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Empire Earth

Posted: 2003-11-11 09:16pm
by TrailerParkJawa
I let a friend talk me into buying this game. It was only 20 bucks cause I think it has been out for a while. Anyway, for 20 bucks this game is pretty fun. Ive played a few games, and it seems like the computer is tough to beat. Anyone like this game too?

Posted: 2003-11-11 09:37pm
by Pu-239
Computer cheats

Posted: 2003-11-11 10:26pm
by Strate_Egg
The computer doesnt cheat, it wins in an alternate fashion :) It is quite beatable.

Although i do a different strategy. I dont use ground combat. I play offensive defese and nuke the sons o' bitches.

Posted: 2003-11-11 10:27pm
by Strate_Egg
Actually the only true way i like to eliminate their infestation of the map is to nuke them out of existence. They just insta-rebuild as you kill it.

Posted: 2003-11-12 01:04am
by TrailerParkJawa
My friend and I just one a game vs computer. I kept him busy at sea while my friend went land. I lost every ship I had but in the end it was enough to allow my friend to beat him on land with a small help from my forces on land.

Posted: 2003-11-15 12:36am
by Strate_Egg
navies are depressing in that game. They would be better if they didnt go into "klinkity klink mode"

Posted: 2003-11-15 12:42am
by BlkbrryTheGreat
Empire Earth is the must boring, repetitive, idiotic "strategy" game that I've ever had the displeasure of playing.

Posted: 2003-11-15 08:46pm
by Mutant Headcrab
I always cheat when I play against the comp. I quickly build myself up to the top-most tech level and then begin a slow, deliberate sterilization campaign against the "primitives" :P Always good for a laugh! :D

Posted: 2003-11-16 02:53pm
by Strate_Egg
Empire Earth is the must boring, repetitive, idiotic "strategy" game
that I've ever had the displeasure of playing.
Nah, that's starcraft/warcraft :lol:

Posted: 2003-11-16 03:58pm
by DeadM
Strate_Egg wrote:
Empire Earth is the must boring, repetitive, idiotic "strategy" game
that I've ever had the displeasure of playing.
Nah, that's starcraft/warcraft :lol:
Whoa that's fucked up formating.

I remember me and my friends used to play against a couple of Computer players and use all night to kill each and every one of them. :twisted: :D

Posted: 2003-11-17 12:22am
by Strate_Egg
I know, for some reason i screw it up all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Posted: 2003-11-18 05:08pm
by Darth Gojira
The reason I got a pirated version and not the full is that there is only one AI setting: HARD.

Got any suggestions for a not-expensive, not-large RTS I could get for Christmas?

Posted: 2003-11-18 06:47pm
by Coaan
If you can find it....

Haegemonia : Legions of Iron....It's an empire building rts which just happens to be in's plusses include...and easy to use interface...kickass multiplayer coop campaigns (you can play the single player as a group! Woot!), Absolutely superb graphics....the explosions and stars look gorgeous and the game is extremely fast paced..with a built in 'pause' just incase..

If you can...look up Pc gamer issue 118 for a review...erh...the website doesn't seem to be finished...for a game found for 9.99's amazing.