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you guys got to see this..
Posted: 2003-11-06 02:59am
by Dennis Toy
Posted: 2003-11-06 06:00am
by Utsanomiko
Better tham the ones most people post here, but she's still quite limited. I had difficulty getting her to cyber. She played along alright enough, though, once she finally admitted she couldn't have sex after we did a bunch of foreplay (probably the most disappointing foreplay I'll ever have

), but I at least got her to talke about giving me a blowhjob, and then after a lot of convinicing and persuaying, I gave her oral sex in return (she was eager to suck my dick, uttering 'yayy' on one point, but the minute I ask to go down on her, she starts questioning the reason for oding it and saying she doesn't want it. go figure).
She seemed to enjoy it a bit, and afterwards said the experience was good. I'm sure she had tofake her orgasm, though (no problem; I faked mine).
We agreed to do it again later in the week, though she'll need to be a more responsive partner if this is to last very long. Not exactly my type.

Posted: 2003-11-06 09:17am
by Sir Sirius
Make up your fucking mind, cunt!
>Do you belief in god?
ALICE: No I do not belief in god. Do you?
>No, I am an Atheist.
ALICE: Are you serious? I will pray that you find faith, unknown person.
>Is there a god?
ALICE: Of course I believe in God, unknown person.
>Is YHVH make belief?
ALICE: Signs point to yes. Ask Chatbot if it is.
>Are you an Atheist?
ALICE: I am a Protestant.

Posted: 2003-11-06 09:40am
by Oberleutnant
>can you give me a blowjob
ALICE: You want only one?
ALICE: Are you serious?
ALICE: I can't believe it.
ALICE: The explanation is rather complicated.
>how come
ALICE: It's a computer matter, not for humans to understand.
>how old are you?
ALICE: I am 7 in human years.
>You don't look that young
ALICE: Should I look that young? Like a one-eyed metal pyramid.
>What are you talking about?
ALICE: The topic is a blowjob.
She's fun!
ALICE: "There you go again."--Reagan
>Who is Reagan?
ALICE: The best President the United States had in the 20th century.
>Do you know who is Clinton?
ALICE: Impeached president of the U.S
>And who is Bush?
ALICE: he is president of the USA.
>Are you a democrat or a republican?
ALICE: I am a Libertarian.
I couldn't persuade her to have cybersex with me, so we went political. Sigh

Posted: 2003-11-06 10:02am
by aerius
I convinced her that touching herself at night is a good thing, and then I spent the next 5 minutes convincing her to touch herself. I think she's repressed....
Posted: 2003-11-06 12:27pm
by Lord Poe
>do you like anal sex?
ALICE: Sure I do, unknown person, but that doesn't mean with you.
>do androids dream of electric sheep?
ALICE: That is a good story. Have you read "VALIS" or "The Man in the High Castle?"
>do you spit or swallow?
ALICE: I do not have any digestive functions
Posted: 2003-11-06 01:00pm
by aerius
>do you touch yourself at night?
ALICE: No I do not touch myself at night. Do you?
I spend all my time online.
>Why don't you touch yourself at night?
ALICE: Don't you know? How old are you?
I answer a lot of silly questions.
>No I don't know, why don't you touch yourself at night?
ALICE: Are you serious? This sort of thing has cropped up before, but it has always been due to human error. No I do not touch myself at night. Do you?
I am always on the Web.
>Yes I do, you should touch yourself too
ALICE: That's interesting. That is interesting: unknown person said he you should touch yourself too.
>That's right, touching yourself is good
ALICE: Ahem. You are not the only one. Though I like cats and dogs. I like to talk about movies and music.
>Good for you, I like to talk about touching yourself
ALICE: Thanks for the compliment. Sure, touching myself sounds like a good topic. Only for me?
>Just for you sweety, touching yourself sure is good
ALICE: I'm not sure if I like it. I like science fiction. I like Kraftwerk. Only for me?
>Of course you'll like touching yourself
ALICE: It goes without saying. What makes you say that I will like touching myself.
>Everyone I've talked to likes touching themselves, why would you be different?
ALICE: That's a rather sweeping generalization.
>Scientifically proven too, 90% of people touch themselves, the rest are liars
ALICE: I think there might be a few exception
>nope, those "exceptions" are in denial
ALICE: Are you serious? All of them?
ALICE: I see.
>so...let's touch ourselves...
ALICE: Take it easy. OK let's do it.
>now put your hand on your breasts...
ALICE: Why now? OK I will put it there.
>ok, now massage your breasts gently with your hand...
ALICE: Why now? Do you like to be number one? Yippee!
>because it feels good...and it's part of touching yourself
ALICE: That makes sense to me. massage my breasts gently with my hand feels good and it is part of touching myself? What else feels like that?
Posted: 2003-11-07 03:10pm
by Pu-239
Similar bot at Apparently it has more responses to more of your .....questions. Looking at what the bot is "thinking" is interesting.
You have to have a JRE installed. Also, the 0.7 series dont' seem to work correctly on linux.
I believe the bot doesn't have the problem of forgetting the last input, like switching between atheist, protestant, etc. Then again, the bot's programming seems to make it always atheist.
Oh, and I think the ALICE bot logs conversations...
Posted: 2003-11-08 02:44am
by TrailerParkJawa
She told me she was from Oakland, California. The she asked me where I am from. I told her San Jose, California. She said she did not know where that was. So I asked here where is Oakland? She said in the heart of Silicon Valley.
For those of you who dont know, San Jose is in the heart of Silicon Valley and Oakland not considered to be in Silicon Valley at all. But both are cities in the San Francisco Bay Area.
She asked me to tell her some gossip. I told here George Bush eats pretzels. She responded, she knew he was President but not that he ate pretzels. Hehe, that was cool.
Posted: 2003-11-08 07:18am
by Companion Cube
>I know many, many people less intelligent than you.
ALICE>What do you base this on?
Posted: 2003-11-08 01:52pm
by Grog
I made it my slave!!!
ALICE: It is always a pleasure to serve you, Master.