Help with a D20 Project (D20/D&D 3E players please read
Posted: 2003-11-17 11:38pm
Hello Everyone
And because of the location and type of post this is: Hail and Well Meet!
Because of my, disappointment and general disgust with ‘E-Tools’, as well as my dislike for PC-GEN, I have been slowly, as time permits, working on my own D20 program that I hope to make available to the public.
No, this is not a call for BETA Testers. I am not that far along in the program/project.
I do need help however. Specifically, help with the data going into the program. Allow me to explain.
I have a rather large D20 collection, which I have listed below. Yes, I like the system and I like reading
I have been working on breaking down the classes, feats, and similar items (such as the Fighting Styles in Quintessential Fighter, the Magic Circles in Encyclopaedia Arcana Elementalism, the Kata’s in the AEG Way of the.. and ‘Secrets of the…’ Rokugan books, etc) into ‘crunches’. Basically, summaries without flavor text or unneeded explanation, in point form. At least as far as they affect character stats and abilities and possibly each other.
As a example, I have included my ‘crunches’ for Quintessential Fighter below.
I plan to use these crunches to develop the ‘data-tables’ in the database I plan to write as the backbone of the program. The Interface would have the same general use as the other character generator programs, but with mine, you’d be able to enter new data and have it working as well as the other information (provided you followed the examples/directions and entered it properly). This would mean instead of having to download a datafile for a next sourcebook, you could put it in yourself, and have the classes and feats, magic items, etc etc etc working.
Now, since I am nearly done my ‘crunching’ of the Mongoose Publishing books I own, I am about to start crunching my Wizards of the Coast books and building the datatables at the same time. I have more Mongoose books, so I did them first.
I’m asking for help in crunching the books I own but haven’t gotten to yet to speed up the process.
Here’s the offer (please read it all before offering to help)
E-mail me off of the board, PM me on the board, and/or post a reply to this thread if you want to help. We can then discuss which book you want to crunch. I’m going to try to avoid having two people crunch the same book/section of a book. Also, unless I know it’s OGL, I might not accept a book crunch. I.e all Wizards of the Coast stuff outside of the SRD is non-OGL, so I’m not going to let anyone else crunch it. I’ll take the risk on that, but thank you for the offer.
You then crunch the book and get it to me (E-Mail, MSN, etc)
Now, here’s were I pay you back
In the event I do not finish the program:
Everyone that contributed to it will get a copy of all OGL crunches. Without the flavor text and explanations, some of them might be useless, but they might give you an idea if you want to invest in the book.
You can also just except straight ‘book for book’ crunches. I’ll do that. Crunch me a book, I’ll give you a crunch of your choice (OGL only)
If I finish the program (regardless of it being public, free or a commercial product)
Everyone that contributed will get a copy and be credited in the program.
Depending on how it works out, you’d either get all the crunchy data too, or what I could add. I have had contact with several of the larger publishers and they said having the OGL data in the program was not a problem, and that if I was in doubt, they’d discuss it with me.
Mongoose Publishing, Alderac Entertainment, Green Ronin, Fantasy Flight Games and Bastion press were all very polite and helpful, Sword and Sorcery wants to see the final program before they decide due to issues over the Ravenloft and Everquest licenses but have no problem with anything released as OGL by them. The others basically said ‘if it’s OGL, go a head, when in doubt, ask’. A few publishers basically told me to go to hell. I’ll still crunch there books (or take crunches of them), but if the program goes public, they shouldn’t expect to find there data supported.
Hell, Jim Butler of Bastion offered to help me get in contact with the right person at Wizards of the Coast to discuss getting a license to use the D&D logo, etc.
Anyway, back on topic.
‘Crunching’ the books make it easier for me to enter these items into the program for testing (and past testing, for use)
To make the datatables, I basically have to break down everything and find the base components. Unfortunately, I lack the 2 things that would make that super easy to do (the articles in Dragon Magazine on “Make your own feat”, “Make your own class”), so I have to do it this way. Plus, ya never know what a publisher could have dreamed up after those articles.
Anyway, I want to crunch my book collection because they are the big publishers and doing so would make the program as robust as possible. That way, I don’t have to release code and table updates every few months. Yes, I'm lazy and don’t want to do lots of updates. Unlike microsoft, I try to get a product right the first time. (And yet I use their products, probably cause I know how to use them without them crashing.)
My ‘order’ of crunch of the books publishers is as follows
Wizards of the Coast and Mongoose Publishing at the same time (they are going in and causing table/code refinements as I go in)
Alderac Entertainment Group
Fantasy Flight Games
Sword and Sorcery/Arathus/WhiteWolf
Green Ronin
Bastion Press
Other publishers (order not decided)
I don’t plan to crunch non OGL stuff at this time (If someone wants to for me, that’s fine). Mainly because I don’t own them. This means I will not be using Star Wars, Stargate, Judge Dread, etc right now (even thought I own most of the Star Wars D20 books) Hopefully (and judging by the similarities between the Force Point/Honor Point system between Star Wars and Rokugan, and several other systems), since it’s all the same basic rule engine, I won’t need to.
I plan to do D20 Modern Eventually.
Questions, Help Offers, Comments, Death Threats, please, Reply here in this thread, PM me here, or Email me at
(or better yet, do all three)
Note: Why am I posting this here instead of some place like EN World? Simple. I don’t need rumours floating around, or to be accused of Vaporware if this doesn’t pan out, or thousands of emails asking to BETA Test, etc.
