Common technology of the ASVS STGOD1
Posted: 2003-11-08 07:53pm
Energy Weapons
Turbolaser: Standard SW weapon, varying strengths from 'antipersonell' to 'blow up planets' in the prewar period. Highly energy efficient, well understood. Often green or red in color.
Phaser: Standard ST weapon utilizing NDF effects. Often used as a point-defense weapon, Chris O'Farrell's various nations boosted power output to useful levels.
Turbophaser: Some strange turbolaser-phaser hybrid used by a few powers.
Etheric Cannon: Standard weapon of the SKS. Initiates a magical space-time distortion at the point of impact. Military shielding has long since adapted to blocking that effect, but the effects of the gun are disasterous on hull and flesh. Certain versions can penetrate phase cloak.
Plasma Cannon: Shoots a magnetically-confined burst of plasma at a target. Highly corrosive against hull and armor; thermal effects only on shielding.
Blaster Cannon: The usual SW generic weapon.
Ion Cannon: Fires an ion burst that can disable ships. Has been refined to act as a beam in more modern times.
Railguns: Fire solid shot to high-fractional-cee velocities. Weapon of choice by the Boyd Collective, CorpSec now uses them extensively.
Reflex Cannon: Uses a strange particle/antiparticle/graviton/etc. stream against a target. It sucks to get hit with.
Grand Cannon: Really, really big reflex cannon for planetary defense.
GERTCAM: Lets a magic user harness the power of a ship's grid to do something. Not widely used due to a lack of trained magic users.
Probability Weapon: Alters probability in the local area to cause (often hillarious) effects. Like turning spaceships into giant whales or flowerpots.
Missile Weapons
Hypermissile: Standard antiship missile of the RAN and Sixth Imperium (unlikely to be encountered). Makes a hyperspace jump next to the target and detonates. Penetrates most forms of shielding save hypershielding.
Tricloak Missile: Using multiple forms of clock to mask a torpedo. Primary layer uses the SW cloak, secondary and tertiary layers use ST cloak so that a sensor boom may track. Typically warp-propelled.
Skipper Missile: Uses a SW-style cloak that occasionally turns off to get a sensor track. Usually warp-propelled.
Proton Torpedo: Standard SW weapon.
Concussion Missile: Standard SW weapon, most effective in atmosphere.
Etheric-Warhead Missile: Works like an ethercannon but in missile package. Standard SKS warhead. Same pros and cons apply.
Quantum Torpedos: Generic ST-style torpedoes.
Hypershielding: Can protect against attacks coming out of hyperspace (varying types of hyperspace), generally used to stop hypermissile attacks from breaking through. Resistant to many 'special' antishield attacks.
Foldshielding/Philote Shielding: Transports incoming fire somewhere else. No known current user. Only works for a limited amount of time.
Repulsorshielding: Uses repulsors and focused gravity fields to deflect and turn back enemy weapons fire.
Universe Shield: Rewrites universal laws inside to protect something. Only two known examples, the one around Earth and the one around the Worldship.
Great Shield: Instantly and immediately incinerates the soul of anyone evil trying to pass or exist within its boundaries. That released energy is then used to increase shield power.
Someone Else's Problem Field: Anyone or anything looking at it will automatically assume that what's protected by the field is a problem for someone else to deal with.
Conventional Shielding: Normal generic shields, typically SW-style.
Duranium: Depleted Uranium; cheap, effective in non-combat situations. Primarily used amongst civilian craft in well-protected areas.
Tritanium: A varient of titanium/steel/DU composite, stronger though more expensive than straight duranium. Also popular in civilian products.
Durasteel: A very strong armor often used in ships expected to see light military action.
Battle-Steel: Armor primarily used by the RAN - and an improved version in the 6I. Very strong, relatively lightweight.
Neutronium-Embedded: Standard SW-style armor scheme with neutronium to improve damage-resistance characteristics. The primary armor type of warships.
Biological/Neutronium-Embedded: Addition of a biotech layer to 'adapt' to attacks while keeping the strengths of standard N-E armor. Has fallen into disfavour lately due to increased maintenance costs despite superior damage-resistance.
Molecular Composite: A very strong molecular-bonded armor process not often used on warships due to its incredible expense. Occasionally used in high-security prison complexes, but not popular.
Quantum Crystalline: Exceptionally strong armor capable of shrugging off superlaser hits. It's also some of the most expensive armor known.
General Products: Single molecular chain that's virtually indestructable: also extremely rare. No known current manufacturers after the War.
FTL Drives
Hyperdrive: Standard SW-style FTL drive system, varying speeds. Translation into FTL domain (or alternate dimension, take your pick). Extremely cheap, used by many.
Warp Drive: Standard ST-style spacetime distortion drive. Easy to implement, often used as a backup.
