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Another Mozilla Question

Posted: 2003-12-01 03:07am
by Rye
How do i change the temporary directory that it downloads to? The trouble i'm having is that i'm downloading a large file, and it saves it to c, which is just a windows drive on mine, so then large files can't download because it becomes full.

So, how do i change it?

Posted: 2003-12-01 05:19am
by Faram
Tools / Options / Downloads

Posted: 2003-12-01 05:58am
by Rye
Faram wrote:Tools / Options / Downloads
There's no options in tools, just a link to the download manager. There's a preferences in edit, but that downloads section has nothing on where it saves it temporarily.

Should i change versions or something?

Posted: 2003-12-01 06:05am
by Faram
Rye wrote:There's no options in tools, just a link to the download manager. There's a preferences in edit, but that downloads section has nothing on where it saves it temporarily.

Should i change versions or something?
Forgot I use firebird.

Make the switch to firebird if you don't use the mail component in Mozilla.

Posted: 2003-12-01 07:10am
by Rye
Faram wrote:Tools / Options / Downloads
Yeah, i got firebird, but it's still saving it to the temp on c and eating up all the space, still can't seem to make it save it to a temp on my d drive...

Posted: 2003-12-01 01:46pm
by Slartibartfast
Preferences>Advanced>Cache, perhaps?
Just guessing, not even sure it uses the cache as a temp download directory.

Posted: 2003-12-02 01:40am
by Vertigo1
Slartibartfast wrote:Preferences>Advanced>Cache, perhaps?
Just guessing, not even sure it uses the cache as a temp download directory.
To my knowlege, it doesn't. At any rate, try clearing out your cache before you download and make sure you're saving to a dir not on your C drive if you have another hard drive or partition to save to.

Posted: 2003-12-02 03:14am
by Crayz9000
Vertigo1 wrote:To my knowlege, it doesn't. At any rate, try clearing out your cache before you download and make sure you're saving to a dir not on your C drive if you have another hard drive or partition to save to.
It actually does save that sort of stuff to the cache. However, it hashes the filenames (to prevent embarassing "accidental" browsing such as in the IE cache) so you have to look for something with the right filesize, and then figure out what its filename was at first.

Re: Another Mozilla Question

Posted: 2003-12-04 10:07am
by Hendrake
Rye wrote:How do i change the temporary directory that it downloads to? The trouble i'm having is that i'm downloading a large file, and it saves it to c, which is just a windows drive on mine, so then large files can't download because it becomes full.

So, how do i change it?
I think it is Edit/Preferences/Cache as I think the Mozilla cache is also used to temp store dowloding files.

Posted: 2003-12-04 11:11am
by Faram
Tools / Options / Downloads


Clic the save all files to:

Other and choose the other drive.