Now then, what I promised
#1 My D20 Book List (Hardcopies only, PDF’s not listed, nor are they possible for Crunchy trades)
Wizards of the Coast
Player’s Handbook
Dungeon Masters Guide
Monster Manual I
Book of Exalted Deeds
Book of Vile Darkness
Defenders of the Faith
Dieties and Demigods
Dragon Magazine 285 - 313
Dragonlance Campaign Setting
Epic Level Handbook
Fiend Folio
Manual of the Planes
Masters of the Wild
Monster Manual II
Oriental Adventures
Psionics Handbook
Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil
Savage Species
Song and Silence
Sword and Fist
Tome and Blood
Forgotten Realms
Campaign Setting
Faiths and Pantheons
Lord of Darkness
Magic of Faerun
Monsters of Faerun
Races of Faerun
Silver Marches
Unapproachable East
Call of Cthulhu
Star Wars
Core Rulebook
Coruscant and the Core Worlds
Dark Side Sourcebook
New Jedi Order
Power of the Jedi
Rebellion Era
Revised Core Rulebook
Ships and Galaxies
Alderac Entertainment Group
Rokugan Campaign Setting (Oriental Adventures)
Rokugan Campaign Setting
Creatures of Rokugan
Magic of Rokugan
Way of the Ninja
Way of the Samurai
Way of the Shugenja
Secrets of the Lion
Secrets of the Scorpion
Mongoose Publishing
Encyclopedia Arcana (new magic rules, schools, styles, spells, etc)
MGP 1001 Demonlogy; The Dark Road
MGP 1002 Necromancy; Beyond the Grave
MGP 1003 Chaos Magic, Wild Sorcery
MGP 1004 Constructs; It is Alive
MGP 1005 Battle Magic; The Eldritch Storm
MGP 1006 Encyclopaedia Divine Shamans; The Call of the Wild
MGP 1007 Encyclopaedia Divine Fey Magic; Dreaming the Reverie
MGP 1008 Elementalism; The Primordial Force
MGP 1009 Chronomancy; The Power of Time
MGP 1010 Enchantment; Fire in the Mind
MGP 1011 Star Magic; Wisdom of the Magi
MGP 1012 Illusionism; Smoke and Mirrors
MGP 1013: Crossbreeding; Flesh and Blood
MGP 1014 Dragon Magic; Power Incarnate
MGP 1015 Divination; The All-Seeing Eye
MGP 1016 Conjuration; By Bell, Book and Candle
MGP 1017 Familiars; Crouching Monkey, Hidden Toad
MGP 1018 Blood Magic; Oaths and Sacrifice
MGP 1019 Tomes and Libraries
MGP 9997 Nymphology Blue Magic (Sex)
Seas of Blood
MGP 3001 Seas of Blood (Naval combat rules, some ‘flavor’ items)
MGP 3002 Ships of the Elves
MGP 3003 Ships of the Goblinoids
MGP 3004 Ships of War
Quintessential Series
MGP 4001 Quintessential Fighter
MGP 4002 Quintessential Rogue
MGP 4003 Quintessential Cleric
MGP 4004 Quintessential Wizard
MGP 4005 Quintessential Elf
MGP 4006 Quintessential Dwarf
MGP 4007 Quintessential Monk
MGP 4008 Quintessential Witch
MGP 4009 Quintessential Psychic Warrior
MGP 4010 Quintessential Druid
MGP 4011 Quintessential Samurai
MGP 4012 Quintessential Paladin
MGP 4013 Quintessential Psion
MGP 4014 Quintessential Barbarian
MGP 4015 Quintessential Bard
MGP 4016 Quintessential Gnome
MGP 4017 Quintessential Sorceror
MPG 4018 Quintessential Drow
MGP 4019 Quintessential Half-Orc
Power Classes
MPG 1101 Assassin
MGP 1102 Gladiator
MPG 1103 Exorcist
MPG 1104 Noble
MPG 1105 Knight
MPG 1106 Artificer
MPG 1107 Hedge Wizard
MPG 1108 Explorer
The Slayers Guide to (various monsters, including Dragons and Undead)
Ultimate Feats
Ultimate Prestige Classes
Fantasy Flight Games
Traps and Treachery
Mythic Races
Seafarer’s Handbook
Spells and Spellcraft
Traps and Treachery II
Path of the Sword
Path of the Shadow
Path of the Faith
Path of the Magic
Monster’s Handbook
Draconic Lore
Necromantic Lore
School of Illusion
Twisted Lore
Sorcery of Steam
City Works
Giant Lore
Green Ronin
Legions of Hell
Jade Dragons and Hungry Ghosts
Arcana, Societies of Magic
Armies of the Abyss
The Shaman’s Handbook
Secret College of Necromancy
Hammer and Helm; a Guide Book to Dwarves
The Avatar’s Handbook
The Unholy Warrior’s Handbook
Monsters of the Mind
Pocket Grimore: Divine
Pocket Girmore: Arcane
Pocket Magica
Sword and Sorcery Studios
Campaign Setting
Denizens of Darkness
Heroes of Light
Gazetteer Volume 1
Van Ricthen’s Arsenal
Gazetteer Volume 2
Gazetteer Volume 3
Van Ricthen’s Guide to the Walking Dead
Dungeon Masters Guide
Sacred Lands
Creature Collection
Creature Collection 2: Dark Mengaire
Relics and Rituals
Relics and Rituals 2: Lost Lore
The Divine and the Defeated
Necromancer Games
Tome of Horrors
Rappan Athuk, the Dungeon of Graves (Part 1 - 3)
Fast Forward Entertainment
Rings of Power
Swords of Power
Encyclopedia of Demons and Devils, Volume 1
Sovereign Stone
Bestiary of Loreum
Campaign Setting
Malhovac Press
Goodman Games
Monsters of the Endless Dark
Bastion Press
Arms and Armor
Spells and Magic
Alchemy and Herbalists
Mystic Eye Games
Nightmares and Dreams
Nightmares and Dreams 2
Blight Magic
Mystic Warriors
Atlas Games
Fantasy Bestiary
Occult Lore
Touched by the Gods
Paradigm Concepts
Codex Arcanis
Viking Games
Privateer Press
Iron Kingdoms
Monsternomicron Volume 1p
Promise #2
Crunchy of MGP 4001 Quintessential Fighter
Prestige Classes
Berserker; Berserk Rage
Barbarian rage 1/day
Berserker; Savage Fear
Created attacked by character, under affect of Fear Spell, Dc 10 + class level
Berserker; Berserk Attack
Get extra attack at full bonus, all other attacks at -5 (i.e. 14, 9,4 turns into 14, 4, -1, -4)
Berserker; Shrug off Blow
Ignore damage from attack 1/day
Berserker; Mindblock
Add class level to save vs. [Mind affecting] spells/psionics
Brawler; Surprise Strike
+1d6 to sneak attack damage, gains sneak attack ability of a rogue (+2d6 at 5th level)
Brawler; Combat Awareness
Can not be flanked by unarmed opponents
Brawler; Powerful Bunch
Unarmed attacks do 1d6 points of damage
Brawler; Surprise Guard
Sneak attacks on Brawler do normal damage - (brawler’s class level x2). I.e. 5th level Brawler, -10
Brawler; Bar-Room Fury
Barbarian Rage 1/day
Knight of the Griffon; Resolute
+class level morale bonus to checks vs. fear
Knight of the Griffon; Controlled Charge
When charging, no -2 penalty to armor class
Knight of the Griffon; Heroic Stand
Fight below 0 hit points, until -10 hit points or end of combat. Which point, fall over.
Knight of the Griffon; Countercharge
When not flat-footed, can charge someone charging him. Affects of controlled charge work with this.
Knight of the Griffon; Fearless
Immune to fear, regardless of source. Any ally in 10 feet is also immune to fear
Legend; Favor of the Gods
1/day re-roll any dice roll and choose result, accept on a roll of 1 (2/day at 3rd level)
Legend; Pain Driven
1/day, when hit, gains +2 circumstance bonus to strength for 1 hour
Legend; Inspiring
When leading a military unit, unit gains +2 competence bonus to attack and damage. Unit counts as twice it’s size for purposes of outnumbering (OMCS rules, p 98, MGP4001)
Legend; Killing Machine
May move 5 feet when using Great Cleave, max movement of his total movement rate for that round (i.e. if movement of 120 feet, can move a total of 24 times with Great Cleave)
Legend; To the Bitter End
Continue fighting to -10 hit points. Make Fort Save of DC 10 + hit points below zero. If pass, keeps going (i.e. -20 hit points, save is DC 20). Failure the legend falls over dead. Can not be healed below -10 hit points.
