Heavy Wizardry? Or Simple Skript-Kiddiotry? :P :D
Posted: 2003-11-13 04:35am
I went to C:\WINNT\Web and edited the standard.htt template to disable Explorer's Preview function for sounds and videos as a workaround for Explorer.exe's annoying habit of crashing when it tries to preview certain MP3s and movie files. Here's what I did:
I simply inserted |return false;| lines right after the |function IsMovieFile(ext) {| and |function IsSoundFile(ext) {| lines. Elegant, isn't it? Then I saved it, and expect to have all MP3 and movie preview functions effectively disabled. Presto, I refreshed a folder and clicked on a known 'crash' mp3. No crash.
I forgot where I saw this at (Nevermind, I found it), but it worked wonders.
I R -+31337+- H4x0r!!111
And yes, I hand-coded the uBB code in this post too
EDIT: Night guys, I'm goin ta bed Happy Hacking!
Code: Select all
function IsMovieFile(ext) {
return false;
var types = ",asf,avi,m1v,mov,mp2,mpa,mpe,mpeg,mpg,mpv2,qt,asx,";
var temp = ","+ext+",";
return types.indexOf(temp) > -1;
function IsSoundFile(ext) {
return false;
var types = ",aif,aiff,au,mid,midi,rmi,snd,wav,mp3,m3u,wma,";
var temp = ","+ext+",";
return types.indexOf(temp) > -1;
I forgot where I saw this at (Nevermind, I found it), but it worked wonders.
I R -+31337+- H4x0r!!111
And yes, I hand-coded the uBB code in this post too
EDIT: Night guys, I'm goin ta bed Happy Hacking!