anti-tank squads and a Leman Russ variant (Vanquisher should do nicely) for roughly the same cost. That's 6 lascannons (seven, if you move the vanquisher instead of firing the main gun) and a battle cannon with special AP rounds. Should all get to fire at the land raider in one turn, on average 3 lascannons will hit, one shot glancing or penetrating. If the battlecannon fires with an AT round, the Raider is pretty FUBAR if it hits, especially if one manages to roll a six on the ordnance damage table, killing all the terminators inside the Land Raider.
Against Eldar, well, that 14 armor doesn't help you much against bright lances.
Also don't forget that termies can Deep Strike if the scenario allows it therefor giving them a lot of tactical flexability.
One of the things that can really FUBAR an opponents plan is having a squad of termies appearing in the place he least wants them tol be.
This is true. At the moment, my primary defense against such insertions is a squad of Rough Riders who can cover most parts of my deployment zone inside of one turn if need be, assault the termies and usually kill them with the hunting lances.
Stormbringer wrote:Yeah, considering my army is going to be growing very, very slowly I think I'll hold off on the terminators for now.
A wise choice. While I will certainly admit that Termies and Land Raiders are very cool minis overall, and quite powerful in game, you generally need to get what will help you achieve your objectives in any given game, be it defense, assault, or whatever. I'm not an expert on Space Marine force construction, much less Space Wolves (who are something of a Special Case even among the Space Marines), but I always tend to focus on infantry first, then flesh out the rest of the force from there. Get your HQ unit (I would suggest a Deathwatch Kill Team, myself, though they are more expensive than the individual characters, I prefer a degree of quantity over quality) and 2-4 Troop units (and maybe 1-2 Elite units, like the Scouts mentioned). From there, the assault bikes look like a good idea, get a squad or two of them going (Perhaps get 6-8 bikes, splitting them into squads of 3-4, combining them if you need additional fast attack slots). Your first tank should initially be a predator of some sort, as they are solid and relatively inexpensive (point wise) tanks. If you really want heavier armor and firepower, go with the Leman Russ style tanks. Cheaper than the Land Raiders, and just as (if not more) effective as far as firepower is concerned, since they are dedicated tanks, not heavy troop transports. Your first heavy support, however, I would suggest that you get a Long Fang pack or two and load up on heavy weapons that way. The key being here that you don't want all of your eggs in one basket.
But in any case, I digress. Cost wise, here's perhaps the best starting point
HQ: 1xIndependent Leader
Troops: 2xTac Squads
That's the bare bones minimum. Problem is the HQ unit. I have a problem when my HQ unit is just one model, but then I'm a guard player, one HQ selection can easily mean well over a dozen models.

If you have a larger HQ unit squad, each individual model might be weaker overall, but they'll be more effective once the dice start rolling. If your one leader misses, he misses. If one or two models in a squad miss, the rest can still hit. This is very important when facing down armies like Guard, Eldar, Orks, and 'Nids, because the more damage you can do each turn on average, the better. Relying on one die roll to pull you through can be disasterous. Of course, your option of the Rune Priest does allow for a bodyguard to be added, so it's not a bad decision overall.
Just remember, even for a 500 point battle you're going to want something that can penetrate armor reasonably well, even if it's just a Meltagun. In fact, consider getting a Razorback for one of your units, kit the unit out with devestating short-range and close-combat weaponry, shove them in the back of a Razorback, and use them to punch a hole in the enemy line. The inclusion of the Razorback early on gives you some heavier firepower and some speed, which you can later augment with a bike assault squad or two. The Razorbacks providing covering fire while the marines inside pour out, the bikes coming around to flank the enemy units (if they break, they'll get wiped out running into the bikers), it's all good.
But now I'm just rambling. Rune Priest + Bodyguard, 2 tac squads, plus one of those three in a razorback should make for a decently effective and versatile ~500 point force deployment.