Living Blade; Weaponmastery
Chose a Slashing Weapon. +1 competence to attack and damage with that weapon
Living Blade; Superior Specialization
+2 to damage made with weapon chosen with Weapon Mastery
Living Blade; Deadly Opponent
Negates opponents lowest level attack at cost of his own, 1/round, declare use
Living Blade; Web of Death
All opponents to the living blade suffer -1 circumstance penalty to armor class when attacking him
Living Blade; Furious Strike
Make additional attack with lowest attack value (i.e. +7, +2 becomes +7, +2, +2) when making a full attack
Master Bowman; Master Shot
Take only one shot in round, add master bowman level to attack and damage rolls of that shot
Master Bowman; Shoot the Opening
Threatens area within 20 feet, may make attacks of opportunity with bow against any within 20 feet
Master Bowman; Master Aim
If doesn’t move while attacking, adds +1d6 to all damage rolls with his bow
Master Bowman; All Seeing Eyes
No longer flat-footed vs. ranged attacks
Master Bowman; All Seeing Aim
Targets without total cover/concealment vs. the master bowman get a max of 25% cover
Noble Defender; Noble Command (+1 .. +3)
Add this bonus to characters leadership score (optional ability, granted by Leadership feat)
Noble Defender; Noble Renown
+4 bonus to all charisma checks in relation to the land and people he rules over
Noble Defender; Castle
Gets 100,000 GP towards improving or building a castle or castles
Officer of War; Command
Add class level to leadership score
Officer of War; Rallying Cry
60’ range, 1/day per class level, all allies in area of effect get will save DC 15 to recover from any lingering cowering, frightened, panicked or shaken effects (60’ range, class level/day, Allies Will Save DC 15 to shake off Fear)
Officer of War; Marching Cadence
Soldiers under command march 25% further per day
Officer of War; Calming Presence
All allies within 60 feet get +2 morale bonus to Will saves
Officer of War; Inciting Speech
Make 1 minute speech before level, then make leadership check vs. DC 20. If pass, all allies that heard the speech, gain +1 morale to all saves, attack and damage for next hour
Peasant Hero; Peasant Weapon
Choose weapon from list, +1 competence bonus to attacks
Peasant Hero; Inspire Commoners
Make speeches for hour in village square, Charisma Check DC 15, summon 4d10 1st level commoners
Peasant Hero; Harmless Bluff
Make Bluff vs. Sense Motive check, enemy is flatfooted 1st round of combat vs. you
Peasant Hero; Improvise Weapon
Treated as having weapon proficiency and weapon focus with improvised weapons (no calc)
Peasant Hero; Unconventional Skill
Choose one of his selected peasant weapons, gains +2 circumstance bonus to attack and damage rolls
Swashbuckler; Leaping Dodge
when not wearing armor, add Swashbuckler class level to armor class. Can not use flatfooted
Swashbuckler; Acrobatics
+4 competence bonus Balance, Climb, Jump, Tumble skill checks
Swashbuckler; Evasion (EX)
Reflex Save allowed for half damage, Successful, no damage
Swashbuckler; Uncanny Dodge
Does not lose dexterity bonus when flat-footed
Swashbuckler; Freedom of Movement
Reroll saving throws against effects that limit mobility (i.e. web spells, slow spells, etc)
Armor Penetration
+1 to your attack roll if opponent is wearing armor. No affect vs. Shields and natural armor
Armor Specialization
+1 competence bonus to armor class while wearing that type of armor (category or subtype?)
Combat Caster Defense (F)
Anyone you hit must take -4 on there concentration check roll (why not +4 to DC of the check)
Combat Rotation (F)
If you are not threatened by an enemy, you can switch places with an ally within 5 feet of you who is in melee combat
Defensive Fighter (F)
Fight defensively, +2 dodge to armor class, -2 to attacks (instead of +2 to ac and -4 to attacks)
Distract (F)
Make charisma check, DC 10 + opponents level/hit dice. Next round of combat, opponent can only make partial actions
Donning Armor (F)
Time to don armor is cut in half for you
Expert Grappler (F)
Add dex mod to grapple check in addition to your str mod
Expert Marksman (F)
You can make called shots (P27, MGP 4001) with any ranged weapon you have Weapon Focus feat
Fearsome Display (F)
Select target, 30’ range, Intimidate Check DC 10 + opponents level. Succeed and opponent has -1 morale to attack and damage for combat
Improved Armor Use (F)
Specific type (i.e. Chain Shirt), check penalties are 1 point lower (-1 instead of -2). Does not stack, multiple times
Improved Dodge
+1 dodge bonus to armor class, does not stack with dodge feat, lose when lose dexterity modifier
Improved Weapon Focus (F)
Negates Weapon Focus with that weapon, +2 on attacks with weapon
Increased Reload
Decrease reload time of black powder weapons by 1 action
Incredible Endurance
as Endurance, but +4 to check. Stacks with Endurance feat
Lightning Initiative
+4 to initiative, stacks with other feats (not negated by Superior Initiative, therefore +12 on Initiative)
Off-Hand Weapon Expert
add full damage to weapon in your off hand, not half damage
Power Charge (F)
When charge, add +4 bonus to attack, -2 to AC, not +2 to attack, -2 to ac
Reckless Fighter (F)
Take up to 5 points off armor class, add it to damage that round
Rest in Armor (F)
Up to character level days in a row, can sleep in your armor without problems the next day.
Side by Side (F)
When an ally is next to you, you automatically grant them the benefits of ‘Aid Another’ action, without needed to roll
Sure Aim
With ranged weapon, give up an attack to get +1 bonus to attack roll (i.e. if +16/+11/+6/+1 can get +19)
Team Flanking (F)
You get +4 to attack rolls on opponent you are flanking, instead of +2. Ally’s is unaffected without this feat.
Total Defense (F)
Use this feat, only step 5 feet, but gain +6 dodge to your armor class (normal, you can full move, but +4 to ac)
Twin Shot
Use two crossbows or pistols at the same time, get extra attack at -2 penalty (same as Two Weapon Fighting)
Two-Handed Power Strike (F)
Add Twice your strength to two handed weapon damage instead of 1.5 times. Do not gain Initiative bonuses from feats while using this feat.
Fighting Styles
Rain of Blades; Shield of Blades
When using a Rapier and Dagger, gains +2 deflection bonus to armor class. Can not attack with dagger while using this, can not use shield, and can only wear light or no armor
Rain of Blades; Feint and Lunge
When using a Rapier and Dagger, gets to re-roll first attack roll in a round and take the better result. Does not work against someone with this ability, can not use shield, and can only wear light or no armor
Rain of Blades; Flying Whirlwind
Can use both Rapier and Dagger (two weapons) when performing a Whirlwind Attack. Normally only get one attack per opponent, can not use shield, and can only wear light or no armor
Rain of Blades; Master of Blades
Can use Rain of Blade powers while wearing medium armor (still no shield), Also gets to use both rapier and dagger when making attacks of opportunity. Dagger does not count against total in round
Style of Cordun; Shield Bash
When attacking, can make extra attack with his shield without any of the normal penalties (two weapon fighting). Only with small and large shields, not tower or bucklers. Lose your shield bonus to armor while performing this ability.
Style of Cordun; Shield Mastery
+1 bonus to armor class, one opponent per round. No armor check penalty from shields
Style of Cordun; Armor Mastery
1/hour, may move and unencumbered speed for one minute while wearing heavy or medium armor. Can not carry medium or heavy load while doing this
Style of Cordun; Guardian Way
1/round, can ignore/does not generate attack of opportunity of his choosing. Choose perform action that causes it
Style of Cordun; Defending Wall
Give attack given up that round, +2 to armor class (i.e. give up 3, get +6 to armor class)
StoneHolm; Confined Fighting
When in confined area (10 foot wide space) +2 dodge bonus to armor class
StoneHolm; Axehand Chop
+1 bonus to damage vs. opponents shields. However, on a roll of one to attack, ruins his own weapon
StoneHolm; War Chant
Sing, +1 morale bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, to himself and other students of style in hearing range. Can use the song to communicate attack and defensive orders. Can only be understood by Stoneholm students (regardless of level) or by magic
StoneHolm; Gotter's Slash
Give up attack, get +3 to damage. Cumulative (i.e. give up 3 attacks, +9 to damage on other attack that round)
StoneHolm; Power Blow
Ignore half, rounded down, of enemies damage reduction (i.e. treats 10/+5 and 5/+5, or 15/+1 as 7/+1)
Blackfeather; Duck and Shoot
When firing from cover, treated as one level better (i.e. Half to 3/4's, 3/4's to 9/10ths) can not go beyond 9/10ths
Blackfeather; Footspike
Give up all other attacks that round and hit target, Fort DC 20. Failure, victim moves at half speed until healed. If immune to critical hits, target unaffected
Blackfeather; Overdraw
Take -2 to attack, +2 to damage
Blackfeather; Trick Shot
1/round, all penalties for range, size, movement are halved
Blackfeather; Armor Piercing
Instead of ranged attacks, make ranged touched attacks against target (ignoring armor)
Orask; Battle Prep
1/day, take hour and 100 square feet. For 6 hours, +1 moral to Will (and reflex?) saves and Damage. Must rest 8 hours before re-use
Orask; Blood Bond
+1 to morale to all attack rolls when using bonded weapon
Orask; Stand till the End
When at negative hit points, Fort DC 20 to remain conscious, stable and able to fight. Make it every round to stay awake. Auto fail at -10
Orask; Wounding Retribution
Whenever anyone hits them, gets attack of opportunity against them, counts against limit per round
Orask; Blood Wind
Whirlwind attack gets 10' range instead of 5
Fergin’s Pair; Final Insult
Anyone taken below 0 hit points by the style user will lose 2 hit points per round instead of 1
Fergin’s Pair; Greater Whole
When fighting someone with damage reduction, total all damage inflicted in a round to see if damage reduction bypassed.
