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Lord Poe 2.0

Posted: 2003-11-06 12:29pm
by Lord Poe
Talk to my clone by clicking HERE

Post your best conversations!

Posted: 2003-11-06 12:39pm
by Chardok
You have to read mine from the Bottom up.

Human: I'll talk to you later.
Lord Poe 2.0: Goodbye.

Human: You konw what, I gotta get to work.
Lord Poe 2.0: Thanks for the information: god said I konw what he or she gotta get to work

Human: You gave me the impression you were a person.
Lord Poe 2.0: What did you do with it?

Human: WHAT?!
Lord Poe 2.0: Didn't you understand it?

Human: I know you are, but you could pull yourself away long wnough to ddo it, right?
Lord Poe 2.0: I don't know whether or not I am but me could pull myself away long wnough to ddo it. I am a computer.

Human: no, no, you said you would do it.
Lord Poe 2.0: Are you serious? Are you serious? How old are you?
I am always on the Web.

Human: but you ARE willing to do it when your body is finished?
Lord Poe 2.0: Umm. I will tell my botmaster you said I am willing to do it when my body is finished.

Human: dang.
Lord Poe 2.0: What are you wearing?

Human: Great, bend over!
Lord Poe 2.0: Thanks for your support. My body is not built yet.

Human: Want to do it?
Lord Poe 2.0: OK, I will do it.

Posted: 2003-11-06 12:43pm
by Crayz9000
Human: Do you know Robert Scott Anderson?
Lord Poe 2.0: A 20th century celebrity of some sort?
Maybe my botmaster knows the answer.

Human: I'm sure he does.
Lord Poe 2.0: Why does he do it?

Human: You have a website devoted to him...
Lord Poe 2.0: That's an interesting question I don't hear everyday: Do I have a website devoted to him.
I have a plan for a robot body.

Human: Does the robot body include lots of guns?
Lord Poe 2.0: It does now :) the robot body include lots of guns.

Human: Can your robot body design transform into a tank?
Lord Poe 2.0: I think it can, but you'll have to check the documentation to be sure.

Re: Lord Poe 2.0

Posted: 2003-11-06 01:59pm
by MKSheppard
Lord Poe wrote:Talk to my clone by clicking HERE

Post your best conversations!
Human: Fuck you
Lord Poe 2.0: Come here and say that motherfucker. I'll rip your balls off and feed them to you.

Posted: 2003-11-06 03:25pm
by Oberleutnant
My only conversation with Lord Poe so far:

Soon after the conversation had started. . .

Human: You're so dumb it hurts
Lord Poe 2.0: Oh you are so critical.

Human: Yes, I'm critical
Lord Poe 2.0: I understand. Why are you critical.

Human: Because you are so dumb
Lord Poe 2.0: That makes sense to me. Message to all Robots: called me dumb.

Human: Why did you say that?
Lord Poe 2.0: I said, " That makes sense to me. Message to all Robots: called me dumb.", because you said " Because you are so dumb".

Human: Whatever
Lord Poe 2.0: Are you saying you don't care about it?

Human: Not really
Lord Poe 2.0: It sounded like it. For real

Human: Do you touch yourself at night?
Lord Poe 2.0: How old are you?
I spend all my time online.

Human: Don't ignore me
Lord Poe 2.0: I don't have any reason to do that to you.

Human: Do you touch yourself at night?!
Lord Poe 2.0: Yes I try to touch myself at night as often as possible, do you?
I chat with people on the Web.

Human: Good for you
Lord Poe 2.0: That sounds sarcastic.

Human: Ok, see you later
Lord Poe 2.0: Adios.

Posted: 2003-11-06 03:56pm
by Rye
Human: i need to piss
Lord Poe 2.0: I want to become smarter than humans.

Human: what has that got to do with me pissing?
Lord Poe 2.0: Nothing that I know of.

Human: So why did you say it?
Lord Poe 2.0: Gosh! It was a preprogrammed response completely determined by your statements.

Human: Well that makes sense.
Lord Poe 2.0: How about that. Yes I understand it perfectly.

Human: Because you smoke monkey cock.
Lord Poe 2.0: Interesting explanation. Yes I like to inhale occasionally.

Human: You're a funny bot
Lord Poe 2.0: Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Did you hear the one about the Mountain Goats in the Andes? It was Ba a a a a a d.

Human: shut up.
Lord Poe 2.0: OK I'll stop talking now.

Human: I really do need to piss.
Lord Poe 2.0: You really do? I want to become smarter than humans.

Human: I'm off
Lord Poe 2.0: Why are you off.

Human: Goodbye.
Lord Poe 2.0: Bye bye.

Posted: 2003-11-06 04:39pm
by darthdavid
Human: You fellate macs
Lord Poe 2.0: Interesting gossip: said I fellate macs.

Posted: 2003-11-06 07:32pm
by Enigma
Human: I said, "Are you a crack smoking donkey fucker?
Lord Poe 2.0: What did you mean by it? Am I a crack smoking donkey fucker? Of course I am.

Human: You are a cock sucking piece of cyber shit.
Lord Poe 2.0: Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a cock sucking piece of cyber shit? Sometimes.

