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Linux Security Breach

Posted: 2003-12-02 04:42pm
by The Kernel
After all the Windows security snafus, we finally have a story about a Linux vulnerability! Take that self-righteous Linux users! :D

Yahoo News:
A serious vulnerability in the Linux (news - web sites) 2.4 kernel has been discovered. The flaw allows users on a Linux machine to gain unlimited access privileges, according to a security advisory posted by developers of the noncommercial Debian Linux distribution.

The bug affects versions of the Linux kernel prior to 2.4.23, and was the method used during a recent attack on Debian's servers, according to the advisory. In that attack four Linux servers that hosted Debian's bug tracking system, mailing lists, and various Web pages were compromised.

The vulnerability can only be exploited by someone who has already been given a user account on the Linux machine, and does not affect users of every Linux system, said Linux creator Linus Torvalds (news - web sites) in an e-mail interview.

"It's a local-only compromise that you can't trigger from the outside," he said. "To most people, it would thus become serious only after you had some account hacked into--the bug then allows elevation of privileges."
Patching the Problem

The bug does not only affect Debian users, however. Any Linux user running a version of the kernel prior to 2.4.23 should contact their distribution provider to see whether a patch for the exploit has been made available, Torvalds said.

The problem was discovered by Linux kernel developer Andrew Morton in September, and was fixed in the 2.4.23 version of the kernel. Linux distributors had been working to coordinate a release of a fix for the problem, said Dave Wreski, chief executive officer with Guardian Digital, the vendor of a secure Linux distribution.

"What all the hoopla is about is that Debian somehow let this patch that's been available for a month or two slip and got bitten by it," said Wreski.

As of Monday, patches that corrected the kernel bug had been issued for a number of Linux distributions, including Red Hat, Debian, and Mandrake Linux.

Posted: 2003-12-02 06:29pm
by Pu-239
Bah. The biggest breach this year was 4 servers of 1 distribution for linux vs thousands of PCs. for Winboxen.

I have only been mildly affected (being a debian user), since is down (mildly annoying, have to google for files), and packages haven't been updated.

I run 2.6-test5 (haven't gotten time to DL, patch and compile new kernel + all drivers), so I don't really know if I'm affected though. Maybe they replaced the affected code somewhere during 2.5?

And it's a local exploit, so someone would have to break into an account first before using it.
[edit]2.6.0-test5 is vulnerable - fixed in 2.6.0-test6. Oh well, it's still only a local exploit though. I'll fix it next weekend.

Posted: 2003-12-02 07:48pm
by The Kernel
I know it isn't as big as it sounds, but it is still fun to point out given Linux users (justified) bashing of Windows security.