I.e. 4 attacks, all hit, each does 9 points of damage (36 points). DR of target is 30/+3 Target takes 6 points of damage
Fergin’s Pair; Bloody Ground
May perform coup’de’grace as a move action instead of an attack. Can not do this to creatures immune to critical hits
Fergin’s Pair; Single Strike
Threat range and Damage multiple of daggers/short swords used increased by one. I.e. 17-20/x3 becomes 16-20/x4
Fergin’s Pair; Degrading Strike
Sneak attack damage gained/raised by +2d6
Ralix; Haft Strike
When using polearm, make strike with shaft at -2 penalty, but do 1d6 damage, critical on 20, x2 to damage on critical
Ralix; Drive Back
When not using Haft Strike, can instead make opposed strength checks. If Ralix uses wins, opponent can’t get closer in that round
Ralix; Leverage Trip
+2 on strength check when tripping with a polearm. Can not be used on adjacent opponents
Ralix; Setting Fast
Only move action to set for a charge with polearm, +1 to attacks, +1 to threat range while set (18 - 20 becomes 17 - 20, 20 becomes 19-20, etc)
Ralix; Longarm Attack
Threat area with polearm is 10 feet, not just 5
Desert Scorpion; Sandfoot
No initiative penalty in combat associated with poor footing/unstable ground
Desert Scorpion; Speed Sting
Start of combat, if choose to, +2 to init check, but only 1 attack that round
Desert Scorpion; Sandstorm
Move action, ranged touch, can get loose soil (sand, dirt, gravel) into opponents race, range of 5 feet. Opponent suffer -1 to attacks and armor for 1 round
Desert Scorpion; Bleeding Slash
Everytime you hit will cause opponent to bleed for 1 point per round (max dur 10 - opponents con mod) until heal check dc 15 or cure spell is applied. Multiple wounds stack (i.e. 6 wounds like this, bleed for 6 per round, drops as they close)
Desert Scorpion; Blood Rage
1/day, drink blood, 10 minutes after, Blood Rage: +2 to attacks, +4 will saves
Horsepike; Guide without Hands
May always take 10 on ride check, even if not using hands
Horsepike; Mastered Charge
Using spirited charge feat, halbred damage is tripled, not doubled
Horsepike; Forceful Charge
If hit during charge, can make trip attaak, +4 bonus to str/dex. If fail, can’t be tripped, but drop your halbred
Horsepike; Roar of Litany
Enemies, 30’ radius, Will Save DC 20, or -2 moral penalty on attack and damage for 1d6 rounds. Non stack, does not work if opponet has5HD+ or is immune to fear
Horsepike; Lord of the Horseman
As above, Range 60’ radius, DC 30, lasts 2d6 rounds, Roarer gains DR 5/+1
Arrow of Winds; Steady as the Breeze
When firing from a mount, not Init penalty if horse is double move, only -4 if horse is running
Arrow of Winds; Far as the Wind Blows
-2 off attack penalties due to range (i.e. -6 due to range becomes -4)
Arrow of Winds; Height in Shot
When mounted and attacking opponent with cover: +2 circumstance bonus to attack rolls
Arrow of Winds; Weaving Wind
When mounted and running, +2 armor class vs. ranged attacks, +2 bonus to reflex saves
Arrow of Winds; Twin Arrow Strike
Range of 30 feet, -4 to attack rolls, fire two arrows at a target. Roll to hit and damage for each arrow. If two targets within 5 feet, -8 on attack rolls, as above
Bloodsteel; Blocking Half
When using double headed axe, can choose not to attack with one head and use it to defend, +2 to armor class
Bloodsteel; Equal in Blood
When attacking with both axe heads, penalty drops by 1 point (i.e. -3 to -2) for both heads
Bloodsteel; Linked in Slaughter
If hit with one axe head, get a second attack at same value (with penalty for fighting with two weapons). Counts against attacks of opportunity
Bloodsteel; Strength in Death
1/day, drop opponent to negative hit points, Fort DC 20. If successful, gain 10 hit points for 10 rounds, then lose 10. Can drop you below 0 hit points (possibly killing you)
Bloodsteel; Twin Thunder
When using whirlwind attack, can attack with both axe heads instead of one (i.e. 10 opponents in 5’ radius, can hit each one twice instead of once)
Eagleshaft; Snap Shot
If have xbox in hand and loaded at beginning of combat,+4 to initiative
Eagleshaft; Speed Loading
May load crossbow as a move equal action, not full round action
Eagleshaft; Disarm
May use disarm on target within 30 feet. Considering using medium weapon, opponent can not disarm in return
Eagleshaft; Upkeep will Skill
‘bond’ with a crossbow using for last month, +2 to attack and damage rolls with this bow
Eagleshaft; Ignore Armor
When firing crossbow, make ranged touch attack instead of normal attack (ignoring armor bonus to ac)
Mostern; Net in Hand
Takes only 1 full round action to refold net, only -2 penalty when using unfolded net
Mostern; Stabbing the Captured
+2 bonus to attack and damage on someone trapped in his net
Mostern; Blocking Blade
If doesn’t attack with net, can use it to block +2 bonus to armor class. Only Masterwork net’s can be used like this, and they break up in 1d6 rounds
Mostern; Holding Fast
-10 penalty to escape Mostern users net, Mostern used can inflict 1d4 points per round on anyone trapped in there net as a free action. Entrapped opponents take 1d6 points per escape attempt
Mostern; Cleaning the net
When you have soneon trapped in your net, you get an attack of opportunity against them, in addition to normal attacks
Oakheart; Defensive Whirl
When using total defense, armor class bonus raises by +2
Oakheart; Stunning Jab
As Stunning Fist, -4 to hit
Oakheart; Foot Sweep
When making trip attack, +4 to str/dex check
Oakheart; Vital Strike
Use this as standard action. Attack with -4 to roll. If successful, victim takes normal damage, and Fort DC 25. If fail Fort check, -4 circumstance on attacks and saves for 10 rounds - victims Con Mod
Oakheart; Blur of Oak
Gain free attack whenever making a full attack action
Quisane; Distracting Snap
Any round do not attack with whip, use it to distract opponent. Will Save DC 20 or suffer -2 circumstance to armor class for rest of round. Does not affect those Immune to critical hits
Quisane; Disarm in Twos
Make an disarm attack with whip that hits, get one with longsword. If both hit, +4 circumstance bonus to disarm with first shot (longsword shot is made before rolling disarm)
Quisane; Strike and Trip
When making a trip attack with whip, gets second attack with longsword, if both hit, =+4 circumstance bonus to str/dex check
Quisane; Strike and Strike
As a standard action, may attempt to entangle opponent (ranged touch attack with whip). If successful, gain +2 circumstance to attack and damage with sword vs. entangled victim. Escape by opposed str/dex check, if win, free. Does not work vs. creatures greater then large size
Quisane; Reach of the Wind
Whip does normal damage, threat range 15. Attacks of Opportunity with whip range remains 5 feet
And because of the location and type of post this is: Hail and Well Meet!
