Page 1 of 1 and their spyware.

Posted: 2003-11-06 05:17pm
by Chardok
Hung up my spybot. Any ideas for fixes?
( I ran Adaware, and Hijackthis! c2.lop is still killing my spybot.)

Posted: 2003-11-06 05:53pm
by Faram
There is a uninstaller at somwhere, cannot hunt up that link for ya all request to lop from my computer defaults to so...

Posted: 2003-11-06 05:54pm
by Chardok
That uninstaller contains a trojan...

Re: and their spyware.

Posted: 2003-11-06 06:09pm
by Coaan
Chardok wrote:Hung up my spybot. Any ideas for fixes?
( I ran Adaware, and Hijackthis! c2.lop is still killing my spybot.)
Ahh...this shit...

Glad I'm not alone in being hit with spybot crashing on trying to remove it....the only way I could get round it was to disable spybot scanning for the c2.lop stuff...sure, if it's on doesn't clean it...but I've never had a case where I've actually found any of the c2.lop stuff I think I'd know if my browser got hijacked.

Ein? please say you've a solution for fixing the freezing?

Posted: 2003-11-06 06:13pm
by Chardok
I got it, coaan. Try to update your spybot. It will probably freeze. Go to Check for updates>then select the australian mirror. (everything aussie is superior, aparently. GOD BLESS EM!) you can download it, then, it'll get past the C2.lop freeze up and kill that fucker. (See my venting rant! :) )

Posted: 2003-11-06 06:22pm
by Coaan
Chardok wrote:I got it, coaan. Try to update your spybot. It will probably freeze. Go to Check for updates>then select the australian mirror. (everything aussie is superior, aparently. GOD BLESS EM!) you can download it, then, it'll get past the C2.lop freeze up and kill that fucker. (See my venting rant! :) )
Hah, excellent. thanks