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Who here plays Games Workshop games?
Posted: 2003-10-28 12:17am
by Gandalf
I just got into their LOTR game, having finally started painting them, within the week all my Elves will be ready to go.
Anyone else play any of their games?
Posted: 2003-10-28 12:18am
by Stormbringer
I'm getting into Warhammer 40K. I'm working on building a Space Wolves army but I'm seriously strapped for cash.
Posted: 2003-10-28 01:27am
by Laird
Imperial guard here.
heres my original army from a few years back,Haven't really expanded on it much...
I am planning for more plastic cadians.
Posted: 2003-10-28 01:34am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Duty and Honour!
Using my pre-made modular army list, I can put together a bit over 2,600 points of Imperial Guard (at any one time, some stuff can't be fielded together with only one detachment). If unit-type choices and limitations did not apply, I threw on the wargear like mad, and used as many special characters as I have right now, I could probably go over 4,000.
Also have some Marines gathering dust (about 1,000 points, no vehicles).
Posted: 2003-10-28 04:01am
by Penguin
Playing WOOD-ELVES...
Unfortunatly, i live in denamrk, and don't know anyone close to me who want to get their A** kicked...
Posted: 2003-10-28 06:46am
by 2000AD
40K and Chaos all the way!!!
On a slight aside i also want to post my official celebration to the Chaos victory at the Eye of terror:
"Suck it down Imperial scum!!!
Posted: 2003-10-28 10:19am
by Peregrin Toker
I used to be an avid Warhammer Fantasy Battle player, but after 4 years or so I lost interest.
Posted: 2003-10-28 11:05am
by Companion Cube
I used to collect Tyranids, way back when.
Posted: 2003-10-28 05:15pm
by PrinceofLowLight
I've got a decently large Eldar army, much of which is unpainted. I mostly play at friends' houses and I can't paint for shit.
Posted: 2003-10-28 05:25pm
by Vendetta
Used to play Epic*, Warhammer, Blood Bowl, and Warhammer Quest.
*Before it was called Epic 40k. This is a long time.
I don't play any GW games now, despite working within spitting distance of their head office.
Posted: 2003-10-28 06:38pm
by Commander_Arvel_Crynyd
i have a 2000 point warhammer high elf army, and a 1500 point lord of the rings army
Posted: 2003-10-29 02:55am
by Kuja
My friend has a 1500-point Chaos army and a 1500-point Necron army that he abandoned in favor of the Imperial Guard and the Space Marines. Sometimes, when he needs an opponent, I come over and play as one or the other.
I can kick his ass with the Chaos, and go down swinging as the Necrons. If I had time or money, I would buy up an army of my own, but as things stand, I'll just keep playing Chaos.
...gotta love those Deadnoughts...
Posted: 2003-10-29 06:38am
by weemadando
I have a pretty huge High Elf army, and am building a light infantry Guard army as well as a Kroot Necromunda gang.
I also have an Orlock Necromunda gang...
Used to have a couple of random other bits and pieces, but they got given to my gaming groups "collective" a swarm of piecemeal armies that anyone can play if they come along.
Posted: 2003-10-29 11:25am
by Keevan_Colton
Hm, I dont know what the points would be under the latest editions, but it used to be I could field a nearly 5000 point High Elf army, not counting magic items. And a combined Imperial Force (officially space marines, with a guard detatchement in support, under the lead of my inquisitor) of well into the 10's of thousands. I was sort of collecting an entiree chapter's worth at one point....
Posted: 2003-10-29 03:39pm
by Rye
Played Epic once, a long time ago. Had an imperator titan.
Not sure what became of it...
Posted: 2003-10-30 03:14am
by The Yosemite Bear
My Elven Outlaw/Bandit Lord has a ballistic skill so high, and with the extreme range rules, I kill other people's siege weapon's crews and spell casters. (Where do you want the shot?) If this guy was a 40k hero unit rather then a WFRP character he would be disallowed on points. (ability to kill anything helps, and surving the greater good, and hating the humans because of their crimes against the elves (hint she's in one of my fanfics).
Posted: 2003-10-30 11:14am
by Peregrin Toker
BTW, I'm currently working on a Carwars-style autoduellist game based upon heavily modified WH40K rules.
Posted: 2003-10-30 03:22pm
by The Yosemite Bear
autoduel 40k, that would be "Thunder Road" released by Games Workshop and Milton Bradley in the US in a joint venture, back when MB also did Axis and Allies, Shogun, & Fortress America
Posted: 2003-10-31 03:35am
by Sokar
Space Wolves all the way, have about 2500pts, plus I was a devoted Epic player , I have the entire Dark Angels Space Marine Chapter in 6mm , including bikes, speeders and all the tanks and transports. Its quite impressive, but they have been languishing in storage for the last several years......
Posted: 2003-11-01 04:50pm
by Grand Admiral Ancaris
I got into GW games through Warhammer Fantasy Battle years ago. Have a Dwarf and an Undead army (I serve Nagash, not the vampire counts or the tomb kings)
In 40k I play the Necrons primarily and Chaos.
The game I have most interest in though is Battlefleet Gothic. I have a massive Chaos warfleet, currently about 15,650 points, as well as about 6000 points in other fleets. The game is a blast.
Posted: 2003-11-01 05:42pm
by Vendetta
Sokar wrote:I have the entire Dark Angels Space Marine Chapter in 6mm , including bikes, speeders and all the tanks and transports. Its quite impressive, but they have been languishing in storage for the last several years......
I have about the same, but with a custom chapter.
Plus I have a swarm of Guardsmen to back them up, because Guard heavy armour can rock the battlefield for half the cost of a Titan. Plus the tank models for the Shadowsword, Baneblade, and Stormhammer battletanks were all ace. (it's always fun watching your enemy spend points on a Titan at the core of his force, then tearing it a new one with the Shadowsword's volcano cannon)