Because of my, disappointment and general disgust with ‘E-Tools’, as well as my dislike for PC-GEN, I have been slowly, as time permits, working on my own D20 program that I hope to make available to the public.
No, this is not a call for BETA Testers. I am not that far along in the program/project.
I do need help however. Specifically, help with the data going into the program. Allow me to explain.
I have a rather large D20 collection, which I have listed below. Yes, I like the system and I like reading
I have been working on breaking down the classes, feats, and similar items (such as the Fighting Styles in Quintessential Fighter, the Magic Circles in Encyclopaedia Arcana Elementalism, the Kata’s in the AEG Way of the.. and ‘Secrets of the…’ Rokugan books, etc) into ‘crunches’. Basically, summaries without flavor text or unneeded explanation, in point form. At least as far as they affect character stats and abilities and possibly each other.
As a example, I have included my ‘crunches’ for Quintessential Fighter below.
I plan to use these crunches to develop the ‘data-tables’ in the database I plan to write as the backbone of the program. The Interface would have the same general use as the other character generator programs, but with mine, you’d be able to enter new data and have it working as well as the other information (provided you followed the examples/directions and entered it properly). This would mean instead of having to download a datafile for a next sourcebook, you could put it in yourself, and have the classes and feats, magic items, etc etc etc working.
Now, since I am nearly done my ‘crunching’ of the Mongoose Publishing books I own, I am about to start crunching my Wizards of the Coast books and building the datatables at the same time. I have more Mongoose books, so I did them first.
I’m asking for help in crunching the books I own but haven’t gotten to yet to speed up the process.
Here’s the offer (please read it all before offering to help)
E-mail me off of the board, PM me on the board, and/or post a reply to this thread if you want to help. We can then discuss which book you want to crunch. I’m going to try to avoid having two people crunch the same book/section of a book. Also, unless I know it’s OGL, I might not accept a book crunch. I.e all Wizards of the Coast stuff outside of the SRD is non-OGL, so I’m not going to let anyone else crunch it. I’ll take the risk on that, but thank you for the offer.
You then crunch the book and get it to me (E-Mail, MSN, etc)
Now, here’s were I pay you back
In the event I do not finish the program:
Everyone that contributed to it will get a copy of all OGL crunches. Without the flavor text and explanations, some of them might be useless, but they might give you an idea if you want to invest in the book.
You can also just except straight ‘book for book’ crunches. I’ll do that. Crunch me a book, I’ll give you a crunch of your choice (OGL only)
If I finish the program (regardless of it being public, free or a commercial product)
Everyone that contributed will get a copy and be credited in the program.
Depending on how it works out, you’d either get all the crunchy data too, or what I could add. I have had contact with several of the larger publishers and they said having the OGL data in the program was not a problem, and that if I was in doubt, they’d discuss it with me.
Mongoose Publishing, Alderac Entertainment, Green Ronin, Fantasy Flight Games and Bastion press were all very polite and helpful, Sword and Sorcery wants to see the final program before they decide due to issues over the Ravenloft and Everquest licenses but have no problem with anything released as OGL by them. The others basically said ‘if it’s OGL, go a head, when in doubt, ask’. A few publishers basically told me to go to hell. I’ll still crunch there books (or take crunches of them), but if the program goes public, they shouldn’t expect to find there data supported.
Hell, Jim Butler of Bastion offered to help me get in contact with the right person at Wizards of the Coast to discuss getting a license to use the D&D logo, etc.
Anyway, back on topic.
‘Crunching’ the books make it easier for me to enter these items into the program for testing (and past testing, for use)
To make the datatables, I basically have to break down everything and find the base components. Unfortunately, I lack the 2 things that would make that super easy to do (the articles in Dragon Magazine on “Make your own feat”, “Make your own class”), so I have to do it this way. Plus, ya never know what a publisher could have dreamed up after those articles.
Anyway, I want to crunch my book collection because they are the big publishers and doing so would make the program as robust as possible. That way, I don’t have to release code and table updates every few months. Yes, I'm lazy and don’t want to do lots of updates. Unlike microsoft, I try to get a product right the first time. (And yet I use their products, probably cause I know how to use them without them crashing.)
My ‘order’ of crunch of the books publishers is as follows
Wizards of the Coast and Mongoose Publishing at the same time (they are going in and causing table/code refinements as I go in)
Alderac Entertainment Group
Fantasy Flight Games
Sword and Sorcery/Arathus/WhiteWolf
Green Ronin
Bastion Press
Other publishers (order not decided)
I don’t plan to crunch non OGL stuff at this time (If someone wants to for me, that’s fine). Mainly because I don’t own them. This means I will not be using Star Wars, Stargate, Judge Dread, etc right now (even thought I own most of the Star Wars D20 books) Hopefully (and judging by the similarities between the Force Point/Honor Point system between Star Wars and Rokugan, and several other systems), since it’s all the same basic rule engine, I won’t need to.
I plan to do D20 Modern Eventually.
Questions, Help Offers, Comments, Death Threats, please, Reply here in this thread, PM me here, or Email me at
(or better yet, do all three)
Note: Why am I posting this here instead of some place like EN World? Simple. I don’t need rumours floating around, or to be accused of Vaporware if this doesn’t pan out, or thousands of emails asking to BETA Test, etc.
Now then, what I promised
#1 My D20 Book List (Hardcopies only, PDF’s not listed, nor are they possible for Crunchy trades)
Wizards of the Coast
Player’s Handbook
Dungeon Masters Guide
Monster Manual I
Book of Exalted Deeds
Book of Vile Darkness
Defenders of the Faith
Dieties and Demigods
Dragon Magazine 285 - 313
Dragonlance Campaign Setting
Epic Level Handbook
Fiend Folio
Manual of the Planes