B5-Hyperspace: Creates a jump point into a higher domain; sublight travel corresponds to FTL realspace travel. Multiple bands, jumping into successively higher bands increases speed. Not widely used.
Weber-Hyperspace: Similar to B5-HS, but often works by 'immersion' of a ship. UTR, DKA and 6I are primary users.
Philote Drive: Works by the very essence of the Universe itself. Unparalleled strategic mobility, unparalleled cost. NRMD and NR were primary users.
Fold Drive: Works by folding space between target; almost instantaneous but energy hungry and computationally intensive. Primarily used by the SKS nonmilitary ships.
Chronometric Hyperfold Drive: Does the same as fold drive but in the entire space-time continuum. It allows for transit between universes and even time travel. Even more energy hungry and computationally intensive than the Fold Drive. Military only SKS use.
Displacement Drive: Boyd-style drive. Instant transit, 20 minute recycle time. No current user.
Wormhole Drive: Generates a wormhole to another point in space. Not widely used today in the Milky Way; the Lost are primary users of it.
STL Drives
Newtonian Drives: Standard "reaction/opposite reaction" drives used by many powers. Impulse, ion, etc.
Gravitic Drives: Uses gravity fields to move a ship. The SKS use it extensively.
Impeller Drive: User two bands of stressed gravity to create a localized weak hyperspace field. The USSSR was a big user of it.
Hypermatter: Standard SW hypermatter reactor. Widely used.
Etheric Hypermatter: SKS-modified hypermatter reactor using some magic to boost efficiency and output.
Hypermatter Warp Core: Hypermatter/Anti-Hypermatter annihilation reactor. Primarily used by the VHRW/RSE.
Hyperspace Tap: Taps into the energies of various hyperspaces.
Fusion: H+H = He, etc.
Fission: Standard fission reaction of something.
Subspace: Generic subspace-domain sensors. FTL. Dirt cheap. Active or passive.
Hyperwave: Generic hyperwave-domain sensors (SW). FTL, more expensive but much greater effective range. Active or passive.
Gravitic: Includes the CGT, lightspeed passive sensor generally used to track cloaked ships. In SW-hyperspace it has FTL in the hyperspace domain to track mass shadows. Passive.
Etheric Disturbance: Tracks disturbances ships make in the ether when in motion. Passive, mostly used as an anti-cloak sensor.
EM: standard electromagnetic sensors.
Turbolaser: Standard SW weapon, varying strengths from 'antipersonell' to 'blow up planets' in the prewar period. Highly energy efficient, well understood. Often green or red in color.
Phaser: Standard ST weapon utilizing NDF effects. Often used as a point-defense weapon, Chris O'Farrell's various nations boosted power output to useful levels.
Turbophaser: Some strange turbolaser-phaser hybrid used by a few powers.
Etheric Cannon: Standard weapon of the SKS. Initiates a magical space-time distortion at the point of impact. Military shielding has long since adapted to blocking that effect, but the effects of the gun are disasterous on hull and flesh. Certain versions can penetrate phase cloak.
Plasma Cannon: Shoots a magnetically-confined burst of plasma at a target. Highly corrosive against hull and armor; thermal effects only on shielding.
Blaster Cannon: The usual SW generic weapon.
Ion Cannon: Fires an ion burst that can disable ships. Has been refined to act as a beam in more modern times.
Railguns: Fire solid shot to high-fractional-cee velocities. Weapon of choice by the Boyd Collective, CorpSec now uses them extensively.
Reflex Cannon: Uses a strange particle/antiparticle/graviton/etc. stream against a target. It sucks to get hit with.
Grand Cannon: Really, really big reflex cannon for planetary defense.
GERTCAM: Lets a magic user harness the power of a ship's grid to do something. Not widely used due to a lack of trained magic users.
Probability Weapon: Alters probability in the local area to cause (often hillarious) effects. Like turning spaceships into giant whales or flowerpots.
Missile Weapons
Hypermissile: Standard antiship missile of the RAN and Sixth Imperium (unlikely to be encountered). Makes a hyperspace jump next to the target and detonates. Penetrates most forms of shielding save hypershielding.
Tricloak Missile: Using multiple forms of clock to mask a torpedo. Primary layer uses the SW cloak, secondary and tertiary layers use ST cloak so that a sensor boom may track. Typically warp-propelled.
Skipper Missile: Uses a SW-style cloak that occasionally turns off to get a sensor track. Usually warp-propelled.
Proton Torpedo: Standard SW weapon.
Concussion Missile: Standard SW weapon, most effective in atmosphere.
Etheric-Warhead Missile: Works like an ethercannon but in missile package. Standard SKS warhead. Same pros and cons apply.
