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matrix online...(posible revolutions spoiler)

Posted: 2003-11-13 02:35pm
by USSvalor
if you still haven't seen revolutions and don't want it spoiled, then don't read any further

with that out of the way
i was looking around the net looking for anything i could find about the online matrix game i keep hearing about. i found which i thought was great and awsome, til i read about how the game is AFTER revolutions.... site - how the hell is it after revolutions?? i mean we have peace, if the humans want it...and they do seeing as how they were about to be f*cking oblitherated!! so where's the conflict? what kind of situation do you think the andy and larry will pull out this time? and will they follow logic, or matrixverse logic? and barring all that, do you think it will be any good?

oh yeah, no b*tching about specific movie irritations....

shout out to my brother spock...


Posted: 2003-11-13 03:10pm
by Hotfoot
The game is going to lead to the ressurection of Neo inside the Matrix.

Posted: 2003-11-13 06:08pm
by 2000AD
Reposted from "ETM:Shit or Gold?" thread:

According to the Gamespy E3 article on M:O :

On "sides" :
"more and more people are waking up to reality and choosing up sides. Some people - called "Zionists" after the last human city, want to break the matrix and reclaim the real world. Others, seeing the devestation of reality, cast in their lot with the machines and fight to keep humanity in their virtual prison. Deciding which side to join will be one of the first decisions a player has to make. "

On missions:
Regardless of which side the player chooses, Zionists or machines, missions will be available for the taking. Missions apparently will take place in a Matrix "sub-system" - a seperate area where slightly different rules apply - including bullet-time in combat. Apparently only one group from each side will be able to access a specific mission at any one time and they may compete with each other to either complete it or prevent their opponents from doing so. According to Williams, this is to maintain a dynamic game flow and keep people from standing around doing nothing waiting for a particular mission to spawn.

On Agents:
As the demonstration ended and I picked up my belongings and got ready to return to E3, Williams did offer me the chance to ask any one question about Matrix Online. Without even thinking, the first thing that popped out was "What about Agents? What role do they play in the game?" He smiled enigmatically and said, "I can't tell you everything but I can tell you that Agents play roles similar to dragons in fantasy based games. Until you have built up your stats to an unbelievable level, my advice is the same as Morpheus' - 'Run!'"