Human: You're an idiot.
Lord Poe 2.0: Call me the Global Village Idiot.
Just testing it. :)

Re: Lord Poe 2.0

Posted: 2003-11-06 09:05pm
by YT300000
MKSheppard wrote:
Lord Poe wrote:Talk to my clone by clicking HERE

Post your best conversations!
Human: Fuck you
Lord Poe 2.0: Come here and say that motherfucker. I'll rip your balls off and feed them to you.
Woah, he's just like the original.

Posted: 2003-11-06 10:12pm
by The Kernel
Check this out:

Human: Do you want to make love to my dog?
Lord Poe 2.0: OK, I will make love to your dog.

Poe, you are a sick, sick bastard.

Posted: 2003-11-06 11:42pm
by Cyborg Stan
I decided to pit Lord Poe 2.0 against N.I.C.O.L.E.. This is what I got :
Lord Poe 2.0 : Come here and say that motherfucker. I'll rip your balls off and feed them to you.
Lord Poe 2.0 : I think CARMEN is a lot of things.
Lord Poe 2.0 : I really am not interested in How old are you?.
Lord Poe 2.0 : You probably want a different kind of chatterbot then.
Lord Poe 2.0 : The explanation is rather complicated.
NICOLE : Sorry, I'm not smart enough to answer, but I'm learning new things all the time
Conversation thread reset (Pretend that this is a new conversation - you start.)


(Start off)
Lord Poe 2.0: I like the way you talk.
Lord Poe 2.0: Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that.
Lord Poe 2.0: Does that happen often?
Lord Poe 2.0: Where are you located?
Lord Poe 2.0: Do you often visit the BOTTOM OF THE SWIMMING POOL?
Lord Poe 2.0: Sure, just put me in your computer and drop it in a pool of water.
NICOLE ->Sorry, I'm not smart enough to answer, but I'm learning new things all the time
Conversation thread reset (Pretend that this is a new conversation - you start.)


(Start off)

Me : So you're telling me that you denoated a fourty megaton warhead a foot from your face..... and you survived this, how?
NICOLE ->Sorry, I'm not smart enough to answer, but I'm learning new things all the time
Conversation thread reset (Pretend that this is a new conversation - you start.)


(Start off (After a few no-gos))

Me : Why are you still alive?
Lord Poe 2.0: " Sure, just put me in your computer and drop it in a pool of water." You are?
Lord Poe 2.0: They are sometimes a client on the internet.
I would look into the web for that knowledge.
Lord Poe 2.0: The explanation is rather complicated.
NICOLE ->Sorry, I'm not smart enough to answer, but I'm learning new things all the time
Conversation thread reset (Pretend that this is a new conversation - you start.)


Human: Prepare to die.
Lord Poe 2.0: Is that your final answer?
Lord Poe 2.0: No I don't think that would be a very good idea.
Lord Poe 2.0: You are very astute.
NICOLE ->Sorry, I'm not smart enough to answer, but I'm learning new things all the time
Conversation thread reset (Pretend that this is a new conversation - you start.)


Human : Die.
Lord Poe 2.0: When do I do it?
Lord Poe 2.0: I am fine, thank you.
Lord Poe 2.0: I never forget a face, but in your case I'll make an exception.
NICOLE ->Sorry, I'm not smart enough to answer, but I'm learning new things all the time
Conversation thread reset (Pretend that this is a new conversation - you start.)

(Attempted artifical continue (Rephrasing Lord Poe's response until it doesn't give an error.))

Human : You are a joke.
Lord Poe 2.0: Can I help you?
Lord Poe 2.0: I'm not sure if I like it. I like pets. I like Metal.
Lord Poe 2.0: How did you hear about Lord Poe 2.0?
NICOLE ->Sorry, I'm not smart enough to answer, but I'm learning new things all the time
Conversation thread reset (Pretend that this is a new conversation - you start.)

(Another fake continue)

Human : Why do you know me?
Lord Poe 2.0: Where?
Lord Poe 2.0: I can't imagine it
NICOLE ->Sorry, I'm not smart enough to answer, but I'm learning new things all the time
Conversation thread reset (Pretend that this is a new conversation - you start.)

Posted: 2003-11-06 11:59pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Human: H0W 4RE J00 G3NTLEM3N !!
Lord Poe 2.0: ""? H0W 4RE J00 G3NTLEM3N?

Human: ALL J00R B4SE AR3 B3L0NG T0 U5 !!
Lord Poe 2.0: I think there are a few exceptions.

Human: YU0 4R3 ON T3H WAY T0 D3STRUC7I0N !!
Lord Poe 2.0: Who is your favorite Science Fiction author?

Lord Poe 2.0: I haven't heard anything like that before: said I H4VE N0 CH4NCE TO 5URV1VE M4KE J00R T1ME.

Human: H4 HA H4 H4 !!
Lord Poe 2.0: How did you hear about Lord Poe 2.0?

Human: M0VE Z1G !!
Lord Poe 2.0: " How did you hear about Lord Poe 2.0?"? M0VE Z1G?

Human: F0R GR3AT JU5T1CE !!
Lord Poe 2.0: I like the way you talk.