Masters of the Wild
Monster Manual II
Oriental Adventures
Psionics Handbook
Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil
Savage Species
Song and Silence
Sword and Fist
Tome and Blood
Forgotten Realms
Campaign Setting
Faiths and Pantheons
Lord of Darkness
Magic of Faerun
Monsters of Faerun
Races of Faerun
Silver Marches
Unapproachable East
Call of Cthulhu
Star Wars
Core Rulebook
Coruscant and the Core Worlds
Dark Side Sourcebook
New Jedi Order
Power of the Jedi
Rebellion Era
Revised Core Rulebook
Ships and Galaxies
Alderac Entertainment Group
Rokugan Campaign Setting (Oriental Adventures)
Rokugan Campaign Setting
Creatures of Rokugan
Magic of Rokugan
Way of the Ninja
Way of the Samurai
Way of the Shugenja
Secrets of the Lion
Secrets of the Scorpion
Mongoose Publishing
Encyclopedia Arcana (new magic rules, schools, styles, spells, etc)
MGP 1001 Demonlogy; The Dark Road
MGP 1002 Necromancy; Beyond the Grave
MGP 1003 Chaos Magic, Wild Sorcery
MGP 1004 Constructs; It is Alive
MGP 1005 Battle Magic; The Eldritch Storm
MGP 1006 Encyclopaedia Divine Shamans; The Call of the Wild
MGP 1007 Encyclopaedia Divine Fey Magic; Dreaming the Reverie
MGP 1008 Elementalism; The Primordial Force
MGP 1009 Chronomancy; The Power of Time
MGP 1010 Enchantment; Fire in the Mind
MGP 1011 Star Magic; Wisdom of the Magi
MGP 1012 Illusionism; Smoke and Mirrors
MGP 1013: Crossbreeding; Flesh and Blood
MGP 1014 Dragon Magic; Power Incarnate
MGP 1015 Divination; The All-Seeing Eye
MGP 1016 Conjuration; By Bell, Book and Candle
MGP 1017 Familiars; Crouching Monkey, Hidden Toad
MGP 1018 Blood Magic; Oaths and Sacrifice
MGP 1019 Tomes and Libraries
MGP 9997 Nymphology Blue Magic (Sex)
Seas of Blood
MGP 3001 Seas of Blood (Naval combat rules, some ‘flavor’ items)
MGP 3002 Ships of the Elves
MGP 3003 Ships of the Goblinoids
MGP 3004 Ships of War
Quintessential Series
MGP 4001 Quintessential Fighter
MGP 4002 Quintessential Rogue
MGP 4003 Quintessential Cleric
MGP 4004 Quintessential Wizard
MGP 4005 Quintessential Elf
MGP 4006 Quintessential Dwarf
MGP 4007 Quintessential Monk
MGP 4008 Quintessential Witch
MGP 4009 Quintessential Psychic Warrior
MGP 4010 Quintessential Druid
MGP 4011 Quintessential Samurai
MGP 4012 Quintessential Paladin
MGP 4013 Quintessential Psion
MGP 4014 Quintessential Barbarian
MGP 4015 Quintessential Bard
MGP 4016 Quintessential Gnome
MGP 4017 Quintessential Sorceror
MPG 4018 Quintessential Drow
MGP 4019 Quintessential Half-Orc
Power Classes
MPG 1101 Assassin
MGP 1102 Gladiator
MPG 1103 Exorcist
MPG 1104 Noble
MPG 1105 Knight
MPG 1106 Artificer
MPG 1107 Hedge Wizard
MPG 1108 Explorer
The Slayers Guide to (various monsters, including Dragons and Undead)
Ultimate Feats
Ultimate Prestige Classes
Fantasy Flight Games
Traps and Treachery
Mythic Races
Seafarer’s Handbook
Spells and Spellcraft
Traps and Treachery II
Path of the Sword
Path of the Shadow
Path of the Faith
Path of the Magic
Monster’s Handbook
Draconic Lore
Necromantic Lore
School of Illusion
Twisted Lore
Sorcery of Steam
City Works
Giant Lore
Green Ronin
Legions of Hell
Jade Dragons and Hungry Ghosts
Arcana, Societies of Magic
Armies of the Abyss
The Shaman’s Handbook
Secret College of Necromancy
Hammer and Helm; a Guide Book to Dwarves
The Avatar’s Handbook
The Unholy Warrior’s Handbook
Monsters of the Mind
Pocket Grimore: Divine
Pocket Girmore: Arcane
Pocket Magica
Sword and Sorcery Studios
Campaign Setting
Denizens of Darkness
Heroes of Light
Gazetteer Volume 1
Van Ricthen’s Arsenal
Gazetteer Volume 2
Gazetteer Volume 3
Van Ricthen’s Guide to the Walking Dead
Dungeon Masters Guide
Sacred Lands
Creature Collection
Creature Collection 2: Dark Mengaire
Relics and Rituals
Relics and Rituals 2: Lost Lore
The Divine and the Defeated
Necromancer Games
Tome of Horrors
Rappan Athuk, the Dungeon of Graves (Part 1 - 3)
Fast Forward Entertainment
Rings of Power
Swords of Power
Encyclopedia of Demons and Devils, Volume 1
Sovereign Stone
Bestiary of Loreum
Campaign Setting
Malhovac Press
Goodman Games
Monsters of the Endless Dark
Bastion Press
Arms and Armor
Spells and Magic
Alchemy and Herbalists
Mystic Eye Games
Nightmares and Dreams
Nightmares and Dreams 2
Blight Magic
Mystic Warriors
Atlas Games
Fantasy Bestiary
Occult Lore
Touched by the Gods
Paradigm Concepts
Codex Arcanis
Viking Games
Privateer Press
Iron Kingdoms
Monsternomicron Volume 1p
Promise #2
Crunchy of MGP 4001 Quintessential Fighter
Prestige Classes
Berserker; Berserk Rage
Barbarian rage 1/day
Berserker; Savage Fear
Created attacked by character, under affect of Fear Spell, Dc 10 + class level
Berserker; Berserk Attack
Get extra attack at full bonus, all other attacks at -5 (i.e. 14, 9,4 turns into 14, 4, -1, -4)
Berserker; Shrug off Blow
Ignore damage from attack 1/day
Berserker; Mindblock
Add class level to save vs. [Mind affecting] spells/psionics
Brawler; Surprise Strike
+1d6 to sneak attack damage, gains sneak attack ability of a rogue (+2d6 at 5th level)
Brawler; Combat Awareness
Can not be flanked by unarmed opponents
Brawler; Powerful Bunch
Unarmed attacks do 1d6 points of damage
Brawler; Surprise Guard
Sneak attacks on Brawler do normal damage - (brawler’s class level x2). I.e. 5th level Brawler, -10
Brawler; Bar-Room Fury
Barbarian Rage 1/day
Knight of the Griffon; Resolute
+class level morale bonus to checks vs. fear
Knight of the Griffon; Controlled Charge
When charging, no -2 penalty to armor class
Knight of the Griffon; Heroic Stand
Fight below 0 hit points, until -10 hit points or end of combat. Which point, fall over.
Knight of the Griffon; Countercharge
When not flat-footed, can charge someone charging him. Affects of controlled charge work with this.
Knight of the Griffon; Fearless
Immune to fear, regardless of source. Any ally in 10 feet is also immune to fear
Legend; Favor of the Gods
1/day re-roll any dice roll and choose result, accept on a roll of 1 (2/day at 3rd level)
Legend; Pain Driven
1/day, when hit, gains +2 circumstance bonus to strength for 1 hour
Legend; Inspiring
When leading a military unit, unit gains +2 competence bonus to attack and damage. Unit counts as twice it’s size for purposes of outnumbering (OMCS rules, p 98, MGP4001)
Legend; Killing Machine
May move 5 feet when using Great Cleave, max movement of his total movement rate for that round (i.e. if movement of 120 feet, can move a total of 24 times with Great Cleave)
Legend; To the Bitter End
Continue fighting to -10 hit points. Make Fort Save of DC 10 + hit points below zero. If pass, keeps going (i.e. -20 hit points, save is DC 20). Failure the legend falls over dead. Can not be healed below -10 hit points.