Quantum Torpedos: Generic ST-style torpedoes.
Hypershielding: Can protect against attacks coming out of hyperspace (varying types of hyperspace), generally used to stop hypermissile attacks from breaking through. Resistant to many 'special' antishield attacks.
Foldshielding/Philote Shielding: Transports incoming fire somewhere else. No known current user. Only works for a limited amount of time.
Repulsorshielding: Uses repulsors and focused gravity fields to deflect and turn back enemy weapons fire.
Universe Shield: Rewrites universal laws inside to protect something. Only two known examples, the one around Earth and the one around the Worldship.
Great Shield: Instantly and immediately incinerates the soul of anyone evil trying to pass or exist within its boundaries. That released energy is then used to increase shield power.
Someone Else's Problem Field: Anyone or anything looking at it will automatically assume that what's protected by the field is a problem for someone else to deal with.
Conventional Shielding: Normal generic shields, typically SW-style.
Duranium: Depleted Uranium; cheap, effective in non-combat situations. Primarily used amongst civilian craft in well-protected areas.
Tritanium: A varient of titanium/steel/DU composite, stronger though more expensive than straight duranium. Also popular in civilian products.
Durasteel: A very strong armor often used in ships expected to see light military action.
Battle-Steel: Armor primarily used by the RAN - and an improved version in the 6I. Very strong, relatively lightweight.
Neutronium-Embedded: Standard SW-style armor scheme with neutronium to improve damage-resistance characteristics. The primary armor type of warships.
Biological/Neutronium-Embedded: Addition of a biotech layer to 'adapt' to attacks while keeping the strengths of standard N-E armor. Has fallen into disfavour lately due to increased maintenance costs despite superior damage-resistance.
Molecular Composite: A very strong molecular-bonded armor process not often used on warships due to its incredible expense. Occasionally used in high-security prison complexes, but not popular.
Quantum Crystalline: Exceptionally strong armor capable of shrugging off superlaser hits. It's also some of the most expensive armor known.
General Products: Single molecular chain that's virtually indestructable: also extremely rare. No known current manufacturers after the War.
FTL Drives
Hyperdrive: Standard SW-style FTL drive system, varying speeds. Translation into FTL domain (or alternate dimension, take your pick). Extremely cheap, used by many.
Warp Drive: Standard ST-style spacetime distortion drive. Easy to implement, often used as a backup.
B5-Hyperspace: Creates a jump point into a higher domain; sublight travel corresponds to FTL realspace travel. Multiple bands, jumping into successively higher bands increases speed. Not widely used.
Weber-Hyperspace: Similar to B5-HS, but often works by 'immersion' of a ship. UTR, DKA and 6I are primary users.
Philote Drive: Works by the very essence of the Universe itself. Unparalleled strategic mobility, unparalleled cost. NRMD and NR were primary users.
Fold Drive: Works by folding space between target; almost instantaneous but energy hungry and computationally intensive. Primarily used by the SKS nonmilitary ships.
Chronometric Hyperfold Drive: Does the same as fold drive but in the entire space-time continuum. It allows for transit between universes and even time travel. Even more energy hungry and computationally intensive than the Fold Drive. Military only SKS use.
Displacement Drive: Boyd-style drive. Instant transit, 20 minute recycle time. No current user.
Wormhole Drive: Generates a wormhole to another point in space. Not widely used today in the Milky Way; the Lost are primary users of it.
STL Drives
Newtonian Drives: Standard "reaction/opposite reaction" drives used by many powers. Impulse, ion, etc.
Gravitic Drives: Uses gravity fields to move a ship. The SKS use it extensively.
Impeller Drive: User two bands of stressed gravity to create a localized weak hyperspace field. The USSSR was a big user of it.
Hypermatter: Standard SW hypermatter reactor. Widely used.
Etheric Hypermatter: SKS-modified hypermatter reactor using some magic to boost efficiency and output.
Hypermatter Warp Core: Hypermatter/Anti-Hypermatter annihilation reactor. Primarily used by the VHRW/RSE.
Hyperspace Tap: Taps into the energies of various hyperspaces.
Fusion: H+H = He, etc.
Fission: Standard fission reaction of something.
Subspace: Generic subspace-domain sensors. FTL. Dirt cheap. Active or passive.
Hyperwave: Generic hyperwave-domain sensors (SW). FTL, more expensive but much greater effective range. Active or passive.
Gravitic: Includes the CGT, lightspeed passive sensor generally used to track cloaked ships. In SW-hyperspace it has FTL in the hyperspace domain to track mass shadows. Passive.
Etheric Disturbance: Tracks disturbances ships make in the ether when in motion. Passive, mostly used as an anti-cloak sensor.
EM: standard electromagnetic sensors.