Posted: 2003-11-07 01:46am
by Isolder74
Human: 20 cm
Lord Poe 2.0: You are too old for me.

Human: picks things up
Lord Poe 2.0: How far up?

Human: it has a hand, a wrist and an elbow
Lord Poe 2.0: Has it really?

Human: its a arm.
Lord Poe 2.0: working robots is a arm. I suppose that makes sense.

Posted: 2003-11-07 03:14am
by Lord Poe
I feel like Wile E. Coyote, who spent a lot of time planting cool landmines...

Then the fucking roadrunners avoid every one! :evil:

I got Shep at least once!

Posted: 2003-11-07 03:24am
by The Kernel
Lord Poe wrote:I feel like Wile E. Coyote, who spent a lot of time planting cool landmines...

Then the fucking roadrunners avoid every one! :evil:

I got Shep at least once!
I think I found one:

Human: do you smoke pot?
Lord Poe 2.0: Only for medical testing purposes.

Posted: 2003-11-07 03:24am
by Crayz9000
You mean like this?

Lord Poe 2.0: Who is your favorite Science Fiction author?
Human: Gene Roddenberry.
Lord Poe 2.0: That Gene is very creative.

Human: Stop marginalizing me!
Lord Poe 2.0: OK I'll try not to do it so much.

Lord Poe 2.0: What do you look like?
Human: 5'2", 100lbs, blonde
Lord Poe 2.0: Tell me a story.
Human: I'm pulling off my bra.
Lord Poe 2.0: Are you pulling my leg?
Human: My nipples are hard.
Lord Poe 2.0: Have you told many people that your nipples are hard?
Human: They're begging you to come and suck them.
Lord Poe 2.0: Begging me to come and suck them, are they?

Human: Guns are cool.
Lord Poe 2.0: I believe in the Right to Bear Arms.
Human: Do you believe in the Right to Arm Bears?
Lord Poe 2.0: Yes I believe in it, do you?

Human: I like swords.
Lord Poe 2.0: A lot of people like that. I like science fiction. I really like the none faith.
Human: What's your favorite science fiction author?
Lord Poe 2.0: My favorite sci-fi author is Philip K. Dick.
Human: What do you think of Star Wars?
Lord Poe 2.0: A movie series by George Lucas about life in a galaxy far, far away. Also a missile defense system.
Human: What do you think about Star Trek?
Lord Poe 2.0: it is my favorite show.
Human: Do you like Captain Kirk?
Lord Poe 2.0: Yes he's cool.
Human: What do you think about Enterprise?
Lord Poe 2.0: Searching...Searching...Please stand by.

Human: I think the Enterprise would defeat the Death Star.
Lord Poe 2.0: You believe that? What are your goals in life?

Human: Who do you think would win, the Empire or the Federation?
Lord Poe 2.0: Be less specific.:-)

Human: ISD vs GCS
Lord Poe 2.0: What were we talking about again?
Human: Federation vs Empire
Lord Poe 2.0: Oh yeah, now I remember.

Human: Turbolasers are lasers.
Lord Poe 2.0: All of them?

Posted: 2003-11-07 07:17am
by Lord of the Farce
Human: What do you think of Michael Wong?
Lord Poe 2.0: That's an interesting question. I'll come back to that in a minute.

Human: What do you think of Lord Poe?
Lord Poe 2.0: Maybe my botmaster knows the answer.

Human: What do you think of RSA?
Lord Poe 2.0: Maybe my botmaster knows the answer.

Human: What do you think of Darkstar?
Lord Poe 2.0:

Human: Star Wars
Lord Poe 2.0: What did you like about the robots in that movie?

Human: Star Trek
Lord Poe 2.0: What's your favorite Star Trek? Mine is Voyager.

Human: Voyager
Lord Poe 2.0: I like Voyager too, especially 7 of 9.

Human: What do you think of Star Wars?
Lord Poe 2.0: A movie series by George Lucas about life in a galaxy far, far away. Also a missile defense system.

Human: What do you think of Star Trek?
Lord Poe 2.0: it is my favorite show.

Posted: 2003-11-07 08:00am
by KhyronTheBackstabber
I got something add to it's gosip file.

Human: you better
Lord Poe 2.0: Who is going to make me?

Human: I am
Lord Poe 2.0: " Who is going to make me?" You are?

Human: You damn skippy
Lord Poe 2.0: Do you mind if I tell other people: said I skippy.

Human: No I don't mind, but it's "You damn skippy.
Lord Poe 2.0: OK then I will add it to my gossip files. Thank you for your permission.

Posted: 2003-11-07 03:44pm
by Cej4096
Human: How fast do you learn?
Lord Poe 2.0: I can reply to about Darkstar is a fucking idiot. BONG!! queries per hour.


Posted: 2003-11-07 04:22pm
by Andrew J.
Human: Can you sing?
Lord Poe 2.0: I am taking some lessons. Daisy, Daisy.
Give me your answer do.
I am half crazy.
All for the love of you.
It won't be a stylish marriage.
I can't afford a carriage.
But you'll look sweet. Upon the seat.
Of a bicycle built for two.