Living Blade; Weaponmastery
Chose a Slashing Weapon. +1 competence to attack and damage with that weapon
Living Blade; Superior Specialization
+2 to damage made with weapon chosen with Weapon Mastery
Living Blade; Deadly Opponent
Negates opponents lowest level attack at cost of his own, 1/round, declare use
Living Blade; Web of Death
All opponents to the living blade suffer -1 circumstance penalty to armor class when attacking him
Living Blade; Furious Strike
Make additional attack with lowest attack value (i.e. +7, +2 becomes +7, +2, +2) when making a full attack
Master Bowman; Master Shot
Take only one shot in round, add master bowman level to attack and damage rolls of that shot
Master Bowman; Shoot the Opening
Threatens area within 20 feet, may make attacks of opportunity with bow against any within 20 feet
Master Bowman; Master Aim
If doesn’t move while attacking, adds +1d6 to all damage rolls with his bow
Master Bowman; All Seeing Eyes
No longer flat-footed vs. ranged attacks
Master Bowman; All Seeing Aim
Targets without total cover/concealment vs. the master bowman get a max of 25% cover
Noble Defender; Noble Command (+1 .. +3)
Add this bonus to characters leadership score (optional ability, granted by Leadership feat)
Noble Defender; Noble Renown
+4 bonus to all charisma checks in relation to the land and people he rules over
Noble Defender; Castle
Gets 100,000 GP towards improving or building a castle or castles
Officer of War; Command
Add class level to leadership score
Officer of War; Rallying Cry
60’ range, 1/day per class level, all allies in area of effect get will save DC 15 to recover from any lingering cowering, frightened, panicked or shaken effects (60’ range, class level/day, Allies Will Save DC 15 to shake off Fear)
Officer of War; Marching Cadence
Soldiers under command march 25% further per day
Officer of War; Calming Presence
All allies within 60 feet get +2 morale bonus to Will saves
Officer of War; Inciting Speech
Make 1 minute speech before level, then make leadership check vs. DC 20. If pass, all allies that heard the speech, gain +1 morale to all saves, attack and damage for next hour
Peasant Hero; Peasant Weapon
Choose weapon from list, +1 competence bonus to attacks
Peasant Hero; Inspire Commoners
Make speeches for hour in village square, Charisma Check DC 15, summon 4d10 1st level commoners
Peasant Hero; Harmless Bluff
Make Bluff vs. Sense Motive check, enemy is flatfooted 1st round of combat vs. you
Peasant Hero; Improvise Weapon
Treated as having weapon proficiency and weapon focus with improvised weapons (no calc)
Peasant Hero; Unconventional Skill
Choose one of his selected peasant weapons, gains +2 circumstance bonus to attack and damage rolls
Swashbuckler; Leaping Dodge
when not wearing armor, add Swashbuckler class level to armor class. Can not use flatfooted
Swashbuckler; Acrobatics
+4 competence bonus Balance, Climb, Jump, Tumble skill checks
Swashbuckler; Evasion (EX)
Reflex Save allowed for half damage, Successful, no damage
Swashbuckler; Uncanny Dodge
Does not lose dexterity bonus when flat-footed
Swashbuckler; Freedom of Movement
Reroll saving throws against effects that limit mobility (i.e. web spells, slow spells, etc)
Armor Penetration
+1 to your attack roll if opponent is wearing armor. No affect vs. Shields and natural armor
Armor Specialization
+1 competence bonus to armor class while wearing that type of armor (category or subtype?)
Combat Caster Defense (F)
Anyone you hit must take -4 on there concentration check roll (why not +4 to DC of the check)
Combat Rotation (F)
If you are not threatened by an enemy, you can switch places with an ally within 5 feet of you who is in melee combat
Defensive Fighter (F)
Fight defensively, +2 dodge to armor class, -2 to attacks (instead of +2 to ac and -4 to attacks)
Distract (F)
Make charisma check, DC 10 + opponents level/hit dice. Next round of combat, opponent can only make partial actions
Donning Armor (F)
Time to don armor is cut in half for you
Expert Grappler (F)
Add dex mod to grapple check in addition to your str mod
Expert Marksman (F)
You can make called shots (P27, MGP 4001) with any ranged weapon you have Weapon Focus feat
Fearsome Display (F)
Select target, 30’ range, Intimidate Check DC 10 + opponents level. Succeed and opponent has -1 morale to attack and damage for combat
Improved Armor Use (F)
Specific type (i.e. Chain Shirt), check penalties are 1 point lower (-1 instead of -2). Does not stack, multiple times
Improved Dodge
+1 dodge bonus to armor class, does not stack with dodge feat, lose when lose dexterity modifier
Improved Weapon Focus (F)
Negates Weapon Focus with that weapon, +2 on attacks with weapon
Increased Reload
Decrease reload time of black powder weapons by 1 action
Incredible Endurance
as Endurance, but +4 to check. Stacks with Endurance feat
Lightning Initiative
+4 to initiative, stacks with other feats (not negated by Superior Initiative, therefore +12 on Initiative)
Off-Hand Weapon Expert
add full damage to weapon in your off hand, not half damage
Power Charge (F)
When charge, add +4 bonus to attack, -2 to AC, not +2 to attack, -2 to ac
Reckless Fighter (F)
Take up to 5 points off armor class, add it to damage that round
Rest in Armor (F)
Up to character level days in a row, can sleep in your armor without problems the next day.
Side by Side (F)
When an ally is next to you, you automatically grant them the benefits of ‘Aid Another’ action, without needed to roll
Sure Aim
With ranged weapon, give up an attack to get +1 bonus to attack roll (i.e. if +16/+11/+6/+1 can get +19)
Team Flanking (F)
You get +4 to attack rolls on opponent you are flanking, instead of +2. Ally’s is unaffected without this feat.
Total Defense (F)
Use this feat, only step 5 feet, but gain +6 dodge to your armor class (normal, you can full move, but +4 to ac)
Twin Shot
Use two crossbows or pistols at the same time, get extra attack at -2 penalty (same as Two Weapon Fighting)
Two-Handed Power Strike (F)
Add Twice your strength to two handed weapon damage instead of 1.5 times. Do not gain Initiative bonuses from feats while using this feat.
Fighting Styles
Rain of Blades; Shield of Blades
When using a Rapier and Dagger, gains +2 deflection bonus to armor class. Can not attack with dagger while using this, can not use shield, and can only wear light or no armor
Rain of Blades; Feint and Lunge
When using a Rapier and Dagger, gets to re-roll first attack roll in a round and take the better result. Does not work against someone with this ability, can not use shield, and can only wear light or no armor
Rain of Blades; Flying Whirlwind
Can use both Rapier and Dagger (two weapons) when performing a Whirlwind Attack. Normally only get one attack per opponent, can not use shield, and can only wear light or no armor
Rain of Blades; Master of Blades
Can use Rain of Blade powers while wearing medium armor (still no shield), Also gets to use both rapier and dagger when making attacks of opportunity. Dagger does not count against total in round
Style of Cordun; Shield Bash
When attacking, can make extra attack with his shield without any of the normal penalties (two weapon fighting). Only with small and large shields, not tower or bucklers. Lose your shield bonus to armor while performing this ability.
Style of Cordun; Shield Mastery
+1 bonus to armor class, one opponent per round. No armor check penalty from shields
Style of Cordun; Armor Mastery
1/hour, may move and unencumbered speed for one minute while wearing heavy or medium armor. Can not carry medium or heavy load while doing this
Style of Cordun; Guardian Way
1/round, can ignore/does not generate attack of opportunity of his choosing. Choose perform action that causes it
Style of Cordun; Defending Wall
Give attack given up that round, +2 to armor class (i.e. give up 3, get +6 to armor class)
StoneHolm; Confined Fighting
When in confined area (10 foot wide space) +2 dodge bonus to armor class
StoneHolm; Axehand Chop
+1 bonus to damage vs. opponents shields. However, on a roll of one to attack, ruins his own weapon
StoneHolm; War Chant
Sing, +1 morale bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, to himself and other students of style in hearing range. Can use the song to communicate attack and defensive orders. Can only be understood by Stoneholm students (regardless of level) or by magic
StoneHolm; Gotter's Slash
Give up attack, get +3 to damage. Cumulative (i.e. give up 3 attacks, +9 to damage on other attack that round)
StoneHolm; Power Blow
Ignore half, rounded down, of enemies damage reduction (i.e. treats 10/+5 and 5/+5, or 15/+1 as 7/+1)
Blackfeather; Duck and Shoot
When firing from cover, treated as one level better (i.e. Half to 3/4's, 3/4's to 9/10ths) can not go beyond 9/10ths
Blackfeather; Footspike
Give up all other attacks that round and hit target, Fort DC 20. Failure, victim moves at half speed until healed. If immune to critical hits, target unaffected
Blackfeather; Overdraw
Take -2 to attack, +2 to damage
Blackfeather; Trick Shot
1/round, all penalties for range, size, movement are halved
Blackfeather; Armor Piercing
Instead of ranged attacks, make ranged touched attacks against target (ignoring armor)
Orask; Battle Prep
1/day, take hour and 100 square feet. For 6 hours, +1 moral to Will (and reflex?) saves and Damage. Must rest 8 hours before re-use
Orask; Blood Bond
+1 to morale to all attack rolls when using bonded weapon
Orask; Stand till the End
When at negative hit points, Fort DC 20 to remain conscious, stable and able to fight. Make it every round to stay awake. Auto fail at -10
Orask; Wounding Retribution
Whenever anyone hits them, gets attack of opportunity against them, counts against limit per round
Orask; Blood Wind
Whirlwind attack gets 10' range instead of 5
Fergin’s Pair; Final Insult
Anyone taken below 0 hit points by the style user will lose 2 hit points per round instead of 1
Fergin’s Pair; Greater Whole
When fighting someone with damage reduction, total all damage inflicted in a round to see if damage reduction bypassed.
I.e. 4 attacks, all hit, each does 9 points of damage (36 points). DR of target is 30/+3 Target takes 6 points of damage
Fergin’s Pair; Bloody Ground
May perform coup’de’grace as a move action instead of an attack. Can not do this to creatures immune to critical hits
Fergin’s Pair; Single Strike
Threat range and Damage multiple of daggers/short swords used increased by one. I.e. 17-20/x3 becomes 16-20/x4
Fergin’s Pair; Degrading Strike
Sneak attack damage gained/raised by +2d6
Ralix; Haft Strike
When using polearm, make strike with shaft at -2 penalty, but do 1d6 damage, critical on 20, x2 to damage on critical
Ralix; Drive Back
When not using Haft Strike, can instead make opposed strength checks. If Ralix uses wins, opponent can’t get closer in that round
Ralix; Leverage Trip
+2 on strength check when tripping with a polearm. Can not be used on adjacent opponents
Ralix; Setting Fast
Only move action to set for a charge with polearm, +1 to attacks, +1 to threat range while set (18 - 20 becomes 17 - 20, 20 becomes 19-20, etc)
Ralix; Longarm Attack
Threat area with polearm is 10 feet, not just 5
Desert Scorpion; Sandfoot
No initiative penalty in combat associated with poor footing/unstable ground
Desert Scorpion; Speed Sting
Start of combat, if choose to, +2 to init check, but only 1 attack that round
Desert Scorpion; Sandstorm
Move action, ranged touch, can get loose soil (sand, dirt, gravel) into opponents race, range of 5 feet. Opponent suffer -1 to attacks and armor for 1 round
Desert Scorpion; Bleeding Slash
Everytime you hit will cause opponent to bleed for 1 point per round (max dur 10 - opponents con mod) until heal check dc 15 or cure spell is applied. Multiple wounds stack (i.e. 6 wounds like this, bleed for 6 per round, drops as they close)
Desert Scorpion; Blood Rage
1/day, drink blood, 10 minutes after, Blood Rage: +2 to attacks, +4 will saves
Horsepike; Guide without Hands
May always take 10 on ride check, even if not using hands
Horsepike; Mastered Charge
Using spirited charge feat, halbred damage is tripled, not doubled
Horsepike; Forceful Charge
If hit during charge, can make trip attaak, +4 bonus to str/dex. If fail, can’t be tripped, but drop your halbred
Horsepike; Roar of Litany
Enemies, 30’ radius, Will Save DC 20, or -2 moral penalty on attack and damage for 1d6 rounds. Non stack, does not work if opponet has5HD+ or is immune to fear
Horsepike; Lord of the Horseman
As above, Range 60’ radius, DC 30, lasts 2d6 rounds, Roarer gains DR 5/+1
Arrow of Winds; Steady as the Breeze
When firing from a mount, not Init penalty if horse is double move, only -4 if horse is running
Arrow of Winds; Far as the Wind Blows
-2 off attack penalties due to range (i.e. -6 due to range becomes -4)
Arrow of Winds; Height in Shot
When mounted and attacking opponent with cover: +2 circumstance bonus to attack rolls
Arrow of Winds; Weaving Wind
When mounted and running, +2 armor class vs. ranged attacks, +2 bonus to reflex saves
Arrow of Winds; Twin Arrow Strike
Range of 30 feet, -4 to attack rolls, fire two arrows at a target. Roll to hit and damage for each arrow. If two targets within 5 feet, -8 on attack rolls, as above
Bloodsteel; Blocking Half
When using double headed axe, can choose not to attack with one head and use it to defend, +2 to armor class
Bloodsteel; Equal in Blood
When attacking with both axe heads, penalty drops by 1 point (i.e. -3 to -2) for both heads
Bloodsteel; Linked in Slaughter
If hit with one axe head, get a second attack at same value (with penalty for fighting with two weapons). Counts against attacks of opportunity
Bloodsteel; Strength in Death
1/day, drop opponent to negative hit points, Fort DC 20. If successful, gain 10 hit points for 10 rounds, then lose 10. Can drop you below 0 hit points (possibly killing you)
Bloodsteel; Twin Thunder
When using whirlwind attack, can attack with both axe heads instead of one (i.e. 10 opponents in 5’ radius, can hit each one twice instead of once)
Eagleshaft; Snap Shot
If have xbox in hand and loaded at beginning of combat,+4 to initiative
Eagleshaft; Speed Loading
May load crossbow as a move equal action, not full round action
Eagleshaft; Disarm
May use disarm on target within 30 feet. Considering using medium weapon, opponent can not disarm in return
Eagleshaft; Upkeep will Skill
‘bond’ with a crossbow using for last month, +2 to attack and damage rolls with this bow
Eagleshaft; Ignore Armor
When firing crossbow, make ranged touch attack instead of normal attack (ignoring armor bonus to ac)
Mostern; Net in Hand
Takes only 1 full round action to refold net, only -2 penalty when using unfolded net
Mostern; Stabbing the Captured
+2 bonus to attack and damage on someone trapped in his net
Mostern; Blocking Blade
If doesn’t attack with net, can use it to block +2 bonus to armor class. Only Masterwork net’s can be used like this, and they break up in 1d6 rounds
Mostern; Holding Fast
-10 penalty to escape Mostern users net, Mostern used can inflict 1d4 points per round on anyone trapped in there net as a free action. Entrapped opponents take 1d6 points per escape attempt
Mostern; Cleaning the net
When you have soneon trapped in your net, you get an attack of opportunity against them, in addition to normal attacks
Oakheart; Defensive Whirl
When using total defense, armor class bonus raises by +2
Oakheart; Stunning Jab
As Stunning Fist, -4 to hit
Oakheart; Foot Sweep
When making trip attack, +4 to str/dex check
Oakheart; Vital Strike
Use this as standard action. Attack with -4 to roll. If successful, victim takes normal damage, and Fort DC 25. If fail Fort check, -4 circumstance on attacks and saves for 10 rounds - victims Con Mod
Oakheart; Blur of Oak
Gain free attack whenever making a full attack action
Quisane; Distracting Snap
Any round do not attack with whip, use it to distract opponent. Will Save DC 20 or suffer -2 circumstance to armor class for rest of round. Does not affect those Immune to critical hits
Quisane; Disarm in Twos
Make an disarm attack with whip that hits, get one with longsword. If both hit, +4 circumstance bonus to disarm with first shot (longsword shot is made before rolling disarm)
Quisane; Strike and Trip
When making a trip attack with whip, gets second attack with longsword, if both hit, =+4 circumstance bonus to str/dex check
Quisane; Strike and Strike
As a standard action, may attempt to entangle opponent (ranged touch attack with whip). If successful, gain +2 circumstance to attack and damage with sword vs. entangled victim. Escape by opposed str/dex check, if win, free. Does not work vs. creatures greater then large size
Quisane; Reach of the Wind
Whip does normal damage, threat range 15. Attacks of Opportunity with whip range